Heir to the Blood
According to scholars, werebeasts can have children and hand down their genes, but it is well known that the curse is inherited by the child in many forms. Some of those born to werebeasts can be werebeats themselves or, worse, be born as abominations, if the foetusis survives, as is often not the case.
In some cases the luckyones are born without any obvious signs of lycanthropy, and the touch of the Echo God of the Full Moon is milder, nestling deep in the infant's blood. These are call Heirs to the Blood, who sporadically show links with the Beast during the growth phase. Whether they become werebeasts in time or not, heirs show a natural predisposition towards the wild.
Skill Proficiencies Choose two among Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, and Nature.
Tool Proficiencies Woodcarver's tools
Languages Druidic
Equipment A necklace with animal tusks hanging from it (worth 5 gp), travel clothes, woodcarver's tools, a map of their homeland, a hand-carved wooden toy, a rusty knife and a silver brooch in the shape of an animal skull gifted by a parent (worth 10 gp).
Wild Blood
Lupercerno's legacy enhances the character's blood who has a natural dominance over beasts. Heirs to the Blood have an advantage on Charisma (Intimidate) checks performed on wild animals (thus belonging to the Beast category).
Suggested Characteristics
Heirs to the blood often have unusual behaviour, such as a propensity to sleeping outdoors, aggressive outcursts, exaggerated hunger and attitudes far removed from common forms of etiquette. These are clear symptoms that the character's animal nature is far from dormancy.
d8 | Personality Trait |
1 | Sometimes I feel the call of the wild. |
2 | I lose my temper when I see someone mistreating animals. |
3 | I cannot adapt to so-called 'civilized' customs. |
4 | I perceive a kind of malice when beneath the New Moon. |
5 | Knowing that I have a connection to lycanthropy frightens me, but I understand that it also brings benefits. |
6 | I am drawn towards occultism and unorthodox arcane practices. |
7 | I do not allow myself to waver even for a second. Nothing worries me. |
8 | I make no secret of my origins, for they make me who I am. |
d6 | Ideals |
1 | Calm (neutral): calmness is a sign of confidence and authority. |
2 | Stillness (good): in the silence of the wilderness there is a stillness that must be preserved. |
3 | Memory (neutral): I think that it is important not to forget who we are, our customs, and to preserve our identity. |
4 | Impiety (evil): evil has corrupted me since birth, and the more I give in to it, the more my strength grows. |
5 | Righteousness (lawful): we all have a dark side, but only the weak allow themselves to give in to it. |
6 | Vision (neutral): regardless of how we are born, it is our goals that defines us. |
d6 | Bonds |
1 | Those who once hunted my parents now hunt me. |
2 | They chased me out of my place of origin out of fear. Exile marked me permanently. |
3 | A seer foretold that my cursed blood is a sign of an inauspicious fate. |
4 | My family deliberately asked for the favour of the god Lupercernos, offering my soul in exchange for power. |
5 | An elderly adopted me when I had no one left in the world. |
6 | A prophecy revealed that I must harness this gift for a great challenge. |
d6 | Flaws |
1 | My personal hygiene leaves something to be desired. |
2 | My rigidity and discipline prevent my mental elasticity. |
3 | I tend to lie or omit when I fear the judgement of others. |
4 | I fear what I do not know. |
5 | My hubris makes me want to win every discussion. |
6 | The burden of this dark legacy causes me terrible anxiety. |