Chapter 14

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As I put my armor on my bed, I grab my phone and call my big sister. I hear a familiar voice answer:

"Evelyn? Why are you calling?"

"Hey Amber! We got an alert about a dungeon appearing soon, and I think the building where you work is affected, so I wanted to check on you and make sure you were aware."

"Oh, I am aware. I'll be leaving as soon as I grab the sample we've been running tests on lately."

"What? No! You need to leave now! There's no telling when the dungeon is going to appear!"

"It takes a few days for a dungeon to be cleared, right? I can't know if the sample is still going to be usable by then, and since it took a team lead by a level 100 adventurer to get it, I don't think I'm going to get to work on something this rare again while I'm alive. I know it's risky, but I can't let that chance slip me by. We could learn so much more from this!"

"Your life is more important than a sample! If you get out of here now, I'll get to level 100 and bring you another sample myself, okay? Please, don't risk your life like this."

"You worry too much. I'm sure it'll be fine. Oh, I'm at the lab's door, so I'll close the call now. See you soon!"

That girl is gonna drive me crazy!

She's several years older than me, and she's currently doing her doctorate. It's my first semester of university and I chose to come here so I could be with her, but she truly is obsessed with her research. She won't even heed the warnings of her little sister!

I wonder how mom and dad would react if they knew about this? I don't think even they would be able to change her mind considering how stubborn she's always been, even as a kid.

I put my armor on, grab my axe and shield, and head out of the dormitory. My roommates seem confused to see me like this, but I don't have time to explain. If I get there fast enough, I might be able to drag her out of the building before the dungeon appears.

I run, or rather jump, down the stairs and leave the building in a hurry. I run towards her lab, amplifying my speed with my magic. While I'm not very adept at this, I feel like it's justified in this instance. There are adventurers near the doors to prevent people from entering, but they'll allow me in, right? I have someone to save, after all!

How I wish I could have figured out who Aurora is. I'm sure she would fly to my sister's rescue! Well, I'm not sure, but I'd like to think that this is how the woman I have a crush on would act.

As I approach, one of the adventurers blocks my way and asks:

"Why are you here? A dungeon is going to appear soon, it's too dangerous to go in, even for an adventurer."

"My sister is in there! I have to get her out!"

"Your sister...?"

The guard grabs his phone and does a quick call before saying:

"It's too dangerous. The dungeon could appear any second now, and initial readings indicate it might be rather high-level. I'm sorry, but your sister will have to find some place to hide until we can rescue her."

"What? No! Let me in!"

I try to rush past the guard, but he's clearly much higher level than me and has no issue restraining my movement.

"You can't throw your life away like this!"

"I need... I need to save her... Please let me go..."

Tears are streaming down my face. The thought of losing my sister is too much. I can't just let her get swallowed by a dungeon like this!

However, instead of letting me go, the guard grabs me and starts running away from the building. In the corner of my eye, I spot the reason: a blue barrier is slowly forming around the area. The dungeon is appearing.

I try to struggle free from his grasp, but he doesn't let go. He runs to safety in time for the dungeon to not close on us... But that means that my sister is now stuck in there!

I let out a scream as I'm dragged further and further away from the person I need to save.

Please, if there is a god out there, tell me she's going to be fine... or send someone to save her. I implore you!

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