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Frostwind (Statblock) Neutral Good Town Starting Town
Corruption: 6
Crime: -4
Economy: 6
Law: 4
Lore: 0
Society: -1
Qualities: Insular
Cruel Watch
Disadvantages: Polluted
Danger: 0
Government: Colonial
Population: 34548
Notable NPCs: Afiet - Town Keeper
Nudria - Old Member of community
Aqim - Owner of the Smock Shack Tavern
Base Value: 2000
Purchase Limit: 10,000
Spellcasting: 5th
Minor Items
+1 Longbow12,375 gp
+1 Champion Lamellar (steel)14,300 gp
+2 Flying Blade [Sheds Light]18,340 gp
Eyes of Keen Sight16,000 gp
Headband of Vast Intelligence (+2)14,000gp
Wand of Scorching Ray (CL 3)14,500 gp
Ring of Sacred Mistletoe16,000 gp
Mnemonic Vestment15,000 gp
Medium Items
+3 Spell Storing Chain Shirt116,250 gp
Ring of Chameleon Power112,700 gp
Ring of Swimming (Improved)110,000 gp
Wand of Poison (CL 5)111,250 gp
Xorn Robe120,000 gp
Major Items
Mask of Giants (Lesser)130,000 gp
Ring of Delayed Doom (6 charges)130,000 gp
ATVE Guild
The Myth Smith
Aekerith Empire Embassy
Kavarian Dynasty Embassy
Smoke Shack Tavern
The Core
Town Hall
ATVE Guild
Smith's Guild
Aekerith Empire Diplomats
Kavaria Dynasty Diplomats
Afiet's Guard
Disgruntled Dissidents
Terroristic Cult
Afiet seems to go missing a few hours every day. People ponder about what potential clandestine meetings he might be having.
Nassaj seems remarkably unconcerned about the attacks and arson that has begun to plague Frostwind. People find his indifference, disconcerting.
Elra has never seen to be doing anything other than working. Some people wonder if she actually is capable of doing anything else.
Though friendly, people find Tafum to be far too 'mysterious'. They question why a bookstore of his caliber is found in Frostwind.
Klicos' charming demeanor, covers a dark intellect


Created by

Charles Inkman.


Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

