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R. A. Nielsen
Russell Nielsen

In the world of The Midgardians and the Nine Realms

Visit The Midgardians and the Nine Realms

Ongoing 2673 Words

Chapter 7

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Hours had passed and Tessa's legs had gone numb from sitting in the saddle for so long. Finally, they came around a bend in the dark tunnel, and a stream of light came into view. On either side of the tunnel exit, were two large statues with green gems glowing on their foreheads. The statues were sentinels, standing guard with giant spears in their rocky hands. There was a grinding sound and Tessa let out a startled squeak. The statues had moved to block their path, lowering their spears at her and Arvid.
"It is I, Jarl Arvid of the Stronghammer Clan," Arvid called out, "and I bring a guest to meet with mine father."
After a few seconds the spears lifted and the statues moved out of the way allowing Arvid and Tessa to pass.
"They're alive?" Tessa exclaimed.
"They're stone elementals," Arvid explained, "I wouldn't say they're alive. You see, they have no will of their own, and they only follow the orders from members of the ruling clan. Under normal circumstances, they wouldn't have stopped me at all. They sensed an uninvited stranger approaching, and it activated their protective instincts. I should've realized that would happen sooner, sorry if they startled you."
"Sorry? Those are amazing," Tessa said. She looked back over her shoulder as the statues resumed their previous stance. "How are they made?"
"Our sculptors spend weeks perfecting the bodies." Arvid explained, "and then our runeweavers enchant the gems on their heads to bring them to life."
"Can they speak?" Tessa asked.
"No," Arvid answered, “they are only given the ability to listen and follow orders."
"I wish I had one," Tessa said before adding in her mind, "that would keep Andrew from going into my room."
She could see that they were heading to a huge city situated on the far side of the cavern. Light glowed in the windows of houses peeking above large stone walls of the city ahead. Hanging above the city were four large stones glowing and brightening the city like the sun. "What are...?" Tessa began before Arvid interrupted, already knowing what she was about to ask.
"They're sunstones," he explained, "enchanted gems that give us the light of Midgards sun." 
Tessa's jaw hung slack, she tried looking at one of the glowing gems but her eyes like she had tried to look into the sun. The road ahead curved its way through farms where dwarves were busy tending to their crops. As they moved through the farms, the farmers stared in shock when they saw Tessa riding with Arvid.
"We need to get to the main hall as quickly as possible," Arvid said. "I want mine father to meet you before tales of a Midgardian in our midst spreads far and wide."
They approached the gates to the city which sat open with armored dwarves standing guard. As soon as they reached the gates, Arvid pulled the moles' reigns and it came to a stop. "From here we must go on foot," he said to Tessa over his shoulder.
They got off the mole and Arvid approached the guards and said something to them under his breath. They both looked past him at Tessa eyes wide with surprise, and then nodded to him and turned on their heels. "Come on," Arvid said to Tessa, "they're going to help us get to mine father without anyone seeing you any further."
"How are they going to do that?" Tessa asked.
"Follow us and you'll see," Arvid said with a sly smile.
Immediately through the gates, they entered a guardhouse with beds lining the walls. A few dwarves sitting at a table on the other side of the main room eating and drinking. Arvid and Tessa crossed the room to an empty section of the wall next to the table. The room went silent and all the dwarves at the table stared at Tessa.
"You will not speak a word of what you have seen until I tell you otherwise," Arvid said with an ere of command in his voice. The dwarves all nodded but remained silent. Arvid pulled a green stone out from a pouch on his hip and drew a couple of runes and a large green circle on the wall. There was a flash of light and the wall melted away, revealing a staircase spiraling down and out of sight. Hanging on the wall was a wooden staff with yellow stones mounted on top.
"This is an escape route in case the main keep is ever overrun," Arvid explained as he grabbed a staff. "This tunnel will take us straight into the hall of mine father unseen. Stay close, there are many branching tunnels meant to confuse any pursuers."
Arvid mumbled something under his breath and the stone at the end of his staff flared up like a beacon of light. They descended the spiral staircase with the staff being their only light in the dark tunnel.
Arvid was silent as they wound their way through the maze of tunnels. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity the path began slanting upwards. They turned a final corner and Tessa could see the bottom of another spiral staircase. They ascended the stairs and Arvid extinguished the light as he swung open a heavy wooden door. Ahead, Tessa saw light seeping around the edges of what looked like a large piece of carpet. Arvid pushed through the soft barrier and she realized they were in a small room with a door on the far wall. Behind them was an ornate tapestry hanging on the wall hiding the entrance to the staircase.
