Chapter 1

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 In Their Shadows Summary and Chapters



Scene 1—Visions

Scene 2—Arrival

Scene 3—A New World

Scene 4—Alone



(Suggested Audio: Court of the Count)

Shadows dance and twist vehemently across stone and tapestry, far within the bowels of the castle. A pale and corpulent seer meditates amid the gloom, one attendant casting herbs onto the embers flickering in the heart of this chamber while another drums across from him. A foul and dizzying smoke drowns the chamber yet Ghislaine inhales deeply, allowing his consciousness to swim. Pallid eyes squeezed shut, they repeat their ritual until he goes eerily still.

At his reaction, the first attendant smothers the embers with a black cloth and an intricate web of glyphs woven into the fabric produce a dull, indigo luminescence. The tempo flutters like an anxious heart under the drummer's hand and in the darkness, Ghislaine's eyes flash open. Even in this dim chamber, one can make out deep blue-black ink staining its way across his face and he weeps a viscous, tarry fluid, wriggling over his eyelids like maggots. His lips wisp inaudibly and his eyes flit about as visions flash through his mind. When his whispering ceases and his eyes close again, the drummer slows the beat before ceasing altogether.

Once all is silent, both attendants relight candles along the periphery of the room. King Ambrose steps inside as they finish and the attendants bow and slip away. Ambrose perches across from Ghislaine, waiting in silence for his advisor to collect himself, watching the blue-black fade from his face.

"His majesty will be pleased!" Ghislaine finally speaks, his reedy voice piercing the hushed atmosphere, "This session has been... fruitful."

When he opens his eyes they appear pallid but ordinary. He watches satisfaction light Ambrose's eyes.

"Long overdue," Ambrose admonishes yet his tone holds relief.

"Yes, Irkath had not been forthcoming for quite some time now. But he's given me a bounty to decipher today!" Ghislaine pops up a finger as Ambrose frowns, "However, one vision was... very clear."

"Oh?" Ambrose hums, leaning forward.

Ghislaine clears his throat before continuing. His hands waft before the king, conjuring illusions from his fingertips which bring his words to life!

"A dark dragon slumbers atop a southern peak and a maiden, draped in moonlit hair, plummets before him," the luminous silhouette of a young woman, nearly swallowed by her wild snowy hair, falls helplessly before the dragon, "The beast awakens, imbuing her with darkness!" it reaches out and catches her dainty form, his fingers like a birdcage. Her body is tainted black upon contact and shadows pierce her body violently. "She descends into the kingdom and hides among your soldiers. She marches with your armies."

As Ghislaine finishes his prophecy, the girl fades into rows of marching soldiers. The emblem of his kingdom glints on her armor.

"And what does any of this mean, Ghislaine?" Ambrose drones impatiently, "You speak in riddles, as always."

"My apologies, sire," Ghislaine answers but knows well Ambrose enjoys his cryptic theatrics. He conjures the images again as he continues. "What Irkath shares is often incoherent but this is far more direct. The dragon... I believe represents the dark one's familiar, his herald."

Ambrose sucks in a sharp breath and Ghislaine watches the eagerness enter his usually stoic expression.

"And the girl?" Ambrose questions, folding his fingers together as though to restrain himself.

"His servant has been hiding away from the world for some time," Ghislaine continues and conjures the image of the girl. With shadows spinning around her, she is a wavering star amid the starving void. "The girl will draw him out, force his hand in some way. I believe... he will choose her."

Ambrose's face darkens, trembling as his rage bubbles.

"That ruins everything!" Ambrose booms, rising from his seat and pacing, "She's going to steal it..!" he glowers at Ghislaine, furious, but restrains himself seeing his advisor's unfazed demeanor, "You believe we can salvage this?"

"Her change... will complicate matters. But I believe this is an opportunity!" Ghislaine admits but continues in a confident tone. Ambrose deflates, letting out a sigh and returning to his seat."We've never been able to capture him... we've never even lain eyes on him! Yet she may be the key to fulfilling your desire. Once he tethers himself to her, the girl will leave him exposed!"

Ghislaine alters his illusion again, repeating the image of her fading into rows of soldiers.

"She will be recruited?" Ambrose questions, "This rotation?"

"The vision certainly suggests that, yes," Ghislaine answers with a satisfied nod, "She must be of age, trapped already by policy and will be forced to blend in. If we can identify her..."

"Then we have our first, tangible opportunity!" Ambrose breathes. He falls silent, machinations whirring away in his mind, before returning his attention to Ghislaine and offering him a satisfied smile as if it were a gift. "Very good, Ghislaine. I have much to consider. I'll leave you to interpret the rest of your visions in peace."

"Of course, your majesty," Ghislaine answers, rising with Ambrose and bowing, "I will notify you of anything useful."

Ambrose hums in agreement before slipping out of the dreary chamber.




(Suggested Audio: Trireme)

The sea is restless, a steely slate pricked with frothy white caps. Despite stark winds the sky is clear, crisp air filling the lungs of a teenage girl as she watches the horizon and uncertainty hangs in her eyes. Tia feels mirrored by the tumultuous sea, leaning against the railing at the bow of the ship and brooding more the further they sail. When letting out a sigh one might mistake she had grown weary of being at sea, hair thrashing past stormy eyes. Instead, Tia counted each day, tallying how far they sail from the life she knew.

A man approaches her with a bright greeting prepared. Slate hair streaked by grey and the worn lines of his face express his middle age and he appears very average and unassuming. Tia severs his amiable attempt with a barbarous glare, pressing her lips into a uncompromising frown. The expression comes easily to her, far more dour than one might expect from such a gracile girl. Tia maintains this only briefly before dismissing him entirely, turning back to the sea.

     "Still punishing you?"  a lilting voice welcomes Allen back as he retreats

     "I doubt she plans to speak to me again!" Allen jests with a wry smile, his response comically dramatic

     "She will,in time," Mina reassures him as laughter slips from her lips, a knowing expression settling into place.

As the ship cuts into a large wave, briney mist is splattered by the wind and washes over Tia. Mina catches the hint of a smile play on her daughter's lips despite her sour performance. Tia sneaks in a deep breath, enjoying the fresh scent, and her eyes close as another bout of mist and wind whip about her.

     "I think, despite the changes," Mina insists, turning back to her husband, "This will be good for her!"

