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Techno Arcana Priest

A techno arcana priest was created by the machine cult. Threw travels one may have left the cult to escape the insane practice or they could be sent on a mission by cult higher ups.

hit dice: d8
hit points at 1st level: 8 + Constitution Modifier
hit points at higher levels: 1d8 plus Constitution Modifier per lvl
armor proficiencies: Heavy Armor
weapon proficiencies: Great axe, Simple weapons
tools: Tinkers tools, smiths tools
saving throws: Intelligence, Constitution
skills: Chose 3 from Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature, Religion, Insight, Medicine, Perception or Survival
starting equipment:

Choose between a great axe, chainmail and 100gp of Augments for the augment table or a Chain shirt and 300gp from the augment table.

Augment Information

There are seven locations that augmetics can be placed at your body: Head, Brain, Body, Internal, Legs, Right Arm and Left Arm.

There are three major types of augmetics: Minor, Major, and Radical.
A maximum number of 6 Minor augmetics can be placed at a single location.
A maximum number of 2 Major augmetics can be placed at a single location.

Only 1 singular Radical augmetic can be placed at a site, and it prevents any other augmetics of any type being placed there.

You cannot have more than one of the same augmetic at a site, with the exception of mechadendrites. (E.g, no stacking Calculus Logi Upgrades for a ridiculous gain to Intelligence.) If an augmetic is damaged, the positive effects are nonexistent, leaving you only with the negative effects.

Augmetic Damage
When you are incapacitated by lethal damage, roll a d8 and refer to the Damage Site table below. If a site receives the lethal blow, roll another dice to determine what augmetic has been damaged and requires repair. To determine the dice, count the number of augmetics installed at the site and use the most viable dice.

d8Damage Site
5Right Arm
6Left Arm
8Blessed by the Machine God, your armor and matter has protected your augmetics from damage.

Repairing Damaged Augmetics

Differing from the repairs required for the critical damage caused by the event that brought you here, you have the ability to repair the damage caused by your more recent adventures. By spending enough time and tech-points, you can use your knowledge from when you originally repaired the installation using material from this new world.

  • Repairing a Minor augmetic requires 5 tech-points, 1 hour of labor and 50 gp in materials to repair.
  • Repairing a Major augmetic requires 10 tech-points, 3 hours of labor and 100 gp in materials to repair.
  • Repairing a Radical augmetic requires 15 tech-points, 5 hours of labor and 150 gp in materials to repair.

