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The Cleansing of Zykyrn Pilkarrz

The Cleansing of Zykyrn Pilkarrz is, chronologically speaking, the second of my Tales of the Realm, a series covering key events in the history of Savàni, most of which directly or indirectly impact Qal'ath. It is set immediately after the end of Fallen Down of Nectar Glen (available as a short, free manuscript here on WorldAnvil), after the Aevyormii have sped East to establish a new roost following Qal'ath's conquest of their homeland.

Serial Fantasy Fiction

Unlike Skirmishes and Schisms, this Chronicle is, and will be, a serialised story - one with milestones, but no predefined end. While my style involves scene changes, it is predominantly about the journey of one misplaced mage.

At times the plot may split into two paths and converge again later, but each scene has a time stamp. I write in "real time", so you are not teleporting back and forward in time!

Language and Spell-casting

While specific incantations are not a major part of my fiction, spells cast are usually in the Foyiitùn language. I have done my best to explain their effects as part of the narrative, but have also included a complete "References and Incantations" section, should you wish to see the full translation.

By "complete", I mean "includes those used so far in the series". Is any reference for anything truly complete?

Please do not let language be a barrier as it often can be, even in our world.

The Cleansing, the Context

This is the tale of Y'kàndrà, the mage Qal'ath had recruited to aid their war, only for him to be at odds with King Senzàn-Fai in the battle's immediate aftermath.

As he departs Nànirryi Island, Y'kàndrà has three primary obstacles to overcome: finding a suitable location from which to begin his investigation and eventual cleansing of the fortress, convincing the Aunwii to join his cause, and his own regrets of recent events.

Where this Chronicle Begins

If the battle against the Aevyormi Queen had tested his skills, Zykyrn Pilkarrz would demand even more. But first, he needed information, so sets his sights on the Queendom of Shevezz. He owns nothing more than his brand and his clothes, and is a complete stranger to all in that land. Y'kandrà realises he must first learn to fit in, before he can begin to set out.

This is The Cleansing.


Any and all artwork relating to this manuscript is created by myself, using a mixture of traditional and digital techniques. None of it is drawn, created or inspired by auto-generated designs.

I am an otherwise unpublished writer, navigating the storms of the Churning Seas of Authors. Reading my work is encouraging, so thank you. If you wish to go further, feel free to chat to me about my writing or join Ko-Fi or Patreon. Thank you.

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