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The Khazadur are a peaceful race of smallfolk hailing from the Khazadeir Mountains. The Khazadur have no nation of their own but have been separated and joined other nations surrounding the Khazadur Mountains. Despite being a relatively small and peaceful race the Khazadur are enormous assets to the nations of which they have joined. The reason behind this is that the Khazadur are master craftsmen excelling in metallurgy and stoneworking. In addition to their excellent craftsmanship, the Khazadur are also expert enchanters, a method they have used to stay peaceful for most of their known history.
ability score increase: +1 Con +2 Wis
age: ~200 years
alignment: Usually Lawful and Neutral
Size: Medium
speed: 20 ft
Languages: Common, Khazadur
race features:

Enhanced Sight

Because of the large amount of time the Khazadur spend in their underground cities, they have become more adept than your average race at seeing in the dark. Treat dim light as normal for 30 feet, and treat dark light as dim for 30 feet.  

Master Enchanters

The Khazadur are a very peaceful race, and because of this, they have come to be experts in the magical school of enchanting. Gain one additional spell of the enchantment school from an applicable level.  

Master Craftsmen

The Khazadur dwarves are expert craftsmen, especially in the fields of stoneworking and metallurgy. Gain proficiency in either stoneworking or metallurgy.

Created by


Statblock Type

