Rising Deity
Hit Points
Hit Dice: d8 per Rising Deity level
Hit Points at first Level: 8+cha mod
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 5 or d8 +cha mod
Armor: Light armor, Medium Armor
Weapons: simple and martial weapons
Tools: 2 tools of choice
Saving Throws: Int and Wis
Skills: pick any 4 skills
Overview & Creation
"That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die."
-HP Lovecraft
Clerics worship gods,
warlocks steal powers from gods or godlike beings,
paladins make oaths to the gods,
but why do all that when you have the power to become one...
after all "it is not the gods that makes the people, but the people that make the gods." - A very good friend of mine
Class Features
Level |
Feature(s) |
1 |
Unarmored Defense, Subclass |
2 |
Personal Religion |
3 |
Subclass Feature |
4 |
Ability score improvement |
5 |
Undying Devotion |
6 |
Subclass Feature |
7 |
Channel Divinity, Timeless Body |
8 |
ability score improvement |
9 |
Religious Temple |
10 |
Subclass Feature |
11 |
Godly Gift |
12 |
ability score improvement |
13 |
Gods Eyes |
14 |
Subclass Feature |
15 |
Gods Body |
16 |
ability score improvement |
17 |
Afterlife domain |
18 |
Subclass Feature |
19 |
Returning |
20 |
Ascension, Apostle |
Unarmored Defense -
starting at level 1, your ac while not wearing armor is 10+dex mod+cha mod
Subclass -
starting at level 1, you chose your subclass
Personal Religion -
starting at level 2, you can recruit people to part of your religion (can be a church, a court, a sect, a cult, etc, players choice), when you do this, you can roll persuasion, intimidation, or deception, and they make a wis save against that (if they are currently in a religion, the target has advantage on the saving throw). if they fail, then they join the religion. you can have a
max number of people in your religion equal to three times your player level, you gain +1 max hp for each person in the religion. (you can only recruit humanoids) (you cannot recruit other player characters as followers for your religion)
Undying Devotion -
starting at level 5, creatures in your personal religion, must make a wis save to leave religion against your spell save, they have disadvantage and can only attempt once per week.
Channel Divinity -
starting at level 7, you can channel your divinity a number of times per long rest equal to half your prof bonus (rounded down) when you channel divinity you can cast dominate monster on a creature that is the same creature type as you (humanoid, celestial, fiend, abberation, etc) the duration of this is a number of minutes equal to your Player level
Timeless Body -
Starting at level 7, you no longer age or suffer the effects of age
Religious Temple -
starting at level 9, you can have your followers establish a temple, you can teleport to this temple at will (as long as you are not in combat), while in this temple your HP cannot be decreased past 0 while in the temple, that said you may still die. also creatures in your temple that are not the same creature type as you (or followers of you) have disadvantage on all saves and accuracy rolls. you can establish a number of temples equal to half your prof bonus rounded down. (this temple takes a number of days to build equal to 60 - the amount of followers building)
Godly Gift -
starting at level 11, one of your followers gain player levels equal to half your level rounded down in a class determined by your subclass (this is consensual and cannot be given to player characters)
you can give this to another follower at level 15, and another at level 20
Subclass |
Class levels |
Eldritch Deity |
Warlock Levels |
Fey Deity |
Druid Levels |
Angelic Deity |
Cleric Levels |
Arch Devil |
Sorcerer Levels |
Gods Eyes -
starting at level 13, you have darkvision to 120ft, if you have sunlight sensitivity you no longer have it.
Gods Body -
starting at level 15, you are immune to the charmed, feared, and poisoned conditions. you also have advantage on wisdom (insight checks) against being persuaded and deceived, you also no longer need to breathe eat or drink
Afterlife Domain -
starting at level 17, you gain an afterlife area, when your followers die they are sent to this afterlife area, you can flavor however you like, however it needs to be themed to be slightly relevant to your subclass. when you die, you can sacrifice 25 souls of the people in your afterlife area to revive yourself. (you can do this even after you are dead) (the souls must consent)
Returning -
starting at level 19, once per day you can resurrect one of your followers, or one of your followers family members.
