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Hit Points

Hit Dice: d4 per Infiltrator level
Hit Points at first Level: 15x character level
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 15x character level


Armor: Light armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, small arms, UCA: Scout Package, Armblade
Tools: hacking tools, theives tools
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence
Skills: Choose four from acrobatics, athletics, deception, insight, intimidation, investigation, perception, performance, persuasion, sleight of hand, and stealth

Overview & Creation


Class Features

At 1st level

  • Gain expertise in 2 skill or tool proficiencies
  • Whenever you have advantage on an attack roll with a finesse or ranged weapon you can add additional damage to a creature you hit once per turn. This damage starts out at 1d6 and increases based on your level in this class
At 2nd level
  • You gain use of your cloaking technologies, allowing you to use an action on your turn to turn invisible. This invisibility lasts a number of hours equal to half your level in this class. This invisibility ends if you attack, cast a spell, or take damage. You can do this twice. You regain all uses of this feature on a short or long rest.
  • Your off-hand is equipped with a short range gravity tether, you can use this tether as an action to attach to a point of your choice within 20 feet, drawing yourself to it and sticking to the surface. The tether can support up to 1500 pounds without breaking. If your tether breaks it must be prepared over the course of a long rest.
At 3rd Level
  • At This level you choose a subclass, which grants you features at 9th, 13th, and 17th level
  • Your sneak attack becomes 2d6
At 4th level
  • Ability score improvement
At 5th level
  • Uncanny dodge: when an attacker you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to halve that attack's damage against you
  • Your sneak attack becomes 3d6
At 6th level  
  • Your tether now has a range of 40 feet, and can target creatures as well as the environment. Creatures of at least one size category smaller than you are dragged 20 feet towards you, creatures of the same size or one size larger than you make a strength contest with you, on a failure being dragged 15 feet towards you, on a success disengaging the tether. Creatures of a size category at least 2 above yours are treated the same as terrain.
  •   At 7th level
    • Whenever you make a dexterity saving throw to take half damage, you instead take no damage on a success, and half on a failure.
    • your sneak attack becomes 4d6
    At 8th level
    • Ability score improvement
    At 9th level
    • Subclass Feature
    • Your sneak attack becomes 5d6
    At 10th level
    • Ability score improvement
    At 11th level
    • Your sneak attack becomes 6d6
    • You have 3 uses of your cloak per rest
    • Your tether now has a 60 foot range, and all drag distances are increased by 10 feet.
    At 12th level
    • Ability score improvement
    At 13th level
    • Subclass feature
    • your sneak attack is now 7d6
    At 14th level
    • you now have blindsense out to a range of 10 feet
    At 15th level
    • your sneak attack is now 8d6
    • You gain proficiency in wisdom saving throws, and have advantage against effects trying to read your mind. Additionally, magic or technology that would attempt to discern the truthfulness of your words now will always show you telling the truth
    At 16th level
    • Ability score improvement
    At 17th level
    • Subclass feature
    • Your sneak attack is 9d6
    At 18th level
    • A long as you are not incapacitated, you can never be surprised and no attack roll has advantage against you.
    • Your tether now has a range of 60 feet, all drag distances are increased by 10 feet, and it can now support up to 3000 pounds.
    At 19th level
    • Ability score improvement
    • Your sneak attack is 10d6
    At 20th level
    • Your invisibility can now only be ended by taking damage.

    Starting Equipment


    Subclass Options

    Scout Beginning when you choose this subclass at 3rd level:

    • You have advantage on saving throws against the adverse effects of hostile terrain
    • your movement speed increases by 10 feet
    • taking the dash action allows you to ignore the effects of difficult terrain.
    • Your party can no longer become lost by normal means
    • you gain resistance to poison damage and advantage on saving throws against being poisoned
    • You gain proficiency in both survival and nature, if you are already proficient, you gain expertise instead
    • you can attempt to hide when only lightly obscured, such as in light fog or smog, dense foliage, or a thick crowd.
    • Taking either the dash or disengage action allows you to ignore nonmagical difficult terrain,
    • Aim: If you do not move on your turn, you can use a bonus action to give yourself advantage on your next ranged attack roll.
    At level 9:
    • If you use your bonus action to aim, you can attack twice instead of once with your attack action. you have advantage on both of these attacks, but only one can benefit from your sneak attack
    • You have advantage on animal handling checks, and gain proficiency in animal handling. if you are already proficient you gain expertise instead
    • You now have a 20 foot bonus to movement
    • When a creature ends their turn within 5 feet of you, you may move away up to half your movement speed as a reaction, this movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.
    • You gain expertise with UCA: Heavy rifle, and all similar weapons
    At 13th level:
    • you can ignore any race/class/alignment restrictions on magic items
    • Whenever an ally makes a saving throw against environmental effect, you can give them advantage on their roll
    • While invisible, you gain gain the ability to switch between dark vision, thermal vision, and EMF vision, all out to a range of 300 feet.
    • You can attempt to hide as a bonus action on your turn.
    At 17th level:
    • Whenever you take the bonus action Aim, you position yourself in a way that grant you half cover if you have no cover, 3/4 cover if you have half cover, and full cover if you already have 3/4 cover.
    • on the first round of combat you take two turns, once at your normal initiative, and then again at your initiative - 10.
    Assassin Beginning when you choose this subclass at 3rd level:
    • You gain proficiency with deception, poisioner's tools, and disguise kits, if you have proficiency already then gain expertise instead.
    • You can make one melee attack without breaking your invisibility, you must expend another use of your invisibility in order to make another melee attack without breaking invisibility.
    • You have advantage on attack rolls against any creature that is within 5 feet of you and is not prepared for melee combat (for example someone using a ranged weapon as an improvised weapon.)
    • While invisible and within 10 feet of a shielded enemy, you may attempt a Hack skill check using your intelligence and proficiency to attempt to hack their shielding. Hacked shields short out, and are temporarily reduced to zero until the hacked creature uses an action to attempt to restart it. Attempting to restart a hacked shield requires an intelligence saving throw against 8+your proficiency bonus (doubled if expertised in hacking tools)+ your intelligence modifier.
    At 9th level:
    • Your melee attacks are critical hits on rolls of 19-20
    • you can attack twice without breaking your invisibility.
    • You when you are invisible and roll stealth, you may treat any roll on the d20 9 or lower as a 10.
    At 13th level:
    • Whenever you attack from invisibility and your invisibility is not broke, if that attack is a critical hit then it does not count against the number of melee attacks you can make before breaking invisibility.
    • you have advantage on any deception roll made to pass yourself off as someone else
    • While invisible, your footsteps do not make a sound, and you are shielded from any effect that searches for traces of your presence: heat, heartbeat, thoughts
    At 17th level:
    • Whenever you hit a surprised creature with a melee attack, they must make a constitution saving throw against 8+proficiency+dex mod or die instantly. If they succeed their saving throw, double your damage.


    Created by


    Statblock Type

    Class Features
