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Worldbuilding Summer Camp 2021

Somewhere in your setting, describe
an industrial, mining, logging or other production settlement.
A total of 411 entries

Nellindill Plastics Production District

Karnhem - Light at the Edge of the World

Prompt 29: Carson's Greith Mining Camp

Military Alchemy Manufactory in Lyon

Ice Farming Settlement of White River.

Andrevel, The Town of Misfortune

Lumberton of Southern Star Archipelago on Oceania - Prompt #29 An industrial, mining, logging or other production settlement

The Platinum Asteroid Belt of Exon-12

Henry's Excavation and Steelworks Company

794.II, 15 Floii: Greenwood Camp

Hundermak: An Underground Mining City

Eldurfell: A town of More Than Metal - By Luna Sverovarg