Arvid stopped, and turned to Tessa, "Are you ready to meet the king?" he asked, and all Tessa could do was nod.
"Alright, follow me," Arvid said, stepping across the room and swung the door open.
Tessa followed close behind, and her head swirled as they entered the throne room. Grand gilded statues of seated bearded dwarves lined the room. The golden statues reminded her of the Lincoln Memorial which she had seen in photos in her books at school. At the head of the room was a stout crowned dwarf standing in front of it. The king was having a lively conversation with a couple of armored dwarves.
"Father," Arvid called out and startled the crowned dwarf so much that he almost fell over.
"Arvid?" the King said with a confused tone in his voice, "what? Where did you come from?"
"Father," Arvid continued, "I come bearing some disturbing news, as well as an honored guest."
The King sat down on his throne, "What is this disturbing news? And what guest do you speak of?"
Arvid approached the throne with Tessa on his heels. When they got close Arvid knelt on one knee and bowed his head, and Tessa not knowing what else to do followed suit. Arvid continued after a brief moment, "this is Tessa, she is a Midgardian who has recently come upon our realm."
"A Midgardian?" the King asked. He seemed shocked for a moment before regaining his regal composure. "An honored guest indeed. Where did you come from? My herald should've alerted me to your arrival at the palace."
"Sorry for the surprise," Arvid explained. "We took the tunnel from the front gate to try and keep news of the Midgardian from spreading. I wanted you to have the honor of meeting her first."
"Hello, sir," Tessa said, not making eye contact with the King.
"She speaks our language?" the King said exasperated.
"Indeed," Arvid replied, "the runeweavers at mine outpost granted Austri's Gift unto her"
"Austri's Gift," the King said astonished, "nobody's done that ritual in centuries. I didn't realize that anyone knew how to perform it outside of the Citadel of Runes. let alone that the Runemasters were teaching to their kin."
"Neither did I," Arvid replied, "but after we found her, the chief runeweaver suggested it. Once I knew it was possible, I had them conduct the ritual immediately."
"Well then," the King said his gaze falling on Tessa, "welcome Midgardian to the Great City of Nul Darahl."
"Thank you, sir," Tessa said trying to remember her manners, "it is nice to meet you."
"How did you come upon mine realm?" the King asked.
"Well," Tessa explained, "my brother Andrew, his friend, and I were camping, and we found this cave. Well, I found the cave and was exploring it when the floor gave way and we fell down here. To be completely honest, Andrew and Travis had told me not to go in, but I didn't listen to them."
"Where are your brother and friend?" He asked, looking around the room.
"That mine king is the disturbing news of which I spoke," Arvid broke in. "Mine scouts saw the Blackfall clan were escorting a group of prisoners near mine outpost. They were going to let them be until they realized whom the Blackfall had captured and alerted me. We immediately mounted a rescue mission, but in the confusion of battle, we were only able to rescue Tessa. Before we could try again, the swine swept her brother and friend beyond our reach to the City of Steinhardt."
"They held the Midgardians prisoner?" The King asked with his voice dripping with the sound of disgust.
"Yes sir," Tessa spoke up, "we were all injured, confused, and had no idea where we were. At first, we thought they were there to rescue us. Instead, they tied us up even though Andrew had a broken arm and Travis was unconscious and they just dragged us away."
"THOSE TREACHEROUS COWARDS," the King bellowed. "HOW DARE THEY BREAK THE OATHS OF FRIENDSHIP OUR ANCESTORS MADE TO THE SONS OF MIDGARD." His voice bounced off the walls as he let out some of the most bizarre insults that Tessa had ever heard.
The large main doors of the throne room swung open, and a younger dwarf dressed in a tunic jogged into the room.
"Mine king," the dwarf panted as he joined the group. "Mine king, two riders have arrived at the southern gate carrying the banner of the Blackfall Clan. They're claiming we kidnapped a Midgardian from them and are demanding an audience." The dwarf looked around and as his eyes fell upon Tessa he looked her up and down before letting out an audible yelp. "It's true!," he exclaimed slack-jawed, "a Midgardian in our midst!"
"SILENCE," the King shouted, "you will bring the riders to me. You will not stop, and neither you nor they are to speak to anyone else of this."
The dwarf stayed where he was still staring at Tessa, mouth agape.
"GO," the King bellowed again, "AND MAKE IT QUICK!"
The shout brought him back to his senses, he clasped his fist against his chest and bowed, saying, "yes mine king."
