Chapter 8

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 The room was almost claustrophobically small, dimly lit by a few overhead, orange-tinted electric lights that cast eerie shadows on the dark green walls. Despite the cramped space, Countess found the color comforting, a welcome change from the bland, gray hallway outside. The only things in the room were a small desk and chair against the back wall and two men standing in front of it at parade rest.

Both were dressed in intelligence officer field gear. Countess immediately recognized one of them as the man from the armored carriage. He had cleaned up well, she noticed. She nodded to him, and he returned the gesture. The other man, whom she didn’t recognize, looked somewhat younger and clearly not a field agent. It was the way he carried himself—nervous and unsure, his eyes never settling on any one thing.

Baron Greystone stood with his hands behind his back, looking at each of them in turn. “You’re all here because the Kingdom of Yorke needs your help. This is a situation of dire need, and King Leopold himself tasked me with assembling this team. Consider yourselves at the top of a very short list. You’re some of the most capable operators in the intelligence community. But don’t let that go to your heads. Some, or even all of you, might not survive this mission.”

The Baron paused for a moment. “Some of you have met, if only a short time ago. But for everyone’s benefit, I will do a short round of introductions. Countess Ella Wellington is to be your team leader.”

Countess’s eyes widened, and she started to sweat. She was not a team leader and did not want that responsibility. Infiltrators mostly worked alone, only worrying about themselves. She sometimes worked with others, but it was mostly in a one-on-one way. Being in charge of two other people was the last thing she wanted.

“Um, Sir…” she began.

“Please hold all comments and questions until the end,” the Baron shot her a stern look.

Countess looked away, feeling dejected.

“Countess has been with the intelligence community for over twenty years and has over one thousand successful missions under her belt.”

Lin looked at Countess and made an exaggerated “wow” face. Countess frowned and shook her head at him.

“Her royal title,” the Baron continued, “is a result of her retirement from the Intelligence Corps, and you WILL show her the respect of that title.” He looked at Countess, “My apologies for cutting your retirement short. The needs of the kingdom, you understand.”

“Yes, sir,” said Countess. “It is an honor to serve.”

“Very good.” The Baron looked at Lin and Vance. “Countess is the best infiltrator in the kingdom and a natural choice for this mission.”

The Baron looked at Lin. “Lieutenant Lin Hurst is an assassin in good standing with the Intelligence Corps.” Lin stood at attention and pushed his chest out in a slightly exaggerated manner. Countess did not find it flattering.

“He’s a 10-year veteran,” said the Baron, “and comes highly recommended. He’s a weapons expert and will represent the main fighting force of your group.”

“Lieutenant Vance Sherwood,” said Baron Greystone, “is an expert in technology and security systems. He has also been with the corps for over ten years. His analysis and support have resulted in over 500 successful operations in Saug territory.”

Vance stood at attention and Lin went back to parade rest. Countess noticed that Vance was smiling ear-to-ear and blushing.

“His knowledge of current civilian and military equipment, as well as his research into ancient systems, should prove extremely valuable. There is no finer support element I could attach to your team.”

Baron Greystone stood at attention. “At ease.” Then he went back to his usual hands-clasped-behind-his-back posture. Everyone relaxed. Countess looked at her new teammates and nodded approvingly. Lin and Vance nodded back. Lin looked on edge but mission-ready. In fact, he looked a little too ready, like he was fighting to hold himself back from charging into battle. Vance, on the other hand, looked nervous and slightly ill.

“Everyone fall-in behind me, and I’ll bring you to our briefing room.”

Lin Hurst, Assassin
Vance Sherwood, Technician and Security Specialist
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