She gives Allen's hand a squeeze before striding Tia's side. 

Tia is silent, her eyes flitting to Mina only briefly. She has always struggled to remain cross with her mother for very long. Mina had a way of soothing those around her and could be surprisingly disarming. Tia believes it is her lissome beauty and adroit elegance, the girl possessing the utmost admiration for her mother. With almost idyllic beauty, Mina's porcelain complexion is pierced only by her cerulean eyes.


While Tia inherited Mina's dainty features, framed by billowing snow-white hair and cut by eyes swirling with indigo and violet clouds, Tia feels these are awkward and gawky on her by comparison. She is also far more petite than her long-limbed mother but has never treated herself as delicately as she appears. Tia had tried to match her mother's feminine mannerisms for some time but never succeeded. She is far more wild, brash and straightforward than Mina and possesses a contrary, almost forlorn quality unusual for her age. Tia sighs as Mina glides to the railing, musing about their unfortunate differences.

     "It's quite a beautiful day, isn't it?" Mina questions, watching her daughter's face tighten with another frown.

     "Our home was beautiful," Tia gripes stubbornly.

     "You might be surprised," Mina replies breathily, "Accia is diverse and cultural. Every day is going to bring you something new!"

Mina brushes matted alabaster locks out of her daughter's face but Tia swats her mother's fingers away, attempting to gather the brine-caked hair herself.

     "You were so bored and frustrated, lonely even. Always sneaking off," Mina chuckles but Tia keeps her gaze planted firmly forward, "Coming home painted with mud—your father horrified you ruined the silks!"

Tia peeks at Mina's horrified expression and finds herself snickering at the memory. Her joy falls away quickly, fading like the shadow of a passing cloud.

     "I just..." Tia begins, her breath carrying aggravation, "I don't understand how we could leave now. At the worst possible time! I keep thinking about him..." her voice begins to quiver, "I-I don't even know if he got out! He could've... h-he could be..."

Tia trails off, staring in the direction of her old home, her lungs expanded with a held breath as she struggles to acknowledge the worst possibility.

     "Your secret friend?" Mina questions carefully.

Neither Mina or Allen had met the mysterious figure but they avoided prying, happy she had finally acquired a companion. Tia's nod is barely perceptible but tears spill down her face.

     "I'll never even know if he's okay...!" Tia croaks. Mina slides an arm around her and Tia leans into the gesture despite her obstinance.

     "I know, snowdrop," Mina croons, rubbing Tia's shoulder, and a frown overtakes her face, "We all wish we could've stayed but with the state of things..." she looses a sharp sigh, "A diplomat has no place in war. Your father has to return to his country—our country."

     "'Our country'" Tia mocks, growing disdainful as she shrugs off Mina's grip, "You barely talk about it most of my life and now, suddenly, it's 'our country'?"

     "Your father didn't think we'd ever return to Accia," Mina reassures her.

She seems intent to keep speaking until her expression drops, her eyes drifting past Tia. Tia turns and sees for herself. The outline of land pierces the horizon in one long streak. Mina releases a drawn out sigh before meeting Tia's gaze, her lips pressed together.

     "Allen!" Mina calls without turning to look. Tia's father pops his head up from behind a mess of crates and barrels.

     "Dad!" Tia exclaims, accusatory.

Mina gives them a fluttering laugh and gestures to the growing coastland. Allen steps forward, clapping a hand on each of their shoulders and staring out. Tia observes his mixed reaction, his home on the horizon after decades. It falls into a grimace in the end.

     "Well..." Allen breathes, bracing himself with a chest full of air, "We'd best get ready!"


The ship slides along the coast and Tia watches as they sail parallel to sheer cliffs, depriving the land of sandy beaches for miles. Gulls dive into the sea, the jagged heights marked with their nests, and the ship maintains a cautious distance as the waves crash violently into this natural barrier. This continues on for some time until the coast finally breaks open. Atop the cliff's end is a stony, sun-bleached fort populated by soldiers in gleaming armor. It flies a flag unfamiliar to Tia—the flag of her homeland. Another fort on a mirrored cliff forms a pincer at the mouth of a vast bay. The two cliffs drop back until meeting sandy shores and a maze of docks, bridges and islands lay inside. The largest and closest island is cluttered by a sprawling city, taking up every available inch with different layers of architecture from various eras. The bay continues behind it, embracing a few smaller islands before the true coast hugs the water. Two massive bridges stretch between the first island and the mainland, north and south. The boat slows to a halt between the two forts.

Shadows flutter overhead and, at first, Tia believes gulls to be passing overhead until the shadows expand, rapidly swallowing up sunlight. Tia loses all breath as she turns her attention upward, backing away from the railing with faltering steps. People glide overhead, leathery wings the length of their bodies supporting them. They linger briefly before swooping onto the boat. Two men land in the ropes of the main mast while one woman steps onto the tip of the bow, her wingbeats causing Tia stumble further back. The woman searches their faces as she steps down and the captain is quick to rush forward, brushing past Tia to greet her while Tia continues to gawk, dumbfounded. The captain produces a handful of parchments and the soldier shuffles through them quickly. Tia glances to the men above, scanning the boat with their hands lingering on the hilts of their weapons. Their armor is strange to Tia, very unlike the ornate plates she was accustomed to. They eye Tia and her mother in their Yaxiyan  silks with suspicious unfamiliarity. Allen, the only one of them in Eluzian  clothing, steps just behind Tia and places a hand on her shoulder which she hadn't realized was gripped with tension.

     "Ah!" the woman exclaims, resting her eyes on Allen, "We were expecting you much sooner!"

She bows her head to him, her smile oddly proud, before waving to one of the men above. He swoops down to meet her and, as she points to something in the paperwork, astonishment washes over his face.

     "See that they are ready for his arrival!" she instructs. He salutes to her, a fist to his chest, and leaps off the railing to fly into town. "We'll escort you ourselves!" the woman proclaims.

The captain calls out orders and the ship comes to life again. Tia squints at her father, confused but suspicious.

     "I might've told you more if we were speaking!" Allen teases, unable to keep the laughter from his voice, "But I guess now it'll be a surprise."

     "What-" Tia begins but he holds up a hand to her.

     "You wont have to wait long!"  Allen assures her playfully before stepping to the bow.

