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The Clockwork Staff



The clockwork staff has two sides to it.

  1. When placing a gear into this side, the staff turns into a six-cylinder gun, giving it 1d12 damage, must be two-handed, and can only fire 6 shots before the gear pops out and reverts back into a staff.
  2. When placing a gear into the opposite side, the staff turns into a shield, giving you 16AC.

The Clockworks Staff is an ornate golden staff, engraved with strange etchings that could almost be recognized as some language. At the top are two pins on either side. No one knows the purpose of the staff, or the meanings of the engravings lost to time, it is simply used as a sign of power.

Type Damage Damage Range
Simple Melee 1d6 / 1d8 Bludgeoning

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Statblock Type

