The Order of the Solar Temple

The Order of the Solar Temple is a religious organization that believes the sun is a divine being. The group was founded in 1111 by Even Valle and Oliver Engelstad. Solar Temple members believe in reincarnation and that the sun is a powerful source of energy that can be harnessed for good. The group has been linked to several murders and suicides, and is considered a cult by many. The known punishment for abandoning faith in the Order of the Solar Temple is forcing the person to stare into the sun for a long time. After that, they are excommunicated.   While the Order of the Solar Temple is not welcome in any of the cities, they have been known to set up small villages in rural areas where they can live off the land and worship the sun and recruit new members.


At the head of the Solar Temple, there's the Son of The Sun.
Under the Son of The Sun, there are the Sun Priests that lead the temples.
Then there are the Sunbearers who are the foot soldiers and the lowest ranking members of the group.


The Order of the Solar Temple is a secretive group that does not share much information about their culture with outsiders. What is known is that they believe in reincarnation and that the sun is a powerful source of energy.


During the night, all temples burn incense to ask the sun to return. During the day, at 5 intervals, the followers pray to the sun.


The Son of The Sun is appointed by the collective votes of the Sun Priests.
The Sun Priests in turn are appointed by the Son of The Sun whenever a Sun Priest retires.

The sun blesses us all

Founding Date


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Aug 22, 2022 14:02 by Peter

Hey, I read your article as part of the reading challenge :)   I liked the twist that a bunch of sun worshippers are actually a (supposed) murderous and suicide cult. I'm left wondering why, while they believe in reincarnation, they'd feel compelled to commit suicide. What are they hoping to become afterwards? Being similar to a cult, I can't help but wonder what kind of charismatic leader they have. That the Son of The Sun is appointed by the Sun Priests isn't very cult-like I think, so there's some interesting tension or conflict to be had there.   After staring into the sun for a long time, someone will surely never forget the power of the sun ever again :D Very interesting article!

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