Allen gives Tia another smile before approaching the winged woman. She gives him a small bow again and they begin to converse, her wings shrinking until they fade entirely.

     "Mom?" Mina remains in the background, keeping to herself. She stares at the soldier remaining above, her eyes fixed just past him, dazed. "Ka-san? (Mom?) Do you know what dad's up to this time?"

     "Up to...?" Mina mutters

     "Daijoubu ka? (Are you okay?)" Tia questions, a bit concerned, but Mina musters a smile.

     "Hai, daijoubu (Yes, I'm okay). I'm fine..." Mina breathes, seeming dizzy, "I... I think I'll go get our things together!"

Mina splutters uncharacteristically before disappearing into the cabin.

     "Tia!" Allen calls her over, "Come take a look at this!" 



Tia follows after her father and he directs her attention into the water below. Deep down, far below the boat, an underwater city wavers below the surface. Tia squints, the wind-tossed water obscuring a clear view, but can make out the outlines of stone buildings assembled along the sandy floor and colorful aquatic plants hugging flagstone streets. She is even able to spot the silhouettes of people moving along and pointing up at their boat. Tia nearly leans over the railing at the sight of them and Allen has to pull her back.

     "How...?" Tia questions breathily, garnering a barking laugh from Allen. The winged woman seems befuddled and maybe even suspicious of her awe.

     "The people of the archipelago are quite private with their magic," Allen offers a quick explanation to the woman before turning back to his daughter, "You'll find Accians to be the polar opposite!"

Tia finds herself oggling the underwater inhabitants again. She had read stories about underwater cities and was aware of the kaithur, two inherited magic abilities,  which makes it possible. She has her own kaithur after all but seeing the shadows of people actually hover below the surface in person was another experience entirely. As her father said, the people of Nippon  consider their magic forms to be private—particularly among the elite. It was poor etiquette to show your form in public, vulgar even. Those of high rank or wealth rarely ever expose themselves in that way to anyone outside their own family. Tia can't help but marvel watching this underwater world flourish below her and feels a tinge of jealousy. They had a whole world of their own to experience! She wonders just how different their lives must be from hers. Tia notices her father watching her with a grin and forces a frown.

     "No, I caught that smile, you are enjoying yourself!" Allen teases in a drawn out tone broken up by laughter. Tia grumbles and retreats to the cabin to help her mother pack up but not before Allen gets in another laugh. "Teenagers!" Allen sighs, looking tot he soldier and throwing up his hands.



(Suggested Audio: Fishing Village)

They arrive at the pier, bustling more than Tia had ever witnessed before. She had been to market with her mother but it was nothing like this. The pier is so crowded there is hardly space between each person to move about. Her senses are assaulted by the smell of brine, fish and spices but also by the clamor of vendors hawking their wares or the shouts of sailors calling out to each other. As they board the pier, strangers rush forward and begin taking up their few belongings. Tia jumps forward to stop them in a panic but Mina impedes her. Tia watches, alarmed, as they carry everything away to pack animals and begin loading them up without a word.

Allen descends to the pier below ahead of his family where he is met by a stout but brawny man and a tall portly one, both seemingly Allen's age. They are dressed in clothes unfamiliar to Tia but noticeably rich in color and quality. Rings line the fingers of the taller man with excessively large gems and his dark hair is oiled back carefully. The shorter man is strapped with leather armor and scars litter his body including old burns mottling his arms. He keeps his graying ginger hair long and mostly braided, though he's begun balding at his temples.

     "Lord Minx!" the tall man calls, hands held out as if to embrace him.

     "Edwin," Allen half gasps, clearly surprised, and holds out a hand to shake, "The years have treated you well I see!"

     "Yes," Edwin chortles, grasping Allen's offered hand and shaking vigorously, "I have the privilege of being Governor of this lovely island now. You look well too, old friend!"



MartinAllen Surprised








Allen's eyes slide to the ornery looking man, recognition and surprise lighting up his face and his mouth hangs open in speechlessness. Before Allen can muster a greeting, Edwin looses a raucous gasp, his eyes catching on Tia and Mina as they make their way down and he appears stricken. Surprise touches the face of the second man too despite his dour frown.

     "My word...!" Edwin gapes, "Allen Minx, a father and husband? I never thought I'd see the day!"

     "Lord Minx...?" Tia whispers, leaning to her mother.

     "You know your father," Mina whispers back and gives a breath of a laugh, "He loves his surprises!"

     "Yes, I know..." Allen answers Edwin with a curt sigh and some embarrassment, fading as he spots his wife. He eyes Mina with an expression of unabashed affection, "But Mina has a way of bringing out the best in me!" 

Mina descends, her movements flowing as gently as the silk she dons, and bows her head at the two men. She offers a modest but polished smile. By contrast, Tia shadows behind her mother vacantly, gawking wildly at the colorful pier. About halfway, she slips on the damp wooden planks, skidding the rest of the way before catching herself on Mina's kimono. She masks her embarrassment with a contrary pout.

     "And this is my daughter, Tia, the light of my life!" Allen pulls Tia forward with an arm around her shoulder and Tia's eyes jump between her father and the two men, her face pinched with uncertainty.

     "She looks absolutely plucked!" Edwin guffaws. Allen shrugs in response, squeezing Tia's shoulder as a strained smile drags across his lips.

     "Yes, well. There have been a lot of... changes for us recently," Allen states solemnly. Edwin's smile drops into a somber expression, nodding into Allen's words all too quickly

     "There certainly has. I'm glad you all made it out safely!" Edwin takes a big breath before continuing,  "Let's get you to the inn then! General, if you would be so kind, could you escort them while I wrap things up here?"

Martin, who had been leering at Allen in brooding silence, shifts from one foot to another with a grunt as his gaze moves to Mina and Tia again. Uncomfortable with his expression, Tia scowls back at him on impulse before looking to her mother. She takes some comfort from Mina's composure.

     "Follow me" Martin drones, his voice rough like gravel.

