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The Blade Chooses, Not Blood The Blade Chooses-Characters

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The Blade Chooses, Not Blood

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Lucillia Montanus, an ambered eyed woman with blond hair that is also The Crown Princess of the Holy Lunarium Empire, and Rivka, The Crown Blade who appears as a human female with white hair wearing a blindfold, both enter the bed chamber of the now dead Emperor along side the head of the Palace Guard. Lucillia says, “The servant found him dead?” The guard nods “Yes. She claims it looked like he passed in his sleep. However, He appeared in perfect health the day before, and I was talking to Caylx at the time. He had quite the surprised look on his face just before his body vanished” Rivka walks to where Caylx’s core now sits where his weapon form would have been resting and says “If the Emperor was sick or close to passing Caylx would not have left his side and set me a message. Has anyone checked the body?” The guard nods “I found a wound but there isn’t as much blood as I would have expected, we also lack anyone that could rule out magic or poison, and protocol clearly states that no one outside the palace guard may be near the body without Princess Lucillia’s permission. So, I had to send for you both first.” Rivka asks, “And the ash around Caylx’s core?” Lucillia looks to Caylx’s core and sees the ash “No one heard the scream?” The head guard says, “No. I didn’t hear anything either.” Lucillia comes closer to the core and asks “Rivka. Isn’t that pattern inconsistent with an Arch Core rejection?” Rivka nods “It is. Though those without a keen interest in crystal weapons would be unlikely to know that the ash pattern left behind by Major and Arch core rejections are different. Even less that Arch cores are unique from core to cor.”

Lucillia says “So at first glance it would like someone snuck in and killed my father in his sleep. Then tried to steal Caylx. The servent missed that part as they couldn’t wake father and didn’t see any blood and reported his passing. They knew the guards would like into it hence what you believe to be an attempt to make it look like an attempt to steal Caylx which would require my father’s death?” The guard nods “Yes and with Rivka’s testimony about the ash pattern makes me think perhaps they wanted to make it look like the theft ultimately failed and knew only the basics of crystal weapons to know to put ash nearby to make it look like Caylx reject his would be theif.” Lucillia thinks for a moment “Announce father is sic…no announce he passed on after a failed theft. That way our assassin thinks his ploy worked. You will run an investigation on those lines to keep up with the act. While you keep up that decoy, I shall be sending for Caesia Strongarm. She can be trusted to keep this quiet and to figure out what really happened. Rivka. Please go fetch her.” Rivka nods “At once my princess.” Rivka swiftly makes her leave.

The next day.

A female frost elf with ice blue eyes and sea green hair enters the bed chamber of the now Deceased Emperor. She asks, “So the announcement of how he passed was a ruse?” Lucillia who was already in the room nods “Yes. I want you to not only find out what really happened but to bring whoever dared to do this to me.” Caesia asks eying Lucillia “And if the someone is family?” Lucillia says, “Then they will serve as the example that not even my family will be allowed to get away with law breaking under my future rule, and I know you won’t lie to me about it” Caesia nods and checks her father’s body first. Peeling away the shirt she sees the stab wound. She pries the wound open and pulls out a malformed metal sliver. She says “Well your father really was stabbed to death. Though by a less conventional blade then normal.” The crown princess says “Oh?’ “I have only ever seen this kind of metal sliver in a stab wound two other times. And both times involved a blade infused with an elixir made from a major death crystal. I’m sure you understand just how expensive items made from major crystal can be from their rarity yes?” The princess nods and Caesia continues “Well Death Elixirs from such are even more so as most dwarves flat out refuse to make them as a single drop can kill even the hardiest mortal. And if infused with a blade will dissolve most of the blade on the first strike. Leaving only a single malformed sliver left in the wound. The lack of blood is also a side effect of this same elixir.”

