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They flipped their hoods back up and stepped out of the tent.

JuJu jumped onto the dock. Peypey flopped on his blanket.

"Looks like JuJu needs a walk," Fawkes told Shyri as he stepped up beside JuJu. This time when he offered her a hand she took it and let him pull her up. 

He held out his elbow but she shook her head. Fawkes sighed. Strolling off his dock, he saw six of the fishing boats peaked with tents tied to the other low dock. A gentle glow came from the prow end of each tent, a sure sign someone was inside. Two sailors in slickers stood watch on the dock by the Eddy Rider's gangplank.

Fawkes and Shyri walked side by side into town with JuJu keeping ahead of them. Despite not knowing where they were going, the huge dog led the way in the manner that all dogs seemed to have. The street was quiet. The shops, all closed for the night, meant no one hurried about on the cobblestones, though a town watchman wandered along every hour.

The watchmen wore ponchos that covered their arms to the elbow and hung to their knees making it easier to draw their cutlasses belted at their waists. Not until the cobbled stone street neared the Blackstone Inn were there folks seen about despite the weather. They did not reach the Inn end of the cobblestone street. Shyri turned onto a street that took them away from the warehouses.

"This isn't the way to Haggler's Stores." JuJu snorted at Fawkes' words but trotted to get ahead of Shyri.

"Cause we are going to Haggler's Distillery."

"Why not grab the brandy from the warehouse?" This was new. She always claimed the distillery was too well guarded so we never raided it before. Why now?

"Because he never keeps the blackberry brandy in the warehouse," Shyri snorted then patted his arm. "It's not so watched tonight, especially with this pouring rain. And even if they do manage to be watching, they won't see us. Things are busy at the inn."

Fawkes narrowed his eyes but said nothing. The Blackstone Inn had been in tight with the Hand until that fire attack. Things were now tense between them since. What changed?

"I like the regular brandy just fine. Why do you need the blackberry brandy tonight?"

"Well," Shyri began, then sucked in a breath, held it, then let it out. "Blackberry is ... SPECIAL. I want to make damn sure not all of it gets aboard that ship. This is not the first time the Eddy Rider has come to Blackstone. When it does, it's tradition that their first night is one of peace. No thieving or anything."

"Trying to nab my boat was something."

"An act that fired the fishers right back up and got Rapp sitting hard on the Hand tonight."

"What? He'd nev—"

"Oh, he is since he wants to continue being captain of the watch. All those fancy Hands are making merry at the Inn and word is somebody got punished for that attempt on your boat. Rumor has it the Hand is soothing ruffled feathers at the inn with all Hands dropping coin there tonight for some good CLEAN fun."

Well, good thing I stocked the keeper box with sandwiches. Won't be going to the Inn for awhile. Fawkes sighed. Explains why she is so certain tonight would be the best time for getting her "brandy". Maybe there's something in there that only I can find? He rolled his eyes. More like I will 'see' something she can't and keep her from getting hurt.

 Haggler's Distillery sat at the other edge of town from the old orchard and cemetery. Cutting through muddy streets past homes rather than shops was a really good way to not be seen. They went past garden walls out behind the cottages with Fawkes crouched low behind her. Her slicker hid her form well, much to his disappointment, but he was still close enough to enjoy her floral scent.

As they made their quiet way, they could hear the chickens roosting in their coops, locked up safe and dry for the night. Some gardens still had their dogs outside so they climbed over walls to avoid them. The stones were slippery with the rain. Twice he caught her, then held her a moment breathing in her scent more deeply before lifting her. JuJu cleared the walls, quick and easy, then moved to stay ahead of Shyri while Fawkes got himself over the walls.

One last climb and they squished their way along a muddy path through a wild growth of red plum trees to the backside of the distillery. It was a broad wooden wall that had no doors or even a window.

"This is a secret place," Shyri whispered.

"Secret?"  He did not hide his doubt as he eyed the empty bottles strewn about. It looked like several people came back here to drink. Often.

"Well, the sillies sneak back here to drink then go back to work. None of them think to look for my little bolt hole." She led him to a place where several old broken barrels were stacked. 

"Haggler hates to get rid of anything as long as there are bits he just might need." She rolled a barrel aside revealing an old half-door still hinged in place.

"This was a children's door for them to go outside to play without getting in the way of the work back in his grandfather's day."

"How did you learn that?" He felt amazed at the things she seemed to know.

"You'd be surprised what folks will talk about when they're drinking."

She slipped two fingers into a knothole and pulled the door open on silent hinges.

"Sounds very fresh."

"I do keep it greased. Come on." She bent low and went through the door. Fawkes exchanged a look with JuJu who sat down beside the door. Bending low, Fawkes stepped inside.

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