Efficient Crafter
Proficiency in a tool
Your mastery over your craft allows you to craft at a faster pace, with greater efficiency and at less cost.
- When you gain this feat, choose one tool in which you are proficient.
- Increase one ability score associated with the chosen tool by 1, to a maximum of 20.
- Your daily crafting speed with the chosen tool is increased by 25 or 2.5 gold based on the tool’s crafting speed.
- You are no longer limited by the minimum 1 day crafting time when using your chosen tool. You are only limited by the amount you can craft for each day.
- You know how to make more with less, you require 25% less base materials when crafting with your chosen tool. The materials this apply to are for example metals for blacksmithing and prosthetic crafting, filler ingredients for alchemy, herbalism or poisoning or arcane salts for the enchanter’s loom.