He turned on his heel and jogged back out of the room closing the large doors behind him.
"We don't have much time," Arvid said looking at the King, "should we have Tessa hide?"
"No," the King said, "we have done nothing wrong, and hiding will make it look like we have something to hide. It was us who freed the young Midgardian from their treachery and dishonor. Come Arvid, stand by mine side, and we will face this inquiry together."
The King turned his gaze to Tessa, "and you Midgardian, come stand in a place of honor by mine right hand. We will show these dishonorable fools how to treat such an honored guest."
Tessa and Arvid took their respective places by the King and waited in silence. Minutes later the doors opened and a group of dwarves entered the room. In the center were two dark-haired bannermen, one with a black and purple banner, and the other a white banner both of which doubled their height. Flanking them, was a group of dwarves carrying spears who Tessa recognized as the guards she met at the gate. The group marched forward, forming columns to the left and right of the bannermen. As the group reached the throne, the guards clasped their fists to their chests and bowed to the king. The bannermen lowered their heads but showed no other signs of respect.
The lead bannerman began, "Mine King has sent me to demand the return of the Midgardian to his custody. He also demands punishment for the cowards who without provocation ambushed his men."
"Does he now?" King Thornud responded with a mocking sneer in his voice. "He wishes us to 'return the Midgardian to your custody? Does he wish to bind and gag her again? How about to forego the honors and respect that our traditions and oaths demand as your men did as well? Nay, I cannot in good faith return the girl to your custody, for I fear what that custody entails."
"We admit that the way our kin treated the midgardians was a grievous mistake. Yet, for mine king, those mistakes were not grievous enough to warrant the deaths of his men. The actions of your men amount to nothing less than an act of war against the Blackfall Clan. Mine king will forgive and forget these acts, so long as you return custody of the Midgardian and the cowards to us."
"A grievous mistake?" King Thornud parroted back with venom in his voice. "It is no mere mistake to bind, beat, and gag children, let alone those who are not of this realm. Their very presence demanded respect, fealty, and our unwavering aid in their time of need. I would expect mine men to rescue any individuals treated in such a fashion. No, it is the Blackfall Clan who has committed acts of war against the gods and our racial oaths."
The dwarf carrying the white banner stood there aghast, "HOW DARE YOU QUESTION THE HONOR OF MINE CLAN!," he blurted out.
All the guards lowered their spears towards the bannermen threateningly.
"I do not question the honor of your clan," the King said, "because I cannot question a thing which doesn't exist. The dishonor your clan has shown forfeits any claim on hosting these honored guests."
The dwarf carrying the black and purple banner stood there unwavering as the King ended. "Then I take it your answer is no, you will not give us the Midgardian," he asked, chin held high.
"Aye, you understand me correctly," King Thornud said with venom in his words. "Go back to the traitorous coward you call a king and give him my words. Also, tell him to turn over Tessa's elder brother and friend," he gestured to Tessa, "to mine protection. Tell him if he declines, then it will once again mean war between our clans. The fault of which will rest solely on the Blackfall Clan."
Both of the bannermen spat on the ground at the King's feet in disgust and began walking away.
"How dare you turn your back on me in mine own hall," King Thornud said, stunned. “Is your whole clan filled with such honorless pieces of mole dung?"
The bannermen stopped and again faced King Thornud, their jaws clenched tight.
"Fools with your level of incompetent are not capable take mine words to your king with the meaning and strength that this situation demands." King Thornud continued, "so, I will charge mine son, Jarl Arvid, and these men, will accompany you."
Tessa looked across the throne and saw the same look of surprise on Arvids face that mirrored her own. Arvid bowed to his father, "I will go and bring your words in all their force to their traitorous king."
The bannermen began to stammer out in disagreement, but King Thornud raised his hand. “Go now and I will not hear another word about it." They gave a vehement scowl to Thornud before storming out of the hall escorted by Arvid and the six guards.
"Are you really going to go to war over Andrew, Travis, and me?" Tessa asked King Thornud once the doors on the far side of the room closed.
"I hope it won't come to that," the King replied. "Hopefully King Karvir is reasonable and releases your brother and friend to our care. But if he doesn't, don't fret war has been brewing between our clans for the last century. Either way, we will get you reunited with your brother, and if it comes to war, we will crush them once and for all." 

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