He swivels without another word and begins walking through the crowd, Allen falling in behind him automatically. People part before the grim man, awe on their faces, and he moves swiftly despite the crowd. Heat creeps up Tia's neck as all eyes pull to them, unaccustomed to such conspicuous public attention, but she is also astonished by the assortment of people. They all wore different styles of clothing and had all kinds of eye, skin and hair colors. Tia had never seen this level of diversity before including within the stalls they passed containing food, clothing and trinkets wholly unfamiliar to her. As they delve into the city the stench of people and filth becomes overwhelming, emanating from the narrow alleyways which spill out rot, sludge lining every crevasse. Tia's face wrinkles and she tries to block her nose with the silk of her sleeve. She could see doors lining the alleyways and found it baffling anyone would live in such an appalling place. Children smeared in filth peer at them as they pass by.

     "Not everyone is as fortunate as us, Tia," Mina whispers, following behind her daughter and making sure they keep up, "Try to remember that."

     "Slow down, Martin!" Allen entreats him.

     "Oh, you do remember me!" Martin scoffs and his gait doesn't waver, to Allen's ire, "Those lofty moonheads rob you of all your manners?"

     "I see your twice as rotten as I remember," Allen bites at first but a smile twists back onto his face. Allen leans forward to tease Martin just behind his shoulder, "Since when did the King's Blade care about manners?"

     "Is that supposed to be a joke...?" Martin rumbles, turning to Allen and levelling an imposing leer onto Allen.

Passerby give them a wide girth as Martin resembles a storm about to break on a far flimsier looking man, somehow unperterbed. Few had the gall to give Martin lip these days but his leer carries an old anger, an old hurt unhealed. He scours Allen as if the man before him were completely unrecognizable. His eyes narrow fruther as Allen only cracks a fond smile, almost taken aback.

     "That used to be your shtick. Prodding me with jokes when I became too serious!" Allen muses, the nostalgia in his voice softening Martin's anger. But his eyes catch on the girls, finally catching up, hardening his gaze.

     "You're completely backwards," Martin spits with disgust as he spins back around, plodding forward as cantankerous as ever. But Allen is quick on his heels, Martin readying another sneer as Allen leans in to speak.

    "Its not like Edwin gave us much of a chance!" Allen's voice drops with his own amusement, "Better backwards and rotten than anything approaching that windbag!"

The buildings become newer as they continue past the slums, cleaner and of better construction. Walkways open up and fewer people travel about. Town guard are stationed at every conjunction, nodding or saluting to Martin and Allen while eyeing Tia and Mina. Finally, they arrive at a large plaza. The streets are bright, seemingly marble or granite, and crafted into geometric patterns leading up to an excessive fountain in the center. The fountain has a statue of a beautiful woman and water pours out from her cupped hands. As Tia looks closer, she notices silver scales gilded into her face and arms along with bat-like wings folding behind her. The whole fountain seems carved of the same stone as the plaza.

The buildings that line the square are each grand in their own right as well. Tia is astounded by the difference between here and the rest of the city. She finds herself craving the simple wood and paper walls she was accustomed to or the serenity of quiet forest paths rather than the bustle of this place. They approach one of these buildings, large with many windows and floors, and Martin motions for them to wait. He approaches the guards posted outside and begins to speak to one of them while Tia ogles plaza with a lost expression.

     "Keep your eyes peeled and alert me, immediately, if they wander. Pursue at a distance if necessary," Martin holds the guards eyes for a moment, grunting when his eyes veer to his superior's scars, "Understood?"

The guard catches himself and nods back. Martin calls them to the entrance after this interaction. The inside of the inn is bright and gilded, much like the plaza outside. Beautiful flowers line the walls in golden vases, gifting a delicate aroma to the entrance. A comely woman behind the front desk greets Allen and Martin with a smile and even bows her head.

     "Minx," Martin denotes, curt with her.

She flips open a carved box on the counter and runs her finger over a thin parchment. Finally, she plucks a key from the box and is about to hand this to Allen when her eye catches on Mina trailing after him. She looks from Mina to Tia and closes her hand around the key.

     "I'm afraid we only serve Accians here, sir," she states with a sing-song voice, "We have very particular clientele." 

     "I am one of those clients!" Allen insists with a stormy tone, producing a large ring with an elaborate emblem from his pockets and slapping it on the counter. Allen gestures for Tia and Mina to come forward and places his arm around each of them as he continues with an empirical leer. "I am Duke Allen Minx and these two lovely woman are my family, Mina and Tia Minx!"

Tia stares vacantly at the ring and the woman eyes it as well, her face pale. She attempts to speak but her voice fails her while Martin explodes into laughter.

     "Well you can hardly blame her, Allen!" Martin cackles and Allen whips around with a heated expression. Martin's laughter only grows, "These two are all wrapped up in Yaxiyan silk and are gawking about ,no one would place them as nobility. I'm more appalled this wench didn't recognize your name! The young lass doesn't even look-"

     "That is enough!" Allen demands with an authoritative tone. Martin's glee drops into an instantaneous glower, giving Tia a chill. Allen meets him with a glower of his own and the room becomes deathly quiet.

 "I believe... we are all quite tired," Mina speaks gently amid the hostility, placing a hand on Allen's arm. His shoulders drop as they lock eyes. "You must excuse my husband, it has been a long journey with many challenges for our family. Besides, you are right that Tia is in need of new clothes, we lost almost everything when we fled. We are excited for our daughter to experience all Accia has to offer and ought to get some rest so that can happen."

Martin reexamines Mina and Tia.

     "That's good to hear, ma'am," Martin hums in satisfaction, all irritation threshed from his tone. Allen regards Mina with pride while Martin faces the attendant again, "Well, girl?"

Martin barks. She startles in response, dropping the key on the counter. Martin snatches it up and passes it to Allen.

     "F-follow me," the attendant squeaks, stepping toward the hallway. Martin's eyes linger on them as they trail after the woman, leaving Tia uneasy—uneasy of numerous revelations the day had brought her.



A New World

(Suggested Audio: A New World)

      "Tia!" Mina's voice echoes through the suite, "Are you ready yet?"

      "Almost, just finishing up!" Tia answers, standing before a gilded mirror.


Tia has tucked herself into her new Eluzian attire, quite satisfied with her improved mobility despite her love of silk—Tia has always preferred practical clothing. A white, cotton blouse is hugged by an indigo vest with silver buttons running up the front. The vest is carefully embroidered, the material thick with swirling floral patterns and is even interwoven with fine silver threads. Much to Tia's delight, alongside the dresses they received is a pair of loose-fitting pants, narrowing with buttons along her calves, and a simple leather belt. Satisfied with the fitting, she steps out to show her mother. Mina cups her hands over her mouth, looking her daughter up and down with glee.