Table: Augmetics

AugmeticCostWeightAugmetic Type:DescriptionPositive EffectsNegative Effects
Hemispheric Replacement200 gpN/AMajor (Brain)Also known as the "Rite of Pure Thought," the emotional and creative right side of your brain has been replaced with a computer directly connected to the logical, left side of your brain, freeing you of any irrationality or illogic thought… and most of what makes you human.You are immune to the frightened condition, and gain an advantage on all Intelligence-related checks.You gain disadvantage on all Charisma-related checks.
Pain Ward140 gpN/AMajor (Brain)This implant redirects incapacitating levels of pain to other regions of the brain, causing the sufferer to experience it as colors, hallucinations and/or tastes.After being hit, you can take the option to gain resistance to the following damage.If you do choose to resist, gain disadvantage on attack rolls for 5 rounds as your senses adjust to the shock.
Mind Impulse Unit160 gpN/AMajor (Brain)This implant allows you to plug directly into a machine to control it.You can add your proficiency bonus to actions made whilst controlling an electronic machine.None.
Modum Executant300 gpN/AMajor (Brain)This invasive neural implant allows you to have direct control over your subconscious processes.When called to make a Wisdom or Charisma Saving throw, you can instead chose to make an Intelligence saving throw.None.
Empathic Amplifier60 gpN/AMinor (Brain)The right side of your brain has been augmented with a device that amplifies your emotional receptivity.You have an advantage on Insight and Charisma checks.You take a -1 penalty to your Intelligence score.
Locator Matrix60 gpN/AMinor (Brain)A small computer implanted in the base of your skull feeds you navigational information.You are always aware of the direction of north, your present location, relative velocity, time of day and altitude. You also know the location of any place that your servo skull or servitor has data of.None
Memorance Implant60 gpN/AMinor (Brain)An implant that records and plays back data from your senses.You can recall and play back anything you've experienced in the past month perfectly.None.
Cerebral Implant140 gpN/AMinor (Brain)This implant enhances the potential capability of the brain.+1 to Intelligence. Increases maximum natural score cap for Intelligence to 22.None.
Calculus Logi Upgrade120 gpN/AMinor (Brain)A small computer is implanted into your brain that aids in data processing.+1 to Intelligence. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.None
Cranial Armor80 gpN/AMajor (Head)Most of your skull has been replaced with layers of plasteel and gel padding to better prevent brain injuries.You are immune to the stunned condition or being knocked unconscious if it is caused by physical trauma to your head.None.
Baleful Eye140 gpN/AMajor (Head)Your eye has been outfitted with a miniature laser weapon.Hidden weapon. Does 1d8 + Intelligrnce modifier fire damage with a range of 25/50 ft. You are proficient with this weapon. Costs 1 Tech Point to use.Immediately after firing this weapon you have disadvantage on attacks, vision-based Perception, or Investigation rolls made for one round.
Cybernetic Senses120 gpN/AMajor (Head)Your basic audio and visual sensory organs have been replaced with superior cybernetic versions.You are immune to being blinded or deafened and gain advantage on perception checks involving sight or sound. You also gain darkvision for 50 feet and blindsight for 25 feet.If damaged, you gain disadvantage on perception checks involving sight or sound.
Vox-Box10 gpN/AMinor (Head)This implant replaces your normal speech organs with a voice synthesier and short-range radio communications device.Although you already knew binary, you can now speak directly to digital machines with it. You also gain advantage on intimidation checks due to scary robot voice, and can speak through Vox, or radio waves.If damaged, your speech is garbled and cannot be understood. You still have advantage on intimidation checks.
Augar Array100 gpN/AMajor (Head)These implanted devices offer sensory systems that go beyond normal human senses, such as infrared, electromagnetic and ultrasonic sensory suites.You can see heat, electromagnetic waves (you can talk with your DM to decide if this would give a sort of Detect Magic effect), and Non-magical solid surfaces capable of reflecting sound up to 60 feet from you. You gain advantage on Wisdom checks involving sight.None.
Hermetic Infusion120 gpN/AMajor (Internal)Your blood and blood-processing organs have been replaced with a far more efficient biomechanical serum, black in color. Your skin has grayed and your tissues appear to have withered, but your organics could not be in better health.You are immune to disease. Additionally, you can expend hit dice to heal yourself for half value (rounding down) at will as a bonus action.You cannot use human blood or receive transfusions. Medicine checks to stabilize you are made with disadvantage and healing potions cannot heal you unless they are made specifically for you.
