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Cloak of Starlight - ITEM 5

Usage worn cloak; Bulk L;

This purple cloak swirls and gleams as though with the light itself; priests and clerics of Varah are often seen wearing this cloak, strengthening their connection to the goddess of the stars. This cloak benefits and can only be activated by worshippers of Varah. It grants a +1 item bonus to Religion checks. This cloak functions as a robe and can be runed.   Activate command; Frequency once per day; Effect The stars that line the cloak shine so brightly they’re dazzling to you and Varah’s enemies. All enemies in a 10-foot emenation centred on you must attempt a Will save (DC 19 or your spell DC if you are a cleric of Varah).   Success The creature is unaffected.   Failure The creature is dazzled until the end of its next turn.   Critical Failure The creature is blinded until the end of its next turn.   Activate command; Effect The cloak of starlight turns invisible, and a singular star appears on your body in a place of your choosing. You can no longer feel the cloak on your body. Activating it again makes the cloak reappear.

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Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