     "You look beautiful!" Mina breathes and Tia's face wavers between discomfort and neutrality.

     "It's too extravagant," Tia answers, her fingers tracing over silver threads, "I don't think it suits me."

Her mother hums with laughter and waves her over to a chair. Tia flumps down, still twisting and getting a feel for how the fabrics move. Mina notices the untidy and haphazard knots in Tia's hair.

     "Think you can tolerate a braid?" Mina takes a comb from her pack and wiggles it, "You're going to want it out of your way, we still have a long way to the capital."

     "Fine..." Tia relents with a sigh, running her fingers through the tangles, "Are we going to live in the capital, like before?" Tia questions, watching a whisper of a smile touch Mina's lips as she combs her daughter's tresses.

     "Yes," Mina sighs and speaks nostalgically, "It is very different from what you're used to but still such a beautiful place. I used to live there, actually, quite some time ago. Long before I met your father! Despite what people assume, I was born in Accia."

Tia considers her mother's words as Mina guides her hair into one long braid, some stubborn locks nearly erupting despite Mina's best efforts to tame them.

     "But... didn't you meet dad in the palace?" Tia questions, her curiosity apparent. It was rare for her mother to talk about her past.

Tia Outside Inn

     "I did," Mina admits with a chuckle, just as there is a knock at the door. "Fate can be odd that way. Almost ready!" Mina answers and ties off Tia's braid with a strip of silk.

     "You're gonna have to explain these titles to me, too," Tia notes, pulling the braid over her shoulder, and is met by more of her mother's flitting laughter, "I don't know what a "duke" is but that woman's face was fantastic!"

     "Ah, good morning ladies!" Edwin greets them just outside the inn, "You two look lovely this morning! How are the dresses we sent over? You're both a vision!"

     "They're perfect, thank you," Mina replies politely to his excessive flattery, "It was kind of you to send them."

Tia smiles at Edwin as well but is obviously uncomfortable, much preferring the pants to any dress. She fusses with the laces of her boot as she stands beside Allen, pulling them up behind her and leaning on her father.

     "The shoes in Nippon are very different," Allen explains to Edwin before he turns to Tia, "But you'll need a good pair of riding boots for the journey home!"

     "Riding boots?" Tia answers, painted with trepidation.

Allen gestures to a gaggle of horses waiting in the plaza, triggering a grimace from Tia. She has always been terrible with horses. Allen calls out and an attendant brings about a great white mare.

     "This is Angel," Allen states, patting her neck, "I'm told she's quite mild."

     "She's starting to look like a real Accian Lady already!" Edwin states as Tia swings herself over the saddle, "Now then, I'm afraid you'll have to make the journey without me, your Grace. But I will be sending some of my own guards to escort you until you meet the General's unit along the way."

Allen shakes Edwin's hand once, firmly

      "Thank you, Edwin. Perhaps we'll visit once everything is settled!" Allen states, helping Mina up onto her mount. Edwin grins back.

     "Of course, you're always welcome! In the meantime..." he gestures and Martin comes around on horseback, "His majesty has sent General Stahlmann to escort you home safely! You'll have to swing a bit south to meet his men but... my, quite the prestigious party! Here," he pulls out a parchment and hands it to Martin, "I've had a route prepared ahead of you and reserved inns where possible. Now, I must get back to my own duties. Travel well!"

     "Thank you, Edwin. Farewell!" Allen responds as they both wave each other off. 

     "At least he's finally good for something..." Martin grumbles to himself, watching Edwin scurry away. He had always hated the man's blatant pandering, "Let's get on with it!" Martin announces, his horse shifting about as Martin raises his voice. 

Martin heads the party and they follow him through the town. They cross the southern bridge leading to the mainland, arching drastically over the sea to allow for ships to pass. A sigh escapes Allen's facade as they make landfall, certainly not one of contentment or relief.

(Suggested Audio: Sun Dappled Grove)

     "Edwin seemed... excessively friendly," Tia questions her father, stirring him from thought, "What was that about?"

     "Edwin and I... served in the military together," Allen explains begrudgingly, "Earned himself a position by serving with Martin and I."

     "I didn't know you were a soldier..." Tia notes, struggling to envision her father even wielding a weapon. 

     "Of course he was," Martin sneers from ahead of them. He doesn't look back but continues, "There isn't an Accian alive who hasn't served the kingdom!"

Tia's eyes drift back to her father, a grim expression pointed at Martin

     "What does that mean?" Tia questions slowly, eyes narrowing on her father.

     "Nothing, snowdrop. Don't worry about it," Allen assures her but her scoff is automatic.

     "It doesn't sound like nothing!" Tia retorts, Allen frowning at her tone. 

     "We'll discuss it later,Allen insists, "Now isn't the time."

They pass along flagstone and dirt roads relatively quietly, gentle sunlight breathing warmth over Tia's face despite the nipping spring air. Undulating hills and tidy farms mark the countryside, containing burgeoning crops, aromatic herbs and sprawling pastures. This mass verdant blanket is broken up only by occasional glades, knolls and rivers, rolling out into the horizon and hugged north and south by mountains, far off from where they are now.

These two mountain ranges are quite different from each other. To the north, the mountains are sharp, slicing into the clouds, and run in narrow strips skirted by pines. To the south, mountains roll into each other akin to ocean waves and resemble, to Tia, silk draped over the bones of the land. When prompted, Mina explains they are different due to their age. The southern range is extremely ancient whereas the northern range is rife with seismic activity and were cut by glaciers further north. As they travel, they pull closer to the south.

Tia observes the people working the farms they pass as well, readily using magic to aid their efforts. A farmer gestures with his palms facing outward, seemingly stained auburn, and the soil softens, plowed by some invisible hand. Another dips their fingers into the loosened dirt and little buds pop out of the soil. As they pass a pasture, a woman speaks to the horses. Her face and arms up to her elbows are painted with deep maroon patterns, glowing as she hovers them over the pregnant mare's belly and summoning a similar glow from its swollen belly.

