
In the world of Zodiak

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"Run, run as fast as you can and never look back!"

That was all Genevieve could think of when she rushed through the dark alleyways. Those narrow alleyways that she once upon a time called home, that was until Maek and his wife Allia took her in. Maek and Allia, they were dead. All the people she loved were dead. All because some lunatic tried to take over the city. No, she couldn't think about it now, she would break down if she did. And there was simply no time for that. Justin made it crystal clear about his intentions, and she will not survive if she stayed. So she kept on running. The darkness of the night, was a perfect cover and hid her pretty well. But still she needed to be careful, the police were swarming the place. All of them were looking for her, as if she was some kind of criminal. Well, in the eyes, of the now leader of the city she was a criminal. Genevieve closed her eyes, tears started to roll down her cheeks. The salty drops stung a little, when they entered the cuts and brushes that covered her entire face. Painful reminders of the fight she had earlier that night, the fight to save this city. One that she lost. She shook her head, no, no, there was no time for this. The gate, that once protected the city, was so close by. She knew it was, her lungs started to burn up. Another painful reminder of her failure, but she couldn't stop. She wouldn't stop, she needed to get out of this city, alive. That is what she promised to do, and she had never broken a promise before. It would be a cold day in the wasteland, before that happened. The wasteland, that was waiting for her just outside the city. Nobody really knew what was beyond the red desert, another city, the underworld itself. She didn't know, but she was going to find out. She opened her eyes, there it was. The gate was still open, fools, that should be the first thing they should have closed, especially if they wanted to keep her inside the city. But it was wide open, there were also no guards or police present. That was strange, not that she was about to complain. She rushed outside, the scorning heat slapped her in the face. It was almost enough to let her drop towards the ground, but that would mean that she had given up. No, she needed to go further. The first explosions became audible.

"Shit!" she said. "Justin has already started. I need to get my butt out of here." She took in a deep breath, which didn't do much. The road beyond the gate was nothing more than harden out sand, which didn't help much. Pain from the wound in her side started to numb all of her senses. But she couldn't and wouldn't let this stop her in her tracks. Genevieve had promised her adoptive parents that she tried her hardest to keep on breathing, and she has tried her hardest to do just that. She almost reached the top of a nearby hill, when a large explosion went off. The tremors were so violently that she lost her balance. The hot sand, was burning into her skin, the flames that came from the city warmed her back. She was able to hear the people screaming, men, women, children, the flames didn't discriminate and killed them all. Justin did it, he just burned down the city. A city that he claimed to love, but there was one point in time when he claimed to feel the same thing for her. Thunks of stuff, were dropping all around her, and she didn't want to get hit by anything. She was losing enough blood as it is, which was the main reason why moving. Still, she tried, tried and failed.

"By the power of the wasteland, he did it. He actually did it," a deep grumbling voice said. It was somehow a bit muffled, and she was not able to detect where it came from. She looked up, but darkness was all that she was able to see.

"Rycharde, look over there," someone else said, they sounded younger than the first speaker.

"Good grief, Genevieve!" the one that sounded older screamed, someone picked her up. "Don't you worry, girl. I got you, shit she is losing blood. Mychaell, there is nothing we can do here. So, let's hurry back."

"Are you sure?" the younger person said. There was no reply, not that Genevieve cared. She felt herself fading away, and somehow she knew that it was alright. 

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