She looks over to Caylx’s core “Caylx is an arch core, correct?” Lucillia nods again. Caesia says “Then our killer has some knowledge of crystal weapons but is no expert. However, they knew how to get a hold of a death elixir blade. It’s possible that the ash pattern looking like a major rejection is more to throw us off.” Lucillia says, “What makes you think that?” Caesia says “The last couple times I had to investigate this kind of murder anyone that knew of death elixir blades had very good understanding of imortalium crystals. They probably knew that arch rejections have unique ash patterns, and that you and Rivka would be able to instantly know this ash pattern was wrong. They wanted it to look like someone who was less knowledgeable on such matters did this. They weren’t counting on anyone finding the metal sliver, or at least hoping no one would. They could never know when a servent might wonder in.” Lucillia asks, “I’m assuming this level of knowledge on the crystals is rare outside of Wuldrok then?” Caesia nods “Indeed. This significantly reduces the list of suspects on its own. Even more so since death elixir blades need to be used quick. The same property that dissolves the blade after a strike will also dissolve it after only half a day. So, they would have had it made somewhere here in Valcum City. Someone with a lot of money as well. It would also, as everyone can guess, take a dwarf to make the elixir part. I have enough to go on.” Lucillia says “If you need anything let me know. While you are on this case my resources are yours.” Caesia nods “I’ll catch who did this. As well as the one who supplied them… Can you have Rivka shadow me? I know she can move about unseen if she wishes. She could be useful depending on what I find.” Lucillia says “Of course.”

Later that night

Norbol Bottleguard, a dwarf smith exiled from Wuldrok, has been working on his newest project. So far his project hasn’t worked but if it does he could make bank with it. Maybe even enough to make those who exiled him regret their decision. His door suddenly swings open. He grumbles “Who dare enter my for…” his heart drops as he sees Caesia Strongarm in the door way. “…oh…C-Caesia what brings you here” Caesia enters the forge and sees his project “Have you informed anyone on your new project here? The empire would probably be intrigued. More so if your trying to hide it.” “N-no not yet. I wanted to make sure it was possible first. No need to bother them until I have a successful prototype.” Caesia says “I see. But it does involve imortalium crystals. Remind me Rivka. Doesn’t any experiment involving such things require the permission of either the now deceased emperor or the crown princess.” The dwarf says, “Who is here?!?” He feels himself picked up off the floor by the back of his shirt and hears Rivka’s voice “Indeed. Princess Lucillia won’t be happy to hear of that law being broken.” Norbol says “W-what do you all want?” Caesia says “Someone had a death elixir blade made, and since you have managed to get some crystals without officials knowing I’m guessing you might also know who would have be selling death crystals.” Norbol says “I don’t know if I can give up my supplier…”

Caesia cuts him off as she opens his forge “Say Rivka. Do you think a dwarf could be forged into anything?” Rivka carries Norbol closer to the forge “let’s find out.” Norbol says “No no wait. Okay okay I’ll talk.” Caesia shuts the forge “Well?” “One of the members of the of the Wuldorkkan exile miners has been skimming crystals and selling them nearby. Exile miners are those that have been exiled for their crimes but still put to work for Wuldrok for their skill at getting imortalium crystals.” Caesia says “Well. I’m sure Wuldrok would also like to know they are being robbed. Where is he?” “The mines to the east of the city. The guy’s name is Hevit” Rivka asks, “The one that was sold to Wuldrok due to the high volume of crystals?” The dwarf nods “Yes yes. That one!” Caesia says “Very well. Now you may get back to work. I’m sure Lucillia wants her new project to succed.” Rivka drops the dwarf and says, “The crown princess will be dropping by later to check on your progress.” And they both leave. Norbol takes a deep breath. He made it through in one piece. He must work for the pri…wait if they want him to continue. He quickly gets up and heads back to what he was working on and laughs “Well blow me down. I did it!”

