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Gifted Weapon Master

Hit Points

Hit Dice: d8 per Gifted Weapon Master level
Hit Points at first Level: 8+Con mod
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 + con mod


Armor: light, and medium armor
Weapons: Chosen Weapon
Saving Throws: Str, Dex
Skills: Choose two skills from Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, and Survival

Overview & Creation

You have devoted your life to one weapon. This has earned you the right to become a master of that weapon. So long as your chosen weapon is in hand you are a force to be reconded with, even whole armies of foes will tremble in your wake.   This is a gifted class meaning it is more powerful than a normal class. If you accept you will be reduced in level to level one and forfeit the option to multi-class or change class. You lose all proficiencies and health associated with your lost class, however, the growth rate for gifted classes is high so you will catch up in no time.   The Gifted   This is a combat class. You will give up options in some scenarios to excel in others.   This class comes with the curse of pride. You may never be free of this curse while you still have this class. This curse causes you to be unable to use any weapon type other than the one you are a master of. Without your weapon by your side, you are considered to have stats of no more than 10 in all things. In addition, people will constantly challenge you to duels, if you lose, run, cheat, or refuse a duel you will have your stats reduced to no more than 10 until you successfully beat your opponent in a fair duel.

Class Features

Advanced Form

  This is an improvement over the features you picked up in your subclass feats. You may pick one feat from this list at 1st level, 5th level, 10th level, and 15th level.   These replace the corresponding feats from your subclass.    Show Spoiler
Advanced Form
Gifted Weapon Master Class   When making an attack roll with your chosen weapon you may instead act as if you rolled a 10 and may add your proficiency as well as your str and dex modifiers. If you have advantage you may roll a die and choose either the die roll or the advanced form number. attack roll = 10 + prof bonus + str mod + dex mod  
Advanced Footwork
Gifted Weapon Master Class   When you are forced to roll a dex or str save or contest you may instead take a 10+modifiers. If you use this feature when you have advantage you may roll once and take either the result or the Advanced footwork number. If this causes you to pass you take no damage from effects that would deal half damage to you.  
Advanced Defense
Gifted Weapon Master Class   When wielding your chosen weapon and not wearing any armor or a shield your AC is 15+dex mod+str mod  
Advanced Offense
Gifted Weapon Master Class   When rolling for damage with your chosen weapon you may instead deal the maximum damage.

Fighting Energy

   This resource is unique to masters of weapons and those with great fighting potential. This energy is unique because you do not recover it over a long rest. You recover it by fighting strong opponents. For every turn you are engaged in combat you gain a number of fighting energy points as described in the level-up chart. You lose all fighting energy after 1 min of not taking or dealing damage.   When your attacks hit, you deal additional damage equal to the current amount of fighting energy you have.    For example you at 10th level according to your chart (2/25) you gain 2 per hit and can hold 25. After 2 turns you will deal 4 additional damage whenever you hit for the duration.  

Weapon Imprinting Form

   As a bonus action you may expend 5 fighting energy to imprint on a weapon for as long as you maintain at least 1 fighting energy. An imprinted weapon may not be knocked from your hand and if thrown will return to you as a bonus action by flying through the air in your direction, this does not deal damage though and cannot go around corners. Your attacks while in this form are considered magical for the sake of overcoming resistance. you may maintain this on as many weapons as you like.   Additionally, you may gain an extra fighting energy point for every enemy you slay in this form.  

Weapon Merger Form

   As a bonus action you may expend 10 fighting energy to become one with your weapon. Metaphorically not physically. For as long as you maintain at least 1 fighting energy you may gain advantage on one attack per turn, and heal for the 1/4 the damage done by attacks with your chosen weapon. Your attacks while in this form are considered magical for the sake of overcoming resistance.    This form costs 1 fighting energy per turn to maintain if you reach 0 fighting energy the ability ends.     Additionally, you may gain an extra fighting energy point for every instance you take damage in this form.

Will To Fight

   If during combat your hit points are reduced to 0 you may immediately take one turn maintaining conscienceness. During this turn, your fighting energy is 0. If you kill the source of your death you may regain 1 HP and continue fighting, however, every time you do this you gain a level of exhaustion. 

Weapon Control Form

   As a bonus action, you may expend 15 fighting energy to take control of up to 15 weapons of your chosen type within 30 ft. As long as you maintain 1 fighting energy, each turn each one may make 1 attack using half your attack modifier on any creature within your range.    This form costs 1 fighting energy per weapon controlled per turn.     Additionally, you gain an extra fighting energy point every time you miss an attack in this form.  

Soul Strike

   As an action, you may expend 1 or more fighting energy to attack once with your soul in the shape of your chosen weapon. This is wielded like your chosen weapon but may not be thrown it deals 1d4 force damage per fighting energy expended on it. Hitting an enemy like this grants one fighting energy point.  

Saintly Ambition

   The world adores weapon masters but none more than the swordmaster. If your chosen weapon is the sword you are awarded with the Ultimate class known as the sword saint. If your chosen weapon is something else you are awarded the following ability.    World-class form: By expending 49 fighting energy you may attack every enemy you are aware of within your dash range, even if they are flying or you would be unable to reach them. Every enemy killed this way gives you one fighting energy point. 

Starting Equipment

your chosen weapon    chain mail or leather armor

LevelProficency bonusFighting energyFeatures 
1+20/0Advanced Form
2+21/5Fighting Energy
3+21/5Extra Attack
4+21/10Ability Score Improvement
5+31/10Weapon Imprinting Form, Advanced Form
7+31/15Extra Attack
8+31/20Ability Score Improvement
9+41/20Weapon Merger Form
10+42/25Will To Fight, Advanced Form
11+42/25Extra Attack
12+42/30Ability Score Improvement
13+52/30Weapon Control Form
15+52/35Extra Attack, Advanced Form
16+52/40Ability Score Improvement
17+62/40Soul Strike
19+63/45Extra Attack
20+63/50Saintly Ambition

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Statblock Type

Class Features