Ascension -
starting at level 20, once per week, you can enter your god state, you determine your appearance for instance a celestial might get bright wight wings and a halo, or a fiend might be bat wings and devil horns with flaming eyes. you take this form for 1 min, while in this form you have a flying speed of 70ft, a walking speed of 70ft, you have advantage on all attack rolls. you have 120ft of true sight, and can cast spells that you know without material components. while in this form you have access to every spell that you can learn.
Starting at level 20, you can bestow 1 of your followers with the power of a demigod, the follower you select gains the ability to gain class levels through leveling up, regardless of what class they may pick or branch Into they will always gain the Rising Diety features as well as their basic class features (only features not spells, HP, etc) once they get far enough they may to ascend to godhood. You cannot bestow this gift to some one who already has a godly gift. You can only use this ability Once Ever.
Starting Equipment
a) martial weapon b)two simple weapons
a) scholars pack b) diplomats pack
charisma is your spellcasting mod, you can prepare a number of spells equal to your charisma mod + prof bonus + level, your spellcasting DC is 8+prof bonus+cha mod. you regain all expended spell slots upon finishing a short or long rest (you do not regain slots above 5th level from short rests)(you can select your spells from the wizard spell list, you gain additional spell lists from your subclass)
Level |
Cantrips |
1st level |
2nd level |
3rd level |
4th level |
5th level |
6th level |
7th level |
8th level |
9th level |
1 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
4 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
2 |
1 |
4 |
4 |
3 |
1 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
6 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
7 |
5 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
8 |
5 |
4 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
9 |
5 |
4 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
10 |
5 |
4 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
11 |
5 |
4 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
12 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
13 |
6 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
14 |
6 |
4 |
3 |
3 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
15 |
6 |
4 |
3 |
3 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
16 |
6 |
4 |
3 |
3 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
17 |
6 |
4 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
18 |
6 |
4 |
4 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
19 |
7 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
20 |
7 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Subclass Options
Starting at level one you chose your subclass (Divinity Type)
Eldritch Deity (Great Old One) -
Starting at level 1, when you take this subclass your creature type becomes aberration you also gain tentacle like appendages (cosmetic appendages), and you learn deep speech. also starting at level 1 you get a maddening presence, your maddening presence is always active. when a creature that isnt familiar with you on a personal level is within 100ft of you and can see you they gain one insanity counter at the start of their turn if they can still see you. when a creature with insanity counters dies, you learn one of their languages (a creature loses one insanity counter if it can no longer see you when it starts its turn)
You also gain the Warlock spell list.
Feed On Insanity -
starting at level 3, as creatures gain insanity counters, they gain cumulative debuffs based on the number of insanity counters they have
3 they gain a cumulative -1 to all rolls (this goes up to a -2 at 6 counters, a -3 at 9, and so on)
5 counters, at the end of each of the creatures turns it needs a dex save against your spell save or fall prone
7 counters, the affected creature loses its ability to take reactions
10 counters, affected creature loses the ability to tell friend from foe and vice versa
15 counters, the creature gets a eldritch aura that it has no control over, this aura has a 15ft radius and gives 1 insanity counter to all creatures in the aura that can see it
20 counters, the afflicted creature has disadvantage on death save
Influence of Outer Entities -
starting at level 6, you can target a humanoid creature with 15 or more insanity counters, they make a wis save against your spell save DC, if they fail they are magically charmed by you until me or one of my party members damages them, or attempts to make them harm themselves or for 1 min
Telepathic Influence -
starting at level 10, you have telepathy to 120ft, you can speak to creatures that have an intelligence score higher than 3, even if you dont know where they are
Descent into Madness -
starting at level 14, when a creature with at least one insanity counter dies, you can transfer half of the insanity counters to another creature within 30ft of the one that died
Extraterrestrial Manipulator -
starting at level 18, you can cast calm emotions and detect thoughts at will
Fey Deity -
starting at level 1, when you take this subclass your creature type becomes fey, and you learn sylvan, you also gain the ability to speak with trees and animals. (you also learn the vicious mockery cantrip)
you also gain the druid spell list
Fey Body -
Starting at level 3, you also gain Curse immunity, disease resistance, magic resistance, and poison resistance.