Vitae Supplement120 gpN/AMajor (Internal)Your body has been outfitted with an emergency life support system that attempts to provide stabilization to failing organic systems when it senses catastrophic injury.You only need 2 death-saving throws to succeed, and 4 to die. If a person is trying to help you with these throws, they have advantage as a robotic voice emanating from your chest is instructing themIf damaged your hit-point maximum is reduced by 1/4th, rounded down.
Gastral Bionics140 gpN/AMajor (Internal)Your digestive system have been replaced with a mechanized version, allowing you to digest nearly anything so long as there are nutrients to be found.Immunity to ingested poisons. 2 lbs of any organic matter counts as a ration and restores 1d4 Tech Points.Does not protect against harmful spikes, spines or splinters. If damaged, you must consume twice as much substance for the same effect.
Bionic Respiratory System100 gpN/AMajor (Internal)Your lungs have been enhanced with a superior cybernetic system that increases the efficiency in which air is processed.Immune to airborne toxins. Can hold breath for 2 times as long.If damaged, your hit-point maximum is reduced by half, rounded down.
Temperature Modulation System100 gpN/AMinor (Internal)A system of pipes and tubes has been installed all throughout your body to regulate the temperature of your organic and mechanical components.Resistance to cold environments and hot temperatures and you do not need water to survive, as your own sweat is recycled.None.
Backup Power Cell120 gp5 lbMinor (Internal)This implanted power cell uses body heat and movement to recharge, offering a source of power in a time of emergency.Grants 10 additional Tech Points as a bonus action. Once per Long Rest.None
Autosanguine100 gpN/AMinor (Internal)Your body has been fitted with ancient technology that flows through your blood, assisting healing and soothing the inflammation caused by your other implants.Your amount of hit dice are doubled.None
Subskin Armor100 gp5 lbMajor (Body)Beneath your skin in certain key areas metal plates have been placed, offering you additional protection.You gain a +1 bonus to AC. This effect does not stack.None
Bionic Exoplating150 gp50 lbMajor (Body)Your skin has been replaced with a layer of cold, unfeeling metal.Your base AC is 10 + your Con modifier + your Dex modifier.You take a -2 penalty to Dexterity and can no longer feel touch. Incompatible with Subskin Armor.
Fireproof Resin50 gp1 lbMinor (Body)A fire-retardant resin has been applied to your body's outermost layer.You gain immunity to burning, and you are resistant to fire damage.You're now vulnerable to cold damage.
Electro-Siphon180 gp10 lbMajor (Body)Several conductive coils have been placed at key points on your body capable of absorbing and utilizing electric shocks.You are immune to lightning damage that deals less than half of your remaining HP, converting it into 1d4 Tech Points.If damaged, you are now vulnerable to lightning damage as the coils provide highways for the damage.
Backbone Bracing120 gp5 lbMajor (Body)Some or all of your bones have been wrapped with a lattice of plasteel to strengthen them and prevent damage, which have been installed alongside a hydraulic spinal support system.You have resistance to bludgeoning damage, your carry weight is doubled, and you gain advantage on athletics checks involving heavy lifting.Your movement speed is reduced by 5feet.
Synthmuscle120 gp5 lbMajor (Body)Strands of specially formulated vat-grown muscle have been woven into your existing muscle groups.You gain +1 to your Strength score, and your ability score cap for Strength increases to 22.None.
Weapon Bracing200 gp8 lbMajor (Arm)A complex system of cables, hydraulics and locking systems have been installed up your arm to your shoulder to assist in firing heavy weapons.You can wield one heavy or two-handed weapon in one hand without penalty. You have advantage on ranged weapon attack rolls made using this arm. When calculating ranged weapon damage, you can reroll a 1 or a 2 on the damage die. You must take the final roll.If damaged, attacks you make with weapons held in this hand are made with disadvantage.
Bionic Arm120 gp2 lbMajor (Arm)Your arm has been replaced with a superior mechanized version, giving it increased strength and dexterity.You gain an extra 1d4 to unarmed damage and +1 to Strength and Dexterity scores.If this augmetic is damaged, attacks you make with this arm are made with disadvantage.
Servo-Claw80 gp5 lbMajor (Arm)Your hand and forearm have been replaced with a massive hydraulic claw capable of rending steel.Unarmed damage now does 1d12 + Str bludgeoning damage. You gain advantage on Strength checks involving grabbing or crushing with this arm.Weapon attacks, actions using held items, or conventional interactions with objects made with this arm are made with disadvantage.
Servo-Drill100 gp8 lbMajor (Arm)Your hand and forearm has been replaced with a massive drill capable of shattering bedrock.Unarmed damage now does 1d12 + Str piercing damage.You can no longer use this arm to hold or interact with any objects in a conventional sense.
Gun Mount80 gp5 + weight of gunMajor (Arm)A weapon has been integrated into your lower arm, permanently replacing your hand and forearm. It comes with an automated reloading system.You have a gun of your choice integrated into one of your arms. Pick one from the equipment table for half the cost. This weapon can be reloaded as a bonus action.You can no longer use this arm to hold or interact with any objects in a conventional sense.
