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Way of the Resolute

Hit Points

Hit Dice: d8 per Way of the Resolute level
Hit Points at first Level: See Monk
Hit Points at Higher Levels: See Monk


Armor: See Monk
Weapons: See Monk
Tools: See Monk
Saving Throws: See Monk
Skills: See Monk

Overview & Creation

Monks of the Way of The Resolute seek out a deeper level of awareness of the world around them and as such find ways to harness and control a deeper power within them. As a result the followers of the Way of the Resolute become both praised and feared as nigh unstoppable warriors who seem to dance across battlefields.

Class Features

Focused Fist

Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you have mastered control over your mind and body to perceive the world as though it were moving at a snails pace. By spending 2 ki points, you can enter a trance as an action, which grants the following effects:
  • You have advantage on Wisdom ability checks and Dexterity saving throws.
  • You do not provoke attacks of opportunity while moving.
  • Your unarmed strikes and monk weapons deal +2 damage while entranced. This damage increases to +4 at level 9 and again to +6 at level 16.
Your trance lasts for 1 round per your monk level and it ends early if you are knocked Unconscious, Paralyzed or Stunned. You can also end your trance on your turn as a bonus action.  

Ceaseless Flow

Starting at 6th level, your train of thought cannot be halted, nor can your flow of combat be interrupted so easily. Your trance now lasts for 2 rounds per your monk level and while you are entranced, you can spend 1 ki point to prevent an effect that would cause you to be paralyzed or stunned. Also, if you were to miss an attack roll using an unarmed strike or a a monk weapon while entranced, you can spend 2 ki points ro re-roll that attack.  

Unyielding Spirit

Starting at level 11, when you are hit by a melee attack, you may use your reaction to spend 2 ki points and reduce the damage by 3d10 + your Constitution modifier + your monk level. If you reduce the damage of the attack to 0. as part of the same reaction you may make an unarmed melee attack against the attacker if you are within range.   

Fighting Instinct

Starting at 17th level, your ability to respond to the trance has reached a point where you can enter it almost as easily as you breath, as well as be able to perceive the world as though by a sixth sense. If you have at least half of your ki points when you roll initiative, then you may enter a trance at a cost of 2 ki points. Also, while entranced, you don't suffer disadvantage for fighting an opponent you can't see as if affected by the spell True Seeing. As well you gain the ability to sense the ki of others and gauge their relative strengths or weaknesses from their auras.

Starting Equipment

See Monk

Monk LevelFeatures
3rdFocused Fist
6thCeaseless Flow
11thUnyielding Spirit
17thFighting Instinct

Created by

Second Default.

Statblock Type

Class Features