Fey Tricks -
starting at level 6, you can cast enlarge/reduce without expending spell slots or material components (you can only cast it this way on yourself). by doing this you can go up to a max large, and down to a minimum of tiny. you also gain the ability to cast detect magic a number of times per day without expending spell slots equal to your prof bonus
Mischief -
starting at level 10, you can cast major image at 6th level once per day (you can only have one major image made by this feature at a time), you also can cast enemies abound, a number of times per day without expending spell slots or material components equal your prof bonus
Cap Growth -
starting at level 14, you can do a 10 min ritual to turn a corpse into a madcap, redcap, or flumph (your choice) this madcap/redcap/flumph will not obey you, but is not hostile towards you for the first day after you create it. (they will just run around doing whatever)
The Vanishing Fey -
starting at level 18, you can cast invisibility (only on yourself) at will, you can also cast summon fey once per day without a cast time or components.
Angelic Deity -
starting at level 1, when you take this subclass your creature type becomes celestial, and you learn celestial. you also gain advantage on wisdom saves against people of neutral or good alignments.
you gain the cleric spell list
Angelic Intuition -
starting at level 3, you know when someone is lying to you, this does not prevent them from lying, you just know theyre lying (regardless of whether or not its intentional)
Angelic Detection -
starting at level 6, you can detect all undead, fiend, and celestials within 1 mile of you. you know the creatures type, but you do not know where it is (you just know its there)
Celestial Rites -
starting at level 10, you gain wings, these wings give you a flying speed of 30ft, you can also cast summon celestial once per day
Celestial Fortitude -
starting at level 14, you gain immunity to extreme heat and extreme cold, you also gain resistance to cold damage and fire damage
Radiance -
starting at level 18, you gain resistance to radiant, and all your melee attacks deal an extra 2d6 radiant damage, also you can cast sunbeam once per day, and you can chose to make it do radiant or fire damage, also undead have disadvantage on the save against it.
Arch Devil -
starting at level 1, when you take this subclass your creature type becomes fiend, and you learn infernal, you gain the ability to write and make dark contracts, these contracts
must be upheld on
both sides (both sides must willingly sign the contract with a blood print)
you gain the sorcerer spell list.
Luck of The Devil -
starting at level 3, when you roll any dice, you can reroll it and chose which one you use, you may also use this ability to force someone else to roll again and you chose which dice roll they use. you can use this ability a number of times per long rest equal to half your prof bonus rounded down
Devils Charm -
starting at level 6, you learn the spells suggestion, command, and bane, once per long rest you can cast them without expending a spell slot, and if you cast them this way, the target creature has disadvantage on the save against it (at level 9 you can cast dominate person this way, and at level 15, you can cast antipathy/sympathy this way)
Devils Fortitude -
starting at level 10, you gain immunity to fire damage, and the ability to cast summon greater demon once per day without expending a spell slot or material components. you can also cast fireball once per long rest at 4th level without expending a spell slot or using material components.
Runes of The Devil -
starting at level 14, you gain the ability to etch runes into your body (during a long rest), these runes can do a number of things. you can have a number of runes inscribed at a time equal to half your prof bonus (rounded up). see the table below for the rune list. runes last until you remove them (during a long rest), or until dispel magic is cast on them at a level equal to your prof bonus (when a rune is removed you no longer benefit from its effects)
Rune |
Description |
Prerequisite |
Rune of Resistance |
gain resistance to one damage type of your choice |
Level 14 |
Rune of Status Resist |
gain advantage on saving throws against one condition of your choice |
Level 14 |
Rune of Devils Sight and literacy |
gain the ability to see in magical darkness as though it were bright light, and to speak, read, and write all languages |
Level 14 |
Rune of Flight |
you gain a flying speed of 30ft, and you can no longer take fall damage |
Level 15 |
Rune of The Skilled |
you gain expertise in one skill of your choice |
Level 15 |
Rune of Magic |
you gain an additional cantrip and an additional 1st and 2nd level spell slot |
Level 15 |
Rune of Celestial Fearing |
any celestial thats CR is lower than your prof bonus is feared of you, until it can no longer see you |
Level 16 |
Rune of Leadership |
when you would roll for a charisma check any roll lower than a 10 on the d20 is treated as if the dice rolled a 10 |
Level 16 |
Rune of Infernal Command |
you can command all fiends that have a challenge rating equal to or lower than your prof bonus |
Level 16 |
Fiendish Power -
starting at level 18, you gain the ability to cast one 1st level illusion spell at will, also all spells of 4th level and lower no longer require verbal components, you also get legendary resistance that can be used once per day.