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Amazonian Knight Ceramony

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Amazonian Knight Ceramony

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In grand hall of the Amazonian knights HQ three trainees, Ciel Blazeiron, a brown skinned, black hair, brown eyed male human who is always seen with a blue scarfs, Gwen Coldstone, a white skinned, green hair, green eyed female human, and Fionna Goldstrike, a black skinned, black hair, gold eyed, female human, stand before Knight Commander Haiku Ironstorm and Knight Captain George Goldstrike, a fairly tall black skinned, brown hair, gold eyed, male human. Haiku says to the trainees “You three are here today as you passed every test, proven your skill, your ability, your commitment to your country and her people, and that you hold our code close to your heart. You have trained hard for this day but before we pass the elixirs and you pass through the halls of lasting change I have one last set of words before your final choice.”

            Haiku lets a moment of silence help set just how serious she is before speaking “This elixir does far more then just make our male knights master mages or our female knights into towering giants. Women still gain magical power and men physical strength though not to the degree of their counterparts and you will age far far slower then citizens you protect. I myself was sworn in a little over a century ago and look the same now as I then back then. If you drink this and become a knight then there is no going back to a normal life. These changes can not be reversed. Even for Ciel for while his size won’t change he will still outlive your kin, your children, and your children’s children. If you fall for a normal person you could bring serious harm to them on accident. If you fall for each other your children will not inherit your changes. Your friends will grow old and die as time passes you by. For you two ladies not every building is built for us in mind. So while it’s possiable to retire most don’t for the same above reasons. And, as these changes are so fundamental the process itself they cause immense pain till the changes finish. If you wish to leave now you may and no one will judge you. Take the Elixir from George only if you understand and accept the fate of knighthood.” All three stand firm. Haiku nods “Very well. George pass out the Elixirs. Drink only after you enter your assigned halls where your new armor awaits you. I will see on the other side” George passes the elixirs out and all three head through a different door.

Ciel looks around the simple hall he is in. In fact nothing adorns the wall past the Knight’s Code and in the center of the hall is his new armor. He unseals the Holy Elixir and gulps it down. He waits for a few seconds and says “That’s not so bad. I thought it was supposed to…” He instantly falls to his knees screaming as pain wracks his body. He can feel his body changing for what seems like forever when it suddenly stops. Ciel breaths heavily “By the elements that was rough.” He stands back up “The pain is gone. I do feel stronger in a sense…shouldn’t let the knight commander wait to long.” He changes into his new armor and heads out the opposite door and is surprised to only see the knight commander and knight captain.

He asks “Where is Gwen and Fionna?” Haiku responds “Probably getting used to their new perspective. Walking can be awkward for women initially after the change. I also find nothing can quite prepare you for how everything looks from this height.” Ciel says “Well I suppose that makes sense. I’ll admit it will probably be weird to be looking up to them now that I think about it.” George laughs “You think it will be weird for you? I’m not going to be able to call my Little Fi anymore.” Haiku smirks “How about Towering Fionna?” George laughs again “Ha! Oh I’m using that. She better not think the teasing will end”

They hear doors open and Ciel sees his fellow trainees walk out and just as he realized earlier looking up at them is weird though it looks like it’s not any less strange for them to be looking down at him. Gwen says “Woah. I mean I knew but also…woah this is different.” Fionna looks at George and smirks “Guess you can’t call me Little Fi anymore huh” George responds “That’s only because your Towering Fionna now” Fionna sighs “Ya figured you have a new one” Haiku says “Attention” the trainees instantly fall in line at attention. Haiku says “Your days as recruits are now over. I Knight Commander Haiku am proud to welcome and name you all Amazonian Knights! You will be all giving time to get used to the changes then afterwards receive your postings.” She salutes followed by everyone else “For the queen, the people, and all of Amazonia. Dismissed!”

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