Retracting Blade40 gp1 lbMajor (Arm)Mounted inside your forearm is a long blade which can spring out to surprise a foe.Hidden weapon. Bonus action to extend. 1-Handed, Light and Finesse. Deals 1d8 slashing damage. You are proficient in this weapon.None.
Bionic Legs100 gp5 lbMajor (Legs)Your legs have been replaced with superior metal versions, allowing you to run faster and stronger.+5 to movement, advantage on athletics checks involving movement.If damaged reduces movement to 15.
Tread Motoplex160 gp40 lbRadical (Legs)Your legs and lower body have been replaced with a set of motorized tracks.You gain +5 to movement, advantage on strength saving throws to avoid being moved, and you are immune to the prone condition.Cannot climb ropes or ladders. If damaged reduces movement to 5.
Walker Motoplex160 gp20 lbRadical (Legs)Your legs and lower body have been replaced with a set of four to six robotic limbs, offering increased mobility.You gain +5 to movement, you have a climb speed equal to your walking speed and difficult terrain is treated as normal terrain for you.If damaged reduces movement to 10.
Expansion Rig300 gp30 lbMajor (Body)Your body has been outfitted with a series of structural support elements, designed to supplement the addition of augmetics.You gain space for two additional Major (Body) augmetics for the slot that this one takes up, and an additional Major (Internal) augmetic slot.You take -3 to your Dexterity score. If damaged, the augmetics attached to it are also rendered nonfunctional.
Utility Mechadendrite50 gp8 lbMinor (Body)This limb connects to the base of your spine and houses a variety of tools and attachments used to assist a techpriest in his duties.Acts as +1 Smith's Tools, Engineer's Tools, Mechanic's Tools, and Tinker's Tools.As with all mechadendrites, with every two you have, you lose the ability to wear your next highest level of armor without serious modifications.
Plasma Cutter Mechadendrite100 gp8 lbMinor (Body)Plasma cutters are heavy industrial tools that can cut a meter long streak in 20 cm thick adamantine plating in under a minute.As an action, you can use this tool to cut through a material. Alternatively, it can be used as a weapon with a range of 10/20 ft dealing 2d10 fire damage. It can operate for 1 hour of cutting, or fire 50 shots before it must be refueled.As with all mechadendrites, with every two you have, you lose the ability to wear your next highest level of armor without serious modifications.
Optical Mechadendrite80 gp8 lbMinor (Body)This highly flexible mechanical limb comes outfitted with all manner of cameras and sensor suites.Gives you advantage on Investigation checks when inspecting something. You can see through the mechadendrite.As with all mechadendrites, with every two you have, you lose the ability to wear your next highest level of armor without serious modifications.
Medicae Mechadendrite80 gp8 lbMinor (Body)This flexible mechanical limb is designed to provide medical and surgical assistance in the field.Counts as Medical tools. Gives you advantage on Medicine checks.As with all mechadendrites, with every two you have, you lose the ability to wear your next highest level of armor without serious modifications.
Manipulator Mechadendrite50 gp8 lbMinor (Body)The most common form of mechadendrite, this artificial limb is used for lifting and operating heavy pieces of machinery.Gives advantage on Strength checks for lifting objects and for climbing. Deals 1d4 + Str unarmed damage. Gives an extra free action in combat.As with all mechadendrites, with every two you have, you lose the ability to wear your next highest level of armor without serious modifications.
Ballistic Mechadendrite80 gp10 lbMinor (Body)This solid, shoulder-mounted mechadendrite is designed to be fitted with a basic firearm.As a bonus action, you may aim and shoot the firearm attached to this limb. It takes a 1 hour work ritual to replace the firearm. This mount cannot accept firearms with the Two-Handed property.As with all mechadendrites, with every two you have, you lose the ability to wear your next highest level of armor without serious modifications.
Advanced Ballistic Mechandendrite120 gp10 lbMajor (Body)This extremely sturdy, shoulder-mounted mechadendrite is designed to be fitted with a heavy firearm.As a bonus action, you may aim and shoot the firearm attached to this limb. It takes a 2 hour work ritual to replace the firearm.As with all mechadendrites, with every two you have, you lose the ability to wear your next highest level of armor without serious modifications.
Drill Mechadendrite80 gp8 lbMinor (Body)This artificial limb is fitted with a large drill on the end used for mining through tough rock.Deals 1d8 + Str piercing damage.As with all mechadendrites, with every two you have, you lose the ability to wear your next highest level of armor without serious modifications.
Modified Autoimmune System150 gp0 lbMinor (Body)The white blood cells in your body have been altered by the implant, imbuing you with resistance against psychic attacks.You have advantage when rolling to resist charming effects and you are resistant to psychic damage.None.


