The Visiting

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We were camped out in Cloddendale-- did a show just last night. The forests were drawin’ thin here, openin’ out to the deserts beyond that bleed into Syperragg territory. Had the Trendil Wagon parked by a small, rocky hill. Inside, the crew and I slept. We would head north towards Lytelcroft in the morning. Curled up beside myself, I glanced once more at my friends before shutting my eyes. The Gardinbeufian orc, the runaway nymph, the juggler, the dancers, the musicians, and my traveling partner, Kora. Kora the Great Plumed Raven. Perched upon a high rock in the crag, she flew over and landed upon my arm as I extended it and whistled out to her. The moonlight shined through the mouth of the cave, illuminating her silky black feathers and the specks of color around her wings, and about the glorious plume upon her crested head. Her blue eyes glowed as if they were made of polished, bright, blue, precious Ufane stone. She cocked her head and cawed lovingly.

“Good night, Kora,” I exhaled as I closed my eyes and brought her close to me.

She curled herself up under my chin. I felt her soft, warm down, and her gentle breathing. Pretty soon, I was fast asleep.

It wasn’t long though before I awakened. My eyes tried to blink out the darkness that enveloped me, but I couldn’t seem to shake it. I arose to find my loyal Kora alert and standing by me. She pecked and nudged my arm. All I could see of her were her gem-blue eyes. She didn’t make a sound but seemed to be steadfastly staring at the mouth of the cave. I cautiously arose and tiptoed towards the opening. The moon itself seemed to have hidden behind the clouds, but I found my way, listening to the snores of the others and following the chirping of the crickets. Once outside, I looked to my right and to my left. There was absolutely no one to be seen. Quite strange it all was, for, being a dwarf, I was used to being the one on the giving side of the shenanigan, not the fool who was flummoxed by it. I whispered something to Kora and she took off into the air, her crystal eyes searching the forest diligently.

“See anything?” I asked in a breath.

She descended onto my shoulder and settled her feathers with a shake of her ornate head. Suddenly, from behind, I sensed a presence. Turning quickly on my heels, I came face to belly with Pyket.

“I should have known, you sleazy rascal,” I scoffed.

The feller was a notorious “dwarf” from Taungoun, just as I. Only he was bigger, and fatter. If there was a line between being a dwarf and not, that man was surely an inch over the edge. Besides his great size, Pyket was also known for stealing and making underhanded deals. Feared by all who are anywise familiar with him, I doubt he had a friend in the world besides Nook, his black raven. Most dwarves partnered with ravens, but his was bigger than any I’d ever seen. Fitting for such a large oaf as he. He stared down into my eyes as Nook stared down into Kora’s.

“Whatever do ya want with me, followin’ me around so?” I asked indignantly.

“You know exactly what I want,” he growled.

“Let’s not assume,” I chuckled with a smirk, “Might ye remind an old chap?”

“Four weeks ago, in Dryhtenhaven, you and your traveling buffoons stole a shiny, golden coin, with a ruby red Ufane stone in the center, from a young lad watching your show,” he huffed hurriedly, “THAT COIN WAS MINE.”

“We?! Stole?!” I laughed. “Preposterous.”

Pyket grasped me by the collar and lifted me off the ground. The look in his mismatched, discolored eyes spelled h-a-r-m. His thick, scarred eyebrows ruffled, and his lips curled up to reveal crooked teeth in a sinister grin.

“This is no laughing matter, puny elf,” he murmured. “Now, where is that coin?”

“This thing you describe...” I smiled. “ sounds marvelous, but I have never seen such a spectacle in my life.”

“You have two options, Quade,” he whispered, yanking me gruffly, “give up the coin, or pay another way.”

“I tell you truth, the precious thing for which you ask has never passed into my grasp,” I said firmly.

“Quade!” he roared impatiently. “The lad told me that he volunteered for one of your tricks, presented the coin, and you made it disappear.”

“This lad… he surely must have lied. I do not possess what you have described,” I sung.

“That horrendous patterned speech!” he stomped, throwing me to the ground. “You’ve got a trick up your sleeve.”

“Maybe I have, but just for a laugh,” I smirked, sitting up and brushing myself off.

“Crack one more wit and I’ll snap you in two,” Pyket snarled in a menacing tone.

Despite his comment, him attacking me was the least of my worries. My heart was frozen for Kora, who was fluttering gracefully over me- for Nook had his green eyes locked upon her, and his talons were gripping Pyket’s shoulder as if he were about to launch himself into the air and devour my precious plumed raven whole.

“Alright! Alright!” I rushed, “I’ll give you the gold. It belonged to you, so now I’m told. If I had known this at the first, I would have done something far worse. But since you’re behaving at your best, I’ll give to you what you request.”

Saying this, from my pocket I drew a gold coin. Snatching it furiously, Pyket stormed off into the dark of the night, Nook crowing furiously back at us over his shoulder. Once he was far out of reach, I exhaled and smiled at my crested companion.

“The sun’s a-risin’ now,” I smirked, drawing another golden coin from my pocket. As I flipped it, the faint rays of morning light caught sight of the ruby-red Ufane stone in the center of it.

“He’ll be back when he finds it’s a fake, I’m sure, my feathered friend,” I chuckled, “Let’s wake the others and start on our way before he does.”

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Jul 23, 2024 08:08 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Just found these two lost Quade chapters and decided to post them. They were written years ago! I just looked at the timestamp of the original document and saw that it was created in January, 2021! This is long overdue lol