Tia is astounded at how casually and readily the people here utilize their forms, feeling as if the world around her was slowly coming to life with magic. While the island city left her feeling lost and uncomfortable, this vibrant valley stirs curiosity and eagerness to explore further. Despite his reluctance to return home, Allen couldn't stifle his smile witnessing Tia's eyes glimmer after so long. However, as they arrive at the inn, Tia finds herself well beyond exhaustion. Her skin is pasted with sweat and her legs tremble as she trudges up to their room. She was far from fit enough for this journey especially after more than a month at sea.

(Suggested Audio: Ghosts of Appalachia)

     "I don't think I've ever been so exhausted!" Tia gasps, crumbling into her bed.

     "Just wait,"  Allen teases, "You'll be more sore than you've ever been tomorrow and far more the day after that!"

Tia's groan is excessive as she pulls at the laces of her boots. She barely manages to kick them off before falling asleep. Allen and Mina smile to each other at the sight and sit at a table by the window.

     "Too tired to follow up for that discussion you promised her," Mina whispers, giving Allen a meaningful look.

     "There are a lot of things I'm putting off telling her," Allen whispers back, "So much is changing for her so quickly. She deserves just a little more time before she has to tackle anything more."

Mina takes his hands in hers from across the table, speaking empathetically.

     "I know you want to protect her. But whatever is coming, you need to prepare her. She wont stay a little girl for you forever," a wan frown develops on his face, concern finally leaking into his expression as his daughter slumbers, "Keeping things from her may be more harmful. I hope you wont keep anything from me either?"

Allen holds Mina's gaze before nodding. Tia grumbles some annoyance and turns over in her sleep. He gestures to the door and they both step out. As they exit the room, they find one of the guards stationed outside. Shaking off their surprise, they nod amiably and head downstairs. Several of the men escorting them are gathered at a table, drinking and playing cards while Martin sits at the bar and has emptied several glasses already, flirting with the barmaid. The men fall silent as the Minx couple enters the tavern but when Martin snaps a fierce leer in their direction they conspicuously start their game back up.

      "Did ye need sum'm'?"  Martin slurs. A poorly stifled smile wavers on Allen's lips but he waves dismissively.

     "No, we just need a bit of fresh air," Allen replies. Martin shrugs and turns back to the woman, sipping his ale. The couple steps outside, stopping just under a tree outside the inn. One guard watches them through the window.

     "They're practically vultures," Mina complains, her breath puffing before her face as she sighs, "What's going on, love?"

Allen wraps an arm around her and looks up at the starry sky. Inside the inn, the guard keeping watch on the couple pretends to relax, glancing at his cards. He watches them converse in his peripheral vision. Allen speaks for several moments before Mina squeezes his fingers, her eyes begging for honesty as they peer into his but Allen appears hesitant. Martin gauges the interaction by watching the guard's expression, his eyes squinting as Mina gasps, her face growing pale.

Allen is slow to continue, concern tripping him up at Mina's reaction. She is suddenly distant, staring nowhere in particular in her daze, and Allen glances significantly at their room as he speaks. The guard's eyebrows knit together and Martin turns to leer at them himself. Tears well up and trickle down Mina's face and she tears herself away from him, eyes wrenched shut as she seemingly holds herself together. Allen reaches for her but she whips around with an accusatory finger before wavering back to sorrow, trembling. He steps toward her, his movements extraordinarily gentle, cupping her hands together in his own, and shakes his head as he speaks. Martin scoffs, Allen's face overflowing with consideration and empathy.

     "Can 'ardly reconize 'im," Martin slurs to himself and frowns, feeling nostalgic and bitter.

     "Allen!" Mina sobs and begins to shiver again. Allen embraces her on impulse, releasing the smallest sigh of relief when she doesn't pull away.

     "Mina, what is-" Allen begins to ask but she shakes her head vigorously into his shoulder and sniffle, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry."

Allen's voice is a wisp, squeezing Mina and  stroking her back until her shivers fall away. Her silence drags on as she focuses on Allen's warmth.

     "I'm going to do everything I can to protect both of you-" he speaks with firm determination but she pulls away.

     "I..." Mina hesitates and her voice breaks, "I'm tired."

She wipes at her face and he searches her expression, her lips pressed tightly together. She can't meet his eyes.

     "Alright, darling," Allen nearly husks, "Let's get some rest."

Allen escorts her back to the bedroom and sits up for some time, watching over the two of them before turning in himself.



(Suggested Audio: Yokai Forest)


For the next few days of their journey Mina remains distant from her husband. She gives Allen quaint smiles from time to time, panging dread into his chest, or stares out at the landscape in contemplation. Tia begins to struggle as the days go on, nearly slipping off her saddle multiple times and consistently griping for breaks. Eventually, Mina has Tia ride with her so they can keep up with the group. Tia pulls the hood of her cloak up and dozes off, Mina holding her in place. Allen enjoys the sight despite Mina's avoidant behavior, hugging Tia like a lifeline. At times Mina's lips will tremble when she gazes at him, knotting his stomach, but he reassures himself she just needed time. Several days later they arrive at a small village grazing the southern mountain range -the Tenebrous Chain - and make their way to an inn on the edge of an ominous forest. As they arrive, another group is waiting—General Stahlmann's unit. Mina ushers Tia up to their room immediately, sitting by the window and staring up the mountain. Allen dines with the soldiers, catching up with old acquaintances. When he makes his way up for the night both girls appear asleep and he slides into bed right away. He brushes the hair from Mina's face before rolling over.

Tia startles awake, alerted by the sharp click of their door shutting. She rubs her eyes and looks about the room, finding only herself and her father present. The floor nips at her toes as she pads to the window. Blinking and continuing to rub at her drooping lids, Tia spots her mother just outside the inn with her hood up as she glides to the stable. She watches Mina speak with a soldier posted outside while she pulls on her boots. Mina places a hand on his shoulder and the man crumples to the ground. Tia pulls the cloak over her shoulders urgently, sneaking after her mother with quick steps. Strangely, every one of the soldiers posted along the way are sound asleep and sloppily slumped along the walls of the inn. The night air is harsh, biting at Tia's face and numbing her fingertips as her eyes scrape for any sign of her mother. 

She catches a glimpse of a rider slipping under the creaking oaks behind the inn. Tia dashes for the stable and grunts, throwing a saddle over Angel and fumbling with the buckles haphazardly. She swings herself onto the horse, blinking up at the mountain before kicking Angel forward into the forest.