The Arcane only is understandable while connected to technology.

class features:

Lvl 1 - Tech Points

At 1st level, you gain Tech-Points that can be spent through your Priest’s abilities. Your pool of Tech-Points is 5 + twice your Techno arcana-Priest level. You regain 1d6 + Int modifier Tech-Points per Short Rest. You regain all Tech-Points following a Long Rest

Lvl 1 - Augment Body

The maximum number of augments one may have is 2500gp worth of augments unless otherwise stated.

Health potions must be administered by you. If administered by someone else, they must succeed on a DC 22 Medicine check. If the check is failed, you instead take damage equal to the amount of healing you would have received.

Lvl 1 - Maintenance Ritual

The cost of 1 Tech-Point takes 10 minutes to use unless otherwise stated. Tech-Points can be used to repair and maintain your equipment. You can also create ammo for your weapons as long as you have the gp worth of materials required.
For equipment that is not your own that you are wanting to repair, roll a d10 and refer to the table below.

1The object breaks.
2Nothing happens.
3The object functions for a single time.
4Half of the object's charges, power, or fuel is restored, but it behaves erratically for a period of 48 hours.
5All of the object's charges, power, or fuel is restored, but it behaves erratically for a period of 48 hours.
6Half of the object's charges, power, or fuel is restored, but it behaves erratically for a period of 24 hours.
7All of the object's charges, power, or fuel is restored, but it behaves erratically for a period of 24 hours.
8Half of the object's charges, power, or fuel is restored, and it works fine.
9All of the object's charges, power, or fuel is restored, and it works fine.
10All the object's charges, power, or fuel is restored, and it works better than it used to for a period of 24 hours.

Lvl 2 - Refraction Ward

When you reach 2nd level you gain the ability to temporarily enhance the defenses of yourself or an ally. By spending 1 tech-point per target you bless the flesh of the target adding 1d10 + your intelligence modifier temporary hp. This increases by an extra d10 at 7th, 11th, 15th and 20th.

Lvl 3 - Techno Priest Archetype

Lvl 4 - Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Lvl 5 - Machine God’s Blessing

At 5th level, you gain the ability to temporarily upgrade the damage of a weapon. By spending 1 tech-point you can bless you or one of your allies’ weapons, adding your Intelligence modifier to its damage for a period of one hour. The amount of times you can perform this is 1 + your Intelligence modifier, regained at the end of every Long Rest.

You can also use a bonus action to heal yourself or an ally machine a number of d4+1 equal to the number of tech-points used.

Lvl 9 - Servo-skull Fabrication Ritual

At 9th level, you know the ritual to make Servo-Skulls. It requires the skull from a recently killed creature with an Intelligence of 10 or above. The Servo-Skull acts as a homunculus, and shares the same stat block with it. The skull’s data stores can also store information that you see or hear. You can store the information inside the servo skull during a short or long rest. As an action you can display that information in the form of a projected hologram or audio recording.

Tiny skull- It cannot interact with objects and has a 60 foot flying speed. The ritual takes 10 tech points, 350 gp of materials and 5 hours to complete. This skull gets a plus 10 on stealth checks.

Small skull- It can interact with interfaces and has a 50 foot flying speed. The ritual takes 10 tech points, 400 gp of materials and 5 hours to complete. This skull gets a plus 5 on stealth checks.

Medium skull- It can interact with interfaces and has a 40 foot flying speed. The ritual takes 10 tech points, 500 gp of materials and 5 hours to complete. This skull can have 1 minor skull or brain augmentation

Large Skull-It can interact with interfaces and has a 30 foot flying speed. The ritual takes 10 tech points, 600 gp of materials and 5 hours to complete. This skull can have 2 minor skull or brain augmentations.

