race features:
See in dim light within 60 feet as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim. Cannot discern color, only grayscale.
Fey Ancestry
Advantage on saving throws against being charmed.
Immune to magical sleep effects.
Proficiency in Investigation and Perception.
Stella’s Blessing
You know the light cantrip (Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for it).
Physical Features
Height: Taller than elves, standing between 6 and 7 feet tall.
Skin Tones: Shades of greenish-gray, ranging from light stone to mossy green.
Hair: Muted tones like earthy greens, soft blues, and subdued reds.
Physique: Slender yet muscular, reflecting their divine craftsmanship.
Created by Stella: A goddess who modeled them after elves and imbued them with a deep curiosity about the world.
Divinely Crafted: Their appearance and abilities are evidence of their divine origin, making them "techno-elves" with a touch of otherworldly design.
Cultural Traits
Curiosity: Their insatiable desire for knowledge drives their exploration and problem-solving nature.
Problem Solvers: They value efficiency and often offer solutions proactively, a behavior normalized in their society.
Efficiency: Seen as the ultimate virtue in their culture.
Naming Conventions
First Names: Typically 2-3 syllables to suit the flow of Stelkin, their language. Examples: Gothica, Elowen, Goddrick for unisex names.
Last Names: Reflect roles in society or significant accomplishments. Passed down within families but may change to mark major life events. Examples: Artenma, Nervivir, Sciosect, Futirfo.
Personality Traits
Inquisitive: They often seek knowledge for its own sake.
Helpful: Driven to contribute their insights, even unasked.
Adaptive: Willing to change names or roles to reflect growth or achievement.