Chapter 9

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Everyone available met up together in the conference room, with Garbone still in bed, Lennon and Jaryn being checked out by the nurse, and Ryo comforting Jaryn. Havre was too drunk to talk, so she decided to retire early.
“I wish I could remember who exactly he is. I knew him personally- but he wiped my memory,” Tassira said.
“There really isn’t much evidence to make an accurate guess,” Akae murmured, rubbing his temple.
“Well, what do we know so far about Ilflurer?” Akae asked.
“We know that he’s a lich, he’s likely Maefyz or is really fond of that culture. Because he’s a lich he’s obviously pretty powerful with magic. I want to say he’s human because his ear is round, but there’s no way a human of all species could be a lich,” Cassius said.
“Actually, he is,” Morinthir interjected. “One of the few things I do know him is that he loves to brag about his powers desire being human.”
“Really? Well I’ll be damned. Why would Merthicz give so much power to someone like him?” Cassius wondered, looking up at the ceiling as if looking up at her.
“Eilis, help us out. I know you know something about him,” Cassius commanded.
“Hmm, let’s see. What am I allowed to say?” He said out loud as he rolled his eyes in thought. “Well- I do have a theory. You all know about reincarnation right? In general, not specifically about ivierae reincarnation.”
“How people are reborn as new people…?” Tassira asked.
“Yes. It works by transferring the soul to a new body. Sometimes souls that refuse to accept death but aren’t fit for reincarnation will force their way into it by hijacking bodies. My theory is that Ilflurer is possessed by someone who used to be a lich in a past life- completely rejecting Lady Merthicz’ fate for them.”
“And because the soul is what stores magic, that’s how a human ended up with so much power?” Morinthir said.
“What exactly makes you think this was the work of reincarnation?” Akae asked.
“Aside for the power discrepancy- he also has multiple personalities.“
“And how do you know he doesn’t just have some personality disorder?”
“Personality disorders don’t cause you to murder people willy nilly.”
“Fair point,” Akae said, shifting in his seat.
“Anyways, I only know about this because it’s what Lady Merthicz herself has told me about him. I’ve been instructed not to go near him out of fear that I’ll be possessed.”
“Thaaaat explains why I haven’t seen you in months,” Aislin said.
“Apologies for that,” Eilis said, to which she nodded.
“Right so- who do we know that might be possessed by a reincarnated lich?” Cassius asked.
Akae simply shrugged.
“Kyzaf knows. He’s told me before about a few relationships he has with folk with multiple personalities at least. One of them is his former master, Hyalbtz,” Morinthir said.
“Hyalbtz? I never noticed,” Akae said.
“You’re not very good with that sort of stuff, I’m not surprised,” Cassius grinned.
Akae rolled his eyes. 
“Do you know who else, Morinthir?” Tassira asked.
“I don’t, but I assume one of the professors maybe?”
“I don’t know, none of them seem like they could fit the description. Except maybe Micnillie,” Tassira murmured in thought.
“So if we want to be sure, we need Kyazf. That’s going to be difficult considering his shapeshifting abilities. If we’re lucky my restraint spell should work,” Akae said.
“But how do we get him to fess up?” Tassira asked.
“My power is to brainwash people. As long as he isn’t as stubborn as Garbone I should be able to break him easily,” Cassius said confidently.
Aislin side glanced him as he said that before looking down at the table. “But won’t that make you as bad as the enemy?”
Cassius laughed. “Oh, don’t be silly! I’m using my powers for good, unlike Ilflurer who’s doing it for selfish reasons. He just wants power.”
“That sounds like you,” Akae grinned. “I haven’t forgotten about that forbidden letter from your boyfriend.”
“He is not my boyfriend,” he gestured, almost offended. “He’s my enemy and he’s been so since he stabbed me in the back.”
“Isn’t that just regular demon relationship problems?” 
Cassius sputtered, blushing deeply. “No- No!… Maybe.” Everyone chuckled in response.