Huge skull- It can interact with interfaces and has a 25 foot flying speed. The ritual takes 10 tech points, 750 gp of materials and 5 hours to complete. This skull can have 1 major and 2 minor or 4 minor skull or brain augmentations.

Lvl 13 - Technological Override

At 13th level your connection to technology has grown far surpassing even professional engineers. Costing 5 tech points and passing a dc 15 intelligence check you can override any tech you are in contact with if this technology is a living being they must pass a dc (8+proficiancy+ intelligence) intelligence check. Once you gain control you can effect it in 3 ways.

  1. Comply-You gain control and gain all information that technology knows. You can give basic tasks while not being discovered that you control it. Or more complicated task making a Stealth (intelligence) check to remain undetected. living targets can retry this check at the end of their turn and control breaks if told to injure themself or allys.
  2. Submit- You gain control and gain all information that technology knows. Non-living targets can be reprogrammed to change one of this technology's programs making a Stealth (intelligence) check to remain undetected. Living targets obey all but self-harm commands and can retry this check at the end of its turn adding 2 to it for every fail.
  3. Burn- You gain control, Non-living targets can be reprogrammed to change any of this technology's programs making a Stealth (intelligence) check to remain undetected. You can set this technology to self-destruct at will or on a timer dealing fire damage based on the item. Living targets take 1d10+ int per turn and obey all but self-harm commands dying while controlled this way causes a 10ft radius explosion dealing 3d10 fire damage. They can retry this check adding 3 to this check per fail.

Lvl 17 - Superior Machine God’s Blessing

At 17th level, by expending 10 Tech Points and 1 hour, you can permanently upgrade a weapon’s hit and damage, giving it a bonus equal to your current proficiency bonus.
However, on a crit fail with this weapon, it loses its upgraded properties. Increases healing to 1d8+4 per tech point used.

Lvl 20 - Mastercraft Ritual

At level 20, you can mastercraft a weapon. This gives it the Machine God’s Blessing as well as the Superior Machine God’s Blessing trait permanently. This takes a week of labor, 5,000 gp worth of materials and 20 tech-points.

subclass options:

War Priest

In your spare time as a Techno Arcana-Priest you have studied the art of war, both within your Realm and this one that you have been brought to. You are able to wield the warrior within your Machine Spirit and fight alongside your newfound companions.

Fighting Style

At 3nd level, pick a fighting style.


You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons.


While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.


When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.

Great Weapon Fighting

When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit.

Multi-Weapon Fighting

When you engage in multi-weapon melee fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of any attacks made after the first.


When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. You must be wielding a shield.


As long as you are not wearing heavy armor, medium armor or using a shield, you have a climbing speed equal to your normal speed, you suffer no penalties to your movement in difficult terrain and you gain a +1 bonus to AC while climbing as you move erratically.

Close Quarters Shooter

You are trained in making ranged attacks at close quarters. Making a ranged attack while within 5 feet of a hostile creature does not impose disadvantage on the attack roll. Your ranged attacks ignore half cover against targets within 10 feet of you. Finally, you have a +1 bonus to attack rolls on ranged attacks.

Corridor Fighter

You excel at defending narrow passages, doorways and other tight spaces. As a bonus action you can enter a defensive stance that lasts until the start of your next turn. While in your defensive stance, you can make opportunity attacks without using your reaction and you can use your reaction to make a melee attack against a creature that moves more than 5 feet while within your reach. While you are in your stance, you cannot move, else the effect ends.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 6th level, you can attack twice whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.


At level 10, once per Long Rest, you can go into a powered-up state adding 1d8 to all damage you do. Additionally, you can add Tech-Points directly to your attack and damage rolls. For every tech-point you spend, you take and deal an extra 1d4 damage. This overdrive state ends after 5 turns or 30 seconds. You can extend your Overdrive for one more turn by spending 5 tech points. For every turn you extend your Overdrive by, you take that many d8 damage when it ends.

