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World of Tor: Chromatic Rebelion

Magdarin, Champion of Eiso

Medium humanoid (kenku), unaligned
Armor Class:
Hit Points: 160 (20d6+100)
Speed: 30 ft. , fly: 80 ft.


8 -1


14 +2


20 +5


16 +3


14 +2


22 +6

Saving Throws: CON +11, INT +9, CHA +12
Damage Resistances: Force
Languages: Speaks Common, Auran, and Oisean but all creatures can understand, Telepathy 120 feet
Proficiency Bonus: +6

Balance the Scales. While Magdarin is under the effect of a condition or a spell effect, he may sacrifice 20 HP on his turn to remove that condition from himself, transferring it to another creature of his choice. The target creature must make a DC 22 Charisma Saving throw or become the new target of the condition, following the same rules and duration of the given condition.


Multiattack. Magradin makes three attacks of either his Arcane Burst or his Rend Attacks in any sequence. He can replace one attack with a use of spell casting.

Arcane Burst. Melee or Ranged Spell Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5ft. or range 120 ft., one target. Hit 21 (3d10+6) Force Damage.

Rend. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 8 (2d6+2) slashing or piercing damage and 12 (2d6+6) Force Damage.


Equalize (Costs 2 Legendary Actions). When Magdarin takes damage from a creature he can see within 60 feet of him, he may halve that damage and attempt to send the other half back toward that attacking creature. The targeted creature must make a Charisma Saving throw (DC: 20), taking the resisted half of the damage Magdarin would have suffered on a fail3ed save, or taking none of the damage on a successful save.

The Curse of Ku cast upon the Ken Dynasty of the Oiseau has no relief. The Kenku of modernday are marred by this curse for generations upon generations. No cure, no spell, not even the work of the most brilliant minds can dispel the flightless curse. That is until now. Magdarin, a Kenku mage of black feathers and raven like apearence was obsessed with removing this faulty of the dynasties last sin. In his time of study he tried transmutation magic, divine healing, even blood magic of the old Eare Empire, but nothing worked. While studying blood magic however, Magdarin learned of it's origins. He learned that the skills and secrets of blood magic was traded to the Blood king of old by a god. Eiso, the Equivalency. In his persute, no, need for freedom from the curses cage, Magdarin found old texts describing how to contact the Equivalency, and asked what his freedom would cost. The Divine answered with "Freedom". Magdarin traded one cage for what he thought was service to Eiso, but finally grappled with the reality that he had just traded one cage for another, in his later years.

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