Tia follows the road cautiously, grateful there appears to be one singular path. There are no lights lining the mountain road as it weaves its way up a steep slope, lined by twisted trunks. The forest is thick and a pall of black mist lingers along the forest floor and even up into the branches, seeming to swallow up what little natural light the moon provides. Strange sounds echo between grasping branches and persistent underbrush, forcing Tia to a slow pace despite her anxiety or risk being thrown by a stray root. She knows she could use her form to conjure up light but dreads what else might be drawn to her. Fear creeps over Tia as she realizes she may lose her mother in this darkness, its cold fingers dragging down her back.

     "Mom! Are you there?" Tia calls out, squinting into the path before her. Only the eerie clicks and hoots within the forest answer her, a bone-chilling chitter creeping by behind her. "Ka-san, watashida yo! (Mom, It's me!)" Tia calls again, desperation tainting her voice, "Doko iku no? (Where are you going?)"

There is a long, agonizing silence.

     "I'm here!" Mina finally answers, "Come on!"

Tia's heart jumps and she urges Angel forward. After rounding the corner, Mina waits illuminated by a ray of moonlight. She gestures for Tia to follow and continues her way up the mountain path.

     "Where are you going??" Tia questions again, barely catching up with a steady trot. Mina brings a finger to her mouth.

     "I... I can't stay," Mina answers, barely audible.

     "What do you mean?" Tia squeaks, glancing to the inn below and then back to her mother.

     "I thought..." Mina struggles with her wording, "I thought Accia would be safe, that Allen could keep us all safe, but I was wrong. Especially not for you, Tia!"

Tia finds herself struggling to respond, astonished by her mother's words

Mina Despair

     "What- What about dad? We can't just...!" Tia begins and Mina grimaces as if in physical pain, tears welling up.

     "Your father doesn't have a choice, he can't leave," Mina croaks and, as Mina regards Tia, sorrow touches every corner of her face, "And I can't stay...! I don't have a choice either. There is something I have to do."

Tia is baffled into silence, her mind whirling and cloying to try to understand. She had never seen her mother this way, distress wracking her every word and pain caught in her eyes. At least to Tia, her mother always possessed eternally steady composure. She peeks down the mountain again, at the glow of the town beyond the inn. They were one or two switchbacks from the top now. Tia turns back to Mina with a solemn expression and clear resolution.

     "I-" Tia begins but Mina silences her, alerted.

     "Shizukani! Chottomatte... (Be quiet! Just a moment...)" Mina whispers and they pause, listening intently.

The sound is faint but distinct. Horses barreling up the mountain and the voices of men urging them forward. Fear washes over Mina's face, her eyes darting and trying to make sense of their pursuit until they land on Tia with realization. They had seen her.

     "Nigero, imasugu! (We have to run, now!)" Mina raises her voice with extraordinary urgency, abandoning stealth, and her horse's nostrils flare as she kicks it forward.

(Suggested Audio: Through the Woods)

Tia hesitates briefly but panic urges her to follow after her mother. Stars glitter to life across Mina's arms as she gestures and amplified moonlight breaks onto the path before them, quickly swallowed up again by shadow after they pass.

     "Why are we running?!" Tia shouts but Mina concentrates on the path before them, silent.

Tia peers down the mountain and can see torchlight illuminating one of the switchbacks below, this orange luminescence far warmer than the celestial light guiding them forward. At least three torches hover below while another is much farther ahead than the rest. Mina's urgency is unremitting and Tia struggles to keep up, her exhausted body faltering. They race across the final path and are about to crest the mountain when a ball of light careens through the trees, flying between Tia and her mother.

Corrust Magic

As this light collides with the road the earth explodes with sudden light and fury. Wads of hot mud fling onto Tia and Angel, the rest flying past her. Angel rears, screaming in response. Tia rips at the reigns furiously, pulling back too hard in an effort to keep her balance, and the stirrups give out beneath her. She tumbles backward, crashing into the road as Angel takes off past the last bend.

     "Tia!" Mina shrieks, pulling her horse back around.

Tia coughs and groans from the unexpected collision. Sharp pain radiates through her back, rocks and roots poking at her from the mountain path. She manages to sit up, finally, and finds herself on the road, feet still in the stirrups of her saddle. There is a hole in the mountainside to her left, catching her gaze before it slides to her mother. Fear and desperation paint Mina's face.

     "Come on!" Mina urges her, moving astride and reaching down to offer her hand.

Tia takes a deep breath and gathers herself up, attempting to rise from the road, but a cutting sensation pinches her leg. She collapses with a grunt. Wide eyes land on the stone sliver embedded in her thigh, large enough to poke out both sides. Tia sobs, astounded she hadn't felt it happen. Her hands hover around the stone, too fearful to actually touch it.

     "Your kaithur...!" Mina gasps, "Use your magic! Haiyaku, haiyaku!! (Hurry)" Mina urges her again, glancing down the path as their pursuers near closer.

Struggling to focus, Tia gathers up her will and quiets her mind. She taps into her own life-force before letting it flow out into her body. Mina watches her daughter transform. The first rider is close now, only one switchback from them. Mina gasps, her eyes hazing over...

It begins with her fingers and toes, her flesh melting into pure, transparent water lit by an incandescent glow. Tia focuses the transformation on just her leg, opening her eyes to watch the stone sink until it falls to the ground. Tia lets the magic fade and scrambles to her feet, wary of the gash still present in her thigh which spills her blood onto the road. She looks back up now, reaching for her mother, and freezes...



Tia is alone


   "Iie...!(No...!)"  Tia gasps, "No, no, no!", she whimpers and limps forward, over the crest. She can see her mother descending the mountain on the other side, "Oite ikanaide! (Don't leave me behind!)"

Tia's deperate plea explodes from her lungs and echoes down the mountain, leaving her breathless. Yet Mina doesn't stop, doesn't slow, doesn't even look back at her daughter. Very quickly, Tia loses sight of her in the gloom of the gnarled forest.

"Stop!" a voice shouts its demand from behind her.

Her pursuer rounds the corner, barreling towards her on horseback. He is dressed in the uniform of a soldier, clearly one of their new escorts. His armor glints in the warm light, another peculiar orange ball readied in his free palm. He rides without slowing, his hand wavering with the rhythm of his horse as he takes aim. Tia's breath is haggard, stricken by her own helplessness, limping backwards instinctively and stumbling to the edge of the road. A cold panic fills her stomach as their eyes meet. A wordless shriek passes her lips as he gestures, the orb hurtling towards her.