Intelligent Defense

At level 14, you can add half of your Intelligence modifier to your AC, rounded down.

Bionic Commando

At level 18, when you go to take an attack action, as a bonus action you can perform an attack with a mechadendrtie capable of doing so.


You have become interested in the unknown phenomena of this world, known to the locals as Magic. Through this curiosity, you have decided to delve into the studies of the arcane, both for the sake of your studies and your survival.

Arcane Scanning

At level 3, you gain proficiency in the Arcana skill, and the ability to see if a creature is capable of spellcasting or if they know any spells.


At level 6 you gain the ability of spellcasting. You are classed as a half-caster, and you are able to use spells from the wizard list. Intelligence is your spellcasting modifier.

Magitek Artillery

At level 10, mechadendrites can cast spells using tech points instead of spell slots. The number of points used is 2 x the spell’s level.

Null-Magic Field

At level 14, you are able to project a 10-foot cone of antimagic from a modified mechadendrite. If you are activating the antimagic cone, it requires concentration. If you are knocked out of the concentration state, you need to spend 10 minutes preparing the mechadentrite until you can activate it again. The mechadendrite does not count in modifications.

Runetouched Construct

At level 18, you can carve runes into servitors and servo-skulls to enhance their ability and allow them to become spellcasting conduits. As long as the servitor or skull is within 100 feet of you, you are able to control their body to cast spells from them. You can also carve a first-level spell into their hulls. This carving takes 10 minutes and consumes a spell slot. Activating the spell does not take a spell slot. The carvings stay until they are used, fading after they have been activated.

Thrall Commander

The technology of this realm does not match that of your own you have decided to shoe in a few "upgrades."

Loyal Thralls

Level 3 - Half of your pool of tech points is converted to Thrall control reserves these points can be spent to create constructs of varying ability and complexity. These thralls can only last 48 hours and you may only control 3 at a time. During combat you can spend your action to issue commands following the orders originally dictated upon creation.

Tiny- Cost 1 Thrall point and 20gp of materials tiny thralls can only have 1 simple command (attack, spot, interact etc.) This thrall can be an attached or mobile machine if mobile choose between 25ft walking, 25ft swim or 25ft fly speed.

Small- Cost 3 thrall points and 50gp of materials small thralls can have 1 moderate command (grapple, shoot, hide etc.) or 2 simple commands. This thrall can be an attached or mobile machine if mobile choose between 30ft walking, 30ft swim or 30ft fly speed.

Medium- Cost 5 thrall points and 80gp of materials medium thralls can have 1 complex command (hide and attack, guard this area, do this with this etc.) and 1 simple or 2 medium and 2 simple commands. This thrall can be mobile choose 2 between 30ft walking, 20ft climb, 30ft swim or 30ft fly speed.

Large- Cost 7 thrall points and 150gp of materials medium thralls can have 2 complex command (hide and attack, guard this area, do this with this etc.)1 medium and 1 simple or 4 medium and 4 simple commands. This thrall can be mobile choose 2 between 30ft walking 20ft climb or 30ft swim speed.

New Orders

Level 6 - Thralls are good at many things breaking order not to well so you have to tell them how for 1 thrall point you gain the ability to issue new commands that they don't have directives for or use other items they have equipped as a bonus action. Thrall points spent this way are recovered on a short rest.

Mortal Thralls

Level 10 - A body isn't usually seen as a resource, but you can change that for 7 thrall points you can reanimate a freshly dead body using technology these animated body can be augmented with half the augments you are able to every 2 augments cost 1 extra thrall point. These thralls can handle 1 complex 1 medium and 2 simple commands.

Swarm Beings

Level 14 - Sometimes numbers are more useful you can now group together thralls of the same make allowing them to only take up one thrall slot.

Thrall Master

Level 18 - Thralls are easier to control costing 1 less thrall point for all thralls minus the simplest of thralls and they all gain 1 extra command slot of all available types. New orders also last 6 turns or 30 seconds.

Created by


Statblock Type

Class Features
