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Razorfang, Loop Dragon CR: 17

Gargantuan dragon,
Armor Class: 23 (Natural armor)
Hit Points: 310hp (20d20+100)
Speed: 50 ft , fly: 100 ft


32 +11


17 +3


21 +5


26 +8


29 +9


24 +7

Saving Throws: Str +17, Dex +9, Con +11, Int +14, Wis +15, Cha +13
Skills: Arcana +14, Perception +15
Damage Resistances: Acid, cold, fire, lightning, radiant, and necrotic; Damage threshold 20
Damage Immunities: Force
Condition Immunities: Charm, fear, grappled, paralyzed, stunned, prone
Senses: Darkvision 300ft, Blindsight 60ft, Truesight 30ft, Passive Perception 25
Languages: All
Challenge Rating: 17 ( 18,000 XP)
Proficiency Bonus: +6

Int: DC 22, spell attack +14

At will: Counter spell

  • Time Stop (4rds, +4 charges)
  • Heal (70hp)

  • Hold Person(3 targets)
  • Hold Monster
  • Haste

  • Mirror image
  • Magic Missile(6 missiles)
  • Banishing Smite

  • Full Reversal(1/day, at 0hp): Razorfang consumes a number of charges and reverses time on himself to varying degrees: Heal 50hp per charge, recharge 1 spell use for every 2 charges, recharge breath weapon with at least 3 charges, recharge Cataclysm with at least 5 charges, and immediately take one action with at least 7 charges
  • Reflected Magic Resistance: Advantage on saves vs spells, and successful saves vs targeted spells are reflected back on the caster(They make the save against their own dc)
  • Persistent: He was there, and he remembers


Multiattack: 2 claw 1 bite, or 3 lazer breath

  • Claw: +17 to hit, 10ft reach, 29 (4d8+11) slashing
  • Bite: +17 to hit, 10ft reach, 23(4d6+11) and 11(2d10) Force
  • Lazer breath: +17 to hit, 300ft range, 31(4d10+11) Force
  • Breath weapon(5-6): 300ft cone, 73(12d12) Force and slowed 1rd, DC 19 Dex save for half damage and no other effect
  • Cataclysm(1 time): 100ft radius from self, DC 19 Con save. On a failed save, take damage equal to half your max hp(rounded down), and Razorfang's energy charges. On a successful save, lose half your remaining hp(rounded down) and nothing else.

Bonus Actions

Cast Mirror image(3/day), Magic Missile(3/day w/ 6 missiles each), or Banishing Smite(3/day, +5d10 Force & >50hp banished)

Legendary Actions

Legendary actions: 1/player

  • Bend Reality: Teleport target visible creature 100ft. DC 19 Int save to resist
  • Charge Power(3): +1 charge
  • Wing Blast(2): 50ft radius, 2d10 bludgeoning, pushed 20ft, and prone. DC 23 Str save for half damage and no other effect.

Lair Actions

At initiative count 20, Razorfang charges his power. Once his power is fully charged(10), he will enact the time loop.

An enormous dragon, covered in whethered scales, pale and yellowed with age. His eyes reflect untold possibilities.

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