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Doomscribe Domain (Homebrew)

Hit Points

Hit Dice: d4 per Doomscribe Domain (Homebrew) level
Hit Points at first Level:
Hit Points at Higher Levels:


Saving Throws:

Overview & Creation

Doomscribes are rarely called to adventure. In fact, most clergy of Jergal spend their lives in a single room, tirelessly recording the deaths and final destinations of souls as they are whispered to their ears by the deity. On rare occasions, though, Doomscribes are called to serve the Bleak Seneschal in some grand adventure. These intrepid clerics are instructed to record all the deaths they cause and of those around them; the work, after all, never stops.

Level Spells
1st Comprehend languages, Determine final rest
3rd Augury, Seek final rest
5th Jergal’s mind spike, Speak with dead
7th Death ward, Divination
9th Commune, Contact other plane

Bonus Cantrip

At 1st level, you gain the chill touch cantrip. This doesn’t count against your number of cantrips known.  


Also at 1st level when you choose this domain, Jergal deadens your senses. You are immune to the charmed condition and you have advantage on saving throws against being frightened, blinded, and deafened.  

Channel Divinity: Namestrike

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to write impending doom on an enemy. As an action, you write a name or brief description of a creature within 60 feet of you that you can see and strike a line through it, either with a writing instrument in your hand or by using your finger in the air. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw, taking psychic damage equal to twice your cleric level on a failed save, or equal to your cleric level on a successful one. In addition, you learn the given name of a creature who fails this saving throw, if it has one, and the full, true name (if applicable) of the creature if it fails the saving throw by 5 or more.  

Channel Divinity: Record of Death

Starting at 6th level, when a creature within 30 feet of you that you can see drops to 0 hit points, you can expend your reaction and Channel Divinity to regain spell slots with a combined level equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1). Only worthy creatures deserve your record of death; the creature must have a challenge rating of half your cleric level (rounded down) or greater to use your Channel Divinity in this manner.  

Potent Spellcasting

Starting at 8th level, you add your Wisdom modifier to the damage you deal with any cleric cantrip.  

Unfinished Work

At 17th level and beyond, Jergal values your service too much to allow death to take you. When you die, your body withers and takes on a mummified appearance, but otherwise remains animate. You regain consciousness if you were unconscious, and you can act normally as if you were still alive. You remain at 0 hit points and fall dead after one hour, or if you take damage equal to or greater than your hit point maximum over the course of a single round of combat (from the end of your turn until the end of your next turn). While you are under the effects of this feature, a raise dead or revivify spell can return you to life if you willingly receive the spell, ending these effects. However, you can’t cast spells that raise the dead to life on yourself while under the effects of this feature.

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Statblock Type

Class Features
