Tellus' Standard Reference
Aoquaquatl CR: 6
Huge beast, chaotic/evil
Armor Class: 17 (Natural)
Hit Points: 135
0 ft
, fly: 50 ft
, swim: 50 ft
Saving Throws: Str, Con
Skills: Perception: +3
Damage Resistances: psychic, poison
Condition Immunities: Asleep
Senses: Blood Sense: The Aoquaquatl can sense one part blood in a million parts water. It can also sniff out fresh blood within two hundred yards of itself while above water. The Aoquaquatl is amphibious, in that it can breath oxygen in both air and water, but it cannot live out of the water for more than fifteen minutes at a time without starting to drown.
Darkvision: 60', Blindsight: 60', Passive Perception: 13.
Languages: None
Challenge Rating: 6
Blood Frenzy: the Aoquaquatl has advantage on attack rolls against any creature that has already taken damage.
Bite: Melee weapon attack, +9. 5' range, one target, 3d10+6 points of piercing damage.
A legend, really, unless of course one is speaking with the
Tabaxi of
Mount Toppick, who know of them full well from the sacred texts inscribed upon the inner walls of their sacred mountain den.
Suggested Environments
Near water.