In Which After Feast Activities Are Discussed

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“So, first, you gotta know what kind of orgy you’re going to,” Imena started.

“There are different kinds?” Braelin mused.

“Oh, yeah, absolutely,” fae nodded, “As many people who can want to attend, but you still have to be comfortable, you know?”

“Right, of course,” Braelin chuckled.

“So, there’s an all-out orgy where pretty much everyone can join in with everyone,” Imena said, holding up faer fingers as fae counted off, “There are singlet orgies where everyone is just interested in touching themselves and not being with other people, and relationship orgies where everyone doesn’t mind being in the same room but only wants to participate with their established partners.”

Jurao was aware of these varieties from Feyl and Minaz – as both usually participated and occasionally discussed past events. Feyl tended to go to all-out orgies, being habitually single, and Minaz tended towards relationship orgies, being long-time partnered.

“Singlet and relationship orgies can be open or veiled,” Imena went on, “Open orgies are ones where everyone is in the same room and can see each other unimpeded, and where those who only want to watch are welcome. Veiled are orgies where curtains and dividers are used to create shielded spaces so that while everyone is in the same room, they don’t have a clear view of each other, and those who only wish to watch are not invited.

“All orgies can be further categorized based on preferences of the host,” the princelin continued, “Such as rough play orgies for those in rough play communities – though rough play is usually permissible in any kind of relationship orgy unless stated otherwise.”

“I suppose established couples would know if that’s what they’re into,” Braelin nodded.

“Yeah, but it can still distress other people to see it if they’re not into it, so some host will ban it,” Imena shrugged, “Though most enthusiasts won’t go really hard into it outside of a specialized orgy for it.”

“That makes sense,” Braelin said.

“Most will also wear gold bracelets,” Imena said, holding up faer arms, “One bracelet on each wrist means you only want to watch or touch yourself. Two bracelets on each wrist means you’re open to partners of any gender. One bracelet on the left and two on the right means you’re only interested in men, the opposite only women, and three bracelets on each wrist indicate you’re only interested in aesevul.”

“And if you’re only interested in sex with your partner?” Braelin asked, tips of his ears turning pink.

Imena grinned as fae pointed to faer neck, “A necklace instead! Some partners even get matching ones! Those who enjoy rough play have a similar system with where and how many upper arm and leg bands they wear regarding specific acts, but you’d have to ask Feyl or Uncle Kloy about that if you’re curious. It’s not my thing.”

“So… anyone not wearing jewelry isn’t participating at all?” Braelin asked.

“Correct – or anyone only wearing earrings or rings,” Imena nodded, “And I think that about covers it, really! Any questions?”

“None that I can think of,” Braelin cleared his throat, “Jurao?”

“No,” the King said, “Thank you, Imena.”

“Well, let me know if you think of anything!” Imena laughed, almost skipping out the door, “Have fun deciding what you plan to do!”

After fae had closed the door, Braelin said, “A veiled relationship orgy doesn’t sound bad.”

“Ah,” Jurao’s tail swished, “I thought the same.”

“And, with it being a holiday, I assume there’s no work the next day or so?” Braelin prompted.

“Correct,” Jurao confirmed.

“Then, it seems like a good opportunity for you to fuck me then,” his partner said.

“Oh,” the King said, “Yes, if that’s what you want to do.”

Jurao really did not care which of them fucked the other, though the idea of fucking his partner was not unappealing. However, as Braelin seemed to actively want Jurao to have the opportunity, it was something he also desired. They did not have sex very frequently, and his partner was usually concerned with making it to morning training and working the next day, so a planned day off did seem like an opportune time. It did concern Jurao to a degree that Braelin anticipated the act being so hard on him physically, though the man himself assured him it was just extra caution until after he knew for certain.

Braelin hummed, then nodded, “Yes, I think so. As long as you’re alright with that.”

“I am happy doing whatever you want to do,” Jurao said, tail swishing.

His partner smiled as he glanced back at it, then said, “I suppose that leaves figuring out who to invite…”

“Ah, yes,” Jurao hummed, “I will consult with my valets later – that is one of their usual tasks.”

“Does that mean Feyl has been in charge of the… Royal Orgy,” Braelin paused, seeming to find the idea very amusing as he needed to stifle a laugh, “Until now?”

“Indeed,” Jurao nodded, “Since I have not attended, I left it all to him. I do not know if he will want to participate in a relationship orgy, though…”

“Well,” Braelin mused, “I think he and Kloy have still been sleeping together, so even if they’re not in a formal relationship, they might choose to come together to support your first time actually hosting.”

“This is true,” Jurao agreed, “I will bring it up with him.”

“So what happens during the actual feast?’ Braelin asked.

After Jurao explained the Feast in full, Braelin left to spend more time with his family. Jurao sent runners to collect all his valets, doing paperwork as he waited for them to arrive.

“So?” Feyl asked, the last of the three to arrive, “What’s this?”

“I’m going to be hosting the Royal Orgy this year,” Jurao said, “So I wanted to discuss the guest list.”

“Oh,” Forvi chuckled, in one of the seats in front of the King’s desk, “This will be your first time attending at all, won’t it? And immediately hosting…”

Imena laughed, sitting on the edge of the desk, “It seemed to be going that way when I was going over protocol earlier!”

Feyl took the other seat, snorting, “Let me guess – veiled relationship?”

“Yes,” Jurao nodded, “I know you usually attend the all-out kind, but Braelin suggested you and Kloy might attend together even though you’re not formally courting. If you wanted to come as support.”