Tia brings her arms up as if to block the blast and activates her form again in desperation. Fueled by fear and instinct, the transformation is nearly instant as it flows swiftly across her whole body. Her flesh fades into transparency, her entire body rippling into clear water lit by a celestial glow. Stars twinkle throughout her form but two gleam in place of her eyes while the largest shines in her chest. This ethereal luminosity refracts onto her surroundings as the water ripples yet her body retains its shape.

The soldier is stricken at the sight of her, jaw going slack and eyes wide. Martin rounds the corner just as the explosion ignites, blinded by their combined light. The harsh golden tint of flame licks Tia's body and she feels herself evaporating to steam where it touches her. Her magic tames the meager blast but she is also pushed back by the force, falling into the forest behind her.

Tia feels branches, leaves and twigs pass through her form as she falls. In her panic, she loses concentration and the magic fades. As her body solidifies back into flesh, branches and leaves still stuck inside her, she tumbles and rolls down the slope. Tia marvels at her own silence as her body collides with the mountain, feeling she ought to shriek as her body slams into unrelenting trunks, vicious stones and ornery roots. As she tumbles, the mountain smashes her bones, lacerates her limbs and brutalizes her organs. Tia's head spins and her consciousness falters as she thuds into the bottom of the gorge a broken doll.

     "You damned fool!" Martin roars at the soldier, Ben, as he approaches.

     "I-I..." he stutters and waits at the place Tia stood, his face blank and frozen, doubting what he had just witnessed. Martin peers down, spotting her limp body on the forest floor. He whips around with a vicious swing, backhanding the soldier hard enough that blood spills over his lips. 

     "She didn'!!" Martin trembles as his words seethe out, a scowl plucking at the scars on his reddened face. "Do you have any idea what you've just done, Ben??"

     "I m-m-missed! It w-w-" Ben splutters, cowering and going silent as Martin sneers at his wobbly excuses.

     "You two! Keep after the other one, there were two horses. And you!" Martin barks, stabbing a finger into Ben's chest, "You'd best steel yourself. You'll be the one telling the duke what you've done to his wife-" he glances down at her again, "Or heir."

Ben's face is pale, swallowing bile as he tries to fathom the consequences. The other two chase after Mina, continuing down the mountain. Martin's eyes linger below and he curses, spotting an animal approaching her.

     "With me!" Martin calls to Ben, re-mounting his own horse, "We've got a body to collect."


(Suggested Audio: Dusk of the Dryad)


Tia teeters on the edge of consciousness. The front of her body is melted where she had evaporated, heat overwhelming her remaining flesh which resembles sloppy, bubbling wax. Her skin is dusted with gashes, punctured by twigs and a number of nubby bones protrude out from misshapen limbs. Tia can hardly rasp in a breath as her own ribs cut into her, gasping and coughing up blood. She manages, despite the pain, to roll onto her back and it wracks her with further anguish. Tears sting the warped flesh of her face and her vision begins to fade along the edges as she stares up at the moon.

Worst of all, she can hear the gentle babbling of a stream nearby—waters which could heal her, taunting her with a hope her broken limbs could never reach before death claims her. Tia's thoughts drift to her mother, to her father. To the life she had led so far, unaccomplished and trite. To the world she wanted to explore and the bonds she never managed to forge. She coughs and sobs, believing she could've, would've, done something more. Instead, her consciousness begins to fade. As her vision narrows, she sees a shadow pass over her, the moonlight blotted out by some black creature looming over her.


...The wholeness of her being begins to vibrate—skin, bones, blood. The darkness she fades into begins to consume her, penetrating and soaking into her soul ravenously. She struggles as she filters into the shadows and they filter through her. She feels unbearably cold, empty, heavy, hollow, hungry. She drowns in this feeling, floundering as it pulls at the threads of her existence. Yet a warmth remains at her center and she clings to it desperately, an island in the storm. An eternity passes and then, finally, returned warmth course through her again. She feels her body tremble violently as her bones crack and snap into place. An invisible stitch pulls her skin back together like the seam of a cloth under a careful hand. The pain which yanked and pinched at her body begins to fade. Air sucks back into her lungs, the blood flows back into her veins and her heart flutters before pounding with renewed strength. All of her injuries rewind and her body is whole again. Yet she still reels from the pain she endured and the darkness which overwhelmed her. Not only was her body weary, it felt as if her soul itself was fatigued. Stretched to its limit. Tia fades back out…


...Tia feels movement, limp limbs swaying, head lulling and rocking and cruel air biting at her skin as it passes. A film of sweat coats her body and she could smell the scent of another, could feel warm skin pressed against her face and cradling her torso. They move in sporadic, jerking motions. Glimpses of tree branches and starlight peek through her squinted eyes and an unfamiliar face focuses on the path ahead.

     "Tia?!" Allen shouts. The one carrying her pauses but moves towards Allen, still tensed and ready to flee.

     "You know her?" a deep voice answers him, rumbling Tia's head.

Tia tries to move, to open her eyes, but she only musters a groan and tosses her head to the side.

     "She's my daughter!" Allen claims, both desperation and relief touching his voice, and Tia can feel the one holding her relax , "What's wrong with her? What happened?"

     "I found her like this, in the forest," her rescuer answers, adjusting his grip for Allen to take her, "She tumbled down the mountain, was in bad shape. But when I got to her... she was healed."

Tia feels her father's arms slip under her, scooping and cradling her, and she feels herself drop lower.

     "...Healed?"  Allen breathes, brushing away the hair pasted to her face.

     "There was a black creature hovering over her, protecting her," His voice drops, speaking slowly with heavy emphasis, and there is a moment of silence between the two men, "Soldiers were chasing her and they almost killed her. I managed to get her away before they descended the mountain." 

   "Thank you, son! How can I repay you...?" Allen husks, shifting his weight.

     "Just don't tell anyone you saw me!" her rescuer laughs,  "Good luck, Mr...."

     "Minx, Allen Minx." Her father answers and watches his eyebrows shoot up. Yet his smile is quick to return after he shrugs off his surprise. 

     "Good luck Mr. Minx and good night!" he calls out, followed by silence as the man departs.


Tia fades out again as her father begins to move...




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