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Your body is adapted to limbo's influence, twisting the conflux of chaos into a well-refined tool.
hit dice: 1d8
hit points at 1st level: 8 + Your constitution modifier.
hit points at higher levels: 1d8 (4) + Your constitution modifier.
armor proficiencies: Light armour
weapon proficiencies: Simple and Martial weapons.
saving throws: Strength, Wisdom
skills: Arcana, Perception
starting equipment:
5 Days Rations and 15 gold pieces to be spent on equipment.
class features:
Limbo's edge :   You gain the ability to refine the swirling chaos within yourself into a weapon bonded to your very soul. This weapon can be any of your choosing, and you are proficient with it.
subclass options:

Created by


Statblock Type

Class Features