Forvi sighed, “It’s still a bit odd for me, you two sleeping together – but I think that’s just because I think of Kloy like family.”

Imena made a noise of disgust, sticking out faer tongue, “You’re sleeping with Uncle Kloy? But he’s so… old.”

“He’s not that much older than I am,” Feyl rolled his eyes at the siblings, “I’ll ask him – and I appreciate the consideration. As for other guests, starting with the Department Heads is a good baseline.”

“Gavven doesn’t attend, and Festi has only ever attended to watch, though not frequently,” Forvi considered, “Minaz and Vajur naturally attend Hujur’s orgy, so that’s already five out.”

“Six,” Jurao added, “Petty Princess Jaevve intends to invite Gnori to hers.”

Feyl snorted, “That was fast. In any case, I’ll ask Kloy – Jouvi will probably attend with her partners, so that covers all the Department Heads.”

“I know she’s a bit much sometimes, but Lady Dajor would be a great representative for the progressive faction,” Imena suggested, “And I can think of a few others that would likely agree as well.”

“I might be able to sweet talk Lady Noga,” Forvi sighed, “She’s more than a bit much, but she definitely carries conservative favor – and she has a bit of a rivalry with Dajor, which may convince her to attend just to balance things out. And if she agrees, her closest allies will be easier to convince as well. Veiled relationship at least has the advantage of making it easier to manage opposed parties…”

“I could get away with inviting moderates and moderate leaning progressives and conservatives when I was hosting in Jurao’s place,” Feyl sighed, “But with the King actually hosting, that won’t work as well… oh, Lordis Exkelm and their spouses would be a good addition.”

“Mm, some loyalists will certainly temper both the moderates and conservatives,” Forvi agreed.

“Messo and Ieresti usually don’t attend, but they haven’t never attended, either,” Feyl said, “So we could at least ask if they wish to. They’re progressive-leaning moderates, at least. And I can certainly contact more moderates of all leanings.”

Jurao hummed as he considered – as a formal royal event, the guest list was as important as any other royal event. After some time, he nodded, “I trust your choices.”

Imena hopped down first, “Well then, no time like the present to put some feelers out! Invitations should be sent about a month and a half from now, yeah?”

“Two weeks before the Feast, yes,” Forvi agreed, getting to his hooves and stretching, “And now I need to plan the guest list for two orgies…”

“Ugh, that’s right,” Imena groaned.

Feyl snorted, rising as well, “I’ll handle the final list for the royal one; I’ve only done it almost a hundred times by now.”

“Fair enough,” Forvi chuckled, reaching over to brush Feyl’s hair over his shoulder, “And if you get turned down, you’re welcome at mine instead – it’ll be all out.”

“I never doubted it,” Feyl grinned, kissing the prince’s cheek, “Did you need anything else, Jurao?”

“No, that was all, thank you,” he said, picking up his paperwork where he’d left off.

With no pressing business, he took the evening meal with Braelin and his family in the cottage.

“I was thinking I might help in your office, Braelin,” Ebener stated after they’d all gotten settled. More pieces of furniture had been found, leaving enough seats for all the non-demons – though Milve and Jurao both elected to use the floor due to the small size of the furnishings.

“Hujur would probably be grateful for that,” Braelin chuckled, “The castle steward – not that I wouldn’t be as well.”

“Oh, whatever will I do with my time,” Eweylona chuckled, “You’ve all established yourselves quite well by now – and I’m so proud of the fine adults you’ve all become.”

“You could learn how to ride with me!” Ayelma suggested excitedly, “And the hornhounds make me think of the reindeer you described in the Elven Realm – they’re even big enough for you!”

“Big enough,” Jurao asked.

“Most Human Realm horses are too small for Eweylona’s height,” his partner explained, “So she wasn’t able to ride much back home.”

“Indeed,” Eweylona chuckled, purring, “And it will give me something to do with my daughter and eldest son. Though I admit, growing up as an acolyte, I never rode much.”

“Perhaps, at another time,” Milve cleared his throat, “We can compare stories of our asceticism.”

“Yes, I would welcome the opportunity,” Eweylona said, “I do wonder how our training might have differed – though part of it might be due to our goddesses having different domains.”

“I meant to ask,” Braelin said, “How is Rascal red?”

“Ah,” Milve said, looking over where the two crushferns seemed to be communicating in some way, “It is from the minerals I put in the water it soaks in.”

Indeed, while the ends of the priest’s crushfern were still green, the central body of the plant was now a dark red.

“Though…” Milve sighed, appearing annoyed, “It wanted to be blue…”

“How would you know that!?” Malson demanded.

“It’s not like it can ask…” Jaevve agreed wryly.

“Because it knows which minerals produce which colors,” Milve huffed, “Volcanic minerals from the Wastes make it blue, so it kept draping a blue tunic over itself and sitting in its basin to get its point across – but I didn’t have any of those, so it settled for red for now.”

“And,” Braelin smiled, “How did you learn of this?”

Milve’s face darkened, “It was… merely an experiment I conducted to determine if different minerals gave it other properties, such as increased strength or better water retention. Sadly, it only changes its color.”

“Hard to believe you thought you didn’t care about the thing,” Owren huffed, “’Spose it could do with some spoilin’ from you now, though.”

Milve grumbled, looking away from the group.

Ebener smiled, “I missed lively meals like this.”

Eweylona leaned over to kiss her husband’s temple, “I did too, my love.”

Ah, there it is again, Jurao thought, as the affection once more reminded him of his mothers. But he put it aside, the pang less now than before.

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