The following morning

Caesia stands before the mine warden who says “Hevit huh? I could see that one pulling this kind of stunt. I take it Princess Lucillia wants him?” Caesia says “Only as testimony. She’s after someone he helped supply. From my understanding after that she’d gladly hand him over. She understands Wuldrok takes a very dim view on crystal thieves.” The mine warden nods “I can agree to that. Wuldrok would be pleased to know the princess understands their laws.” The mine warden turns to some guards “You two. Go fetch Hevit. The Inquisitor wants a word with him.” The guards head off and drag a surprised Hevit out of the mine. Hevit is heard yelling on the way out “Tyrants! Bad enough you keep me here now your drag…” the toss him on the floor before Caesia. Hevit shakes his head “An inquisitor? What we work for the empire now?” Caesia says “You have been stealing crystals bound for Wuldrok and at least one of those crystals was a death crystal. I want to know the people you sold death crystals too.” Hevit spits at her “Go to hell lady.” Caesia asks the mine warden as a magical aura indictive of ice magic swirls around her hand “Warden. Do you think it possible to get frostbite in this cave.” The mine warden says “Well…I could have sword I saw him have it on his let” Caesia places her hand on Hevit’s leg unleashing her magic causing the air around a part of his leg to go so cold it becomes frostbitten. Hevit screams in pain “FUCK!!!!” The warden says, “Oh wait maybe it was the other leg.” Hevit says “I didn’t sell any death crystals dam it!” Caesia begins to slowly move her hand to his other leg. Hevit spits “No wait. I didn’t sell any death crystals but I did manage to make a death elixir’s blade. Took a while as I didn’t want caught.” Caesia grabs his shirt and pulls him toward her “Who did you sell it to.” Hevit says “I…Prince Mettius. He promised to help free me if I made it for him. Something about the Ruling Blade would reject the crown princess if his father’s murder wasn’t caught forcing the Crown Blade to choose someone else.” Caesia lets him go and asks, “Do you mind holding him until the trial.” The mine warden says, “It would be my pleasure.”

A few days later in the Imperial Palace in Valcum City

            A group of palace guards are leading a restrained Prince Mettius followed by Caesia strongarm. Mettius yells “Let go of me! I’ll have your jobs! I have done nothing!” He is forced to his knees infront of the imperial throne where Lucillia sits, and Rivka stands next to carrying Caylx’s core. Mettius says “Sister! Why am I restrained!?!” Some Wuldorkkan guards drag in Hevit. Lucillia stands “Mettius. Evidence and testimony have been found that places you as the one to kill our father. Once more we found evidence that suggest that action was so Caylx would reject me forcing Rivka to choose another. According to this plan you would hope it would be you. You have always acted jealously toward me ever since Rivka chose me, so you do have motive. The dwarf Hevit has Admitted to his part in the plot. Supplying the murder weapon. A death elixir blade. Very expensive and if not for the Inquisitor Strongarms skill, we would have missed it.” Mettius begins to glare. Lucillia says “Never could control yourself when cornered. To top it all off we found research materials to death crystals and death elixirs and what they can be used for. You also have enough knowledge about imortalium crystals to attempt to throw us off. Which would have worked but as before Inquisitor Strongarm was not fooled. What do you say in your defense?” Mettius says “You already have it figured out. First you stole the crown from me. And now you will take my freedom.”

Lucillia says “I have stolen nothing. I also won’t be taking your freedom. You have committed murder in the form of regicide, committed high treason against the empire, bought a weapon that a controlled substance in it, as well as conspired my own death. For these crimes there is only one punishment. The Death Penalty.” Mettius says “you can’t. you aren’t the empress yet” Lucillia turns to Rivka and places a hand on Caylx’s core. The core glows a bight yellow as it begins to shift into a sword and light also spills out of it and shapes into a person before the light breaks. Revealing a golden colored crystal blade and Caylx who resembles a human with golden hair and eyes. Caylx glares at Prince Mettius. Caylx says “As the ruling blade I accept Lucillia Montanus as my wielder making her the Empress of this great Empire.” Lucillia says pointing Caylx’s weapon form at her brother “Mettius Montanus. I, Empress Lucillia Montanus, sentence you to death. Inquisitor. Carry out the execution.” Caesia steps between Mettius and Lucillia. The air around Caesia’s hand appears to freeze and swirl into a blade of ice that she levels at Mettius. Caesia says “The empress has ordered your death. You who have committed High Treason still have one right left under our laws. Do you have any last words?” Mettius says “At least I won’t have to look at her smug face anymore” Caesia looks back at the new empress who nods. With one swift motion Caesia separates Mettius’s head from his shoulders. The frozen blade instantly freezing the wound shut. The empress says turning to the Wuldrokkan dwarves “My allies. I gladly forgo trying Hevit knowing full well that your great nation will give him a fitting punishment.” The dwarves make their leave dragging Hevit back out and the palace guards take the corpse out for disposal. Caesia bows and takes her leave. Lucillia sighs “This is not at all how I wanted to get the crown. Has happened to my ancestors?” Rivka says, “Rarely but yes.” Caylx adds “Though the attempts are normally a bit more overt and less sneaky.” Lucillia takes a deep breath. “Caylx. Rivka. Come. We have an empire to run.” The three leave the throne room.

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