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You spent your youth under the sway of a dread pirate, a ruthless cutthroat who taught you how to survive in a world of sharks and savages. You've indulged in larceny on the high seas and sent more than one deserving soul to a briny grave. Fear and bloodshed are no strangers to you, and you've garnered a somewhat unsavory reputation in many a port town.

Skill Proficiencies Athletics, Intimidation
Tool Proficiencies Navigator's tools, vehicles (water)
Languages Common, plus 2 more
Equipment Cutlass, Sailor's clothes, Bottle of alcoholic drink, compass
Lifestyle Modest


Bad Reputation

No matter where you go, people are afraid of you due to your reputation. When you are in a civilized settlement, you can get away with minor criminal offenses, such as refusing to pay for food at a tavern or breaking down doors at a local shop, since most people will not report your activity to the authorities.

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