Meanwhile, Jaryn lay in bed, pale and drenched in cold sweat, each shallow breath a struggle. His eyes, once bright, stared emptily at the ceiling, as if searching for an escape from the poison overtaking him. Beside him, Ryo curled close, pressing his nose to Jaryn’s hand now and then, a quiet plea for him to hold on.
‘I’m sorry for arguing with you earlier. Truth is, I’m struggling with the depression too. I, I just didn’t want to admit it.  I thought I could be like Akae and just toughen it out.’
“It’s okay. I get it,” Jaryn said, petting Ryo. “I get why you’d wanna act like him.”
“He is pretty admirable at times,” Lennon chimed in, wincing as the nurse disinfected  his scars. “Definitely a little too focused on being ‘the tough guy’.”
“You could say that again. You’ve known him your whole life- was he always like that?”
“He’s always been like that, though he used to be less judgemental of others. But enough of him, how’re you holding up?”
“Not well,” Jaryn murmured, looking at him. “That poison is no joke.”
“Kyazf really doesn’t mess around. I don’t think there’s a cure for it.”
“Not yet. The ambassador is helping create a cure for it. Just promise you’ll stay alive long enough for it,” the nurse butted in.
“No promises,” Jaryn joked. “I’ll do my best,” he coughed up blood, wiping it away with his arm.
He was about to say something, but he suddenly jolted up and double over as he let out a violent cough, blood splattering all over Ryo though he didn’t flinch. The taste of iron lingered in his mouth, mixing with the pain building up in his abdomen.
‘Jaryn- are you okay??’ Ryo asked, standing up as he faced him.
Jaryn couldn’t respond as he felt the room tilt around him, his eyelids fluttering as he groaned. Every inch of him ached, as though the poison was burning its way through his veins, hollowing him out with each heartbeat.
Heart beating fast, Ryo curled up closer to his hands, the brushing of fur helping ground him slightly. He purred, bringing him more momentary relief as Jaryn laid back on the bed, catching his breath.
Jaryn’s vision blurred, and for a moment, he thought he saw flickers of familiar faces in the shadows- friends, memories of laughter, and moments long past. A pang of regret twisted in his chest, sharper than any poison, as he thought of all he hadn’t done, of the future he would never see. He wanted to cling to these memories, but they seemed to slip from his mind as quickly as they had appeared, fading like mist in the morning light.
The pain flared again, sharp and unrelenting, and Jaryn shuddered, his grip on Ryo’s fur tightening for a brief second before his hand fell limp. His breathing grew shallower, each inhale a struggle that left him more drained than the last. A chill settled over him, sinking deeper with each passing moment, a darkness that seemed to creep from the corners of the room, swallowing up every sound and light.
The nurse’s hands moved in a frenzy as he scrambled to prepare a potion, his fingers deftly measuring herbs and roots, his eyes flicking between Jaryn’s frail form and the bubbling cauldron before him. Sweat beaded on his brow as he ground a sprig of valerian and sprinkled it into the mix, muttering under her breath, urging himself to stay steady. The thick, earthy smell of the brew filled the room as he added drops of tinctures and crushed petals, each ingredient meant to dull pain and calm the body. He knew the potion wouldn’t be enough to save him, but it might ease his suffering, give him a few moments of relief. As the potion simmered, he clenched his jaw, willing himself not to look at Jaryn’s paling face, not to listen to the labored, rattling breaths that were growing weaker with every passing moment.
Ryo started to shake, as if he felt something fundamentally wrong shifting in his soul. ‘Hurry, nurse!’ He yipped out.
But he was too late. Jaryn’s body began to convulse violently, throwing Ryo off the bed. Ryo couldn’t move though he tried to climb back up the bed, howling out. The nurse rushed over with the finished potion, but paused upon seeing Jaryn foaming at the mouth.
The nurse went to try and aid him, but Ryo’s howling seemed to have cause him major pain as he dropped to his knees, dropping the potion.
Jaryn’s movements became weaker and weaker until he was too weak to convulse at all. It was then that everyone rushed into the room sans Garbone and Havre to see what was going on- only for them to be brought to their knees from the loud howling.
And then silence.
Akae looked up to see the lifeless eyes of Jaryn, the last of the bloodied foam falling from his mouth.
Ryo panted heavily, finally gaining the strength to climb up on the bed, and be met with the lifeless gaze of his brother. ‘Jaryn..’ he whimpered, curling up in his arms.
“Oh no,” Akae whispered as the others peered in the room to see what was happening.
“Ryo, I’m so sorry,” Lennon said quietly. Cassius just watched quietly, his expression soft for the first time in a long time.
‘Please, leave us alone. I need some time to process this,’ he said telepathically. 
Eilis aided the nurse in moving Lennon out along getting his supplies as everyone left the room, all meeting up in the living room.
Garbone quietly shuffled into the living room, looking as if she woke up from a 300 year nap. “What’s going on?”
“There’s a lot to fill you in on. But Jaryn just died,” Lennon said.
“What? Oh no- is Ryo alright?”
“He’s not handling it well. He’s in major pain because of his spiritual bond being severed.”
“I see. I hope he’ll be alright,” she said, taking a seat.

After a few hours, Ryo emerged from the room, a look of determination in his eyes.
‘We need to get Kyazf. He’s got to know who Ilflurer really is,’ he said, walking into the living room.
“Before Jaryn died we were discussing that. But it’s dangerous, considering the poison he has. We don’t even know how Akae’s confinement spell would work on him,” Cassius said.
‘Akae and I will figure that out when the time comes. But I’m determined to get him, even if it means permanently blinding him,’ he hissed.
Eilis sighed in resignation. “That won’t be necessary, Ryo. Akae and I will handle it.” Everyone looked at him in shock. “I know it goes against my angelic duties, but I’m tired of watching you all struggle like this. I’m the least likely to be bit by him, so I should be the one to get up close to him.”
“No offence Eilis, but you’re very weak. How are you going to restrain him?” Akae asked.
“Physically I am, but I do have quite a bit of magical strength. At least my powers will be enough to distract him while you use your containment spell.”
“It’s a death trap Eilis, please don’t!” Garbone pleaded, hands clasped together.
“A little bit of pain won’t kill me. I think, anyways. In all the cycles I’ve lived through, I’ve uh, never gotten involved like this before so I can’t say for certain how safe I’ll be.”
“Cycles?” Morinthir asked.
“It’s complicated. I’ll explain after Akae and I come back with Kyzaf. You ready to get him?”
“I didn’t think I’d ever go on a mission with you. But alright, if you think it’ll work,” Akae said, shaking his hand as the two left the room.

Hours drift by as Akae and Eilis make their way through the dense, shadowed woods, the canopy above filtering the fading light into scattered, dusky patches. The forest floor is layered with thick underbrush and tangled roots that crunch softly underfoot, the earthy scent of moss and damp leaves filling the air. A soft breeze rustles the branches overhead, weaving through the trees and creating a quiet symphony that breaks the silence of the long walk. With each step, the towering oaks and twisted pines seem to close in, lending an air of solitude to their journey. Occasionally, the faint call of a distant bird echoes, a reminder of the world outside their path, yet they are wrapped in a shared silence, both comforted and focused by the forest’s embrace. Slowly, the shadows deepen as they near the edge of the woods, the distant glow of the estate now just visible through the final line of trees ahead.
“I’d say I’m surprised with how well you’re keeping up, but with everything you do I suppose I’m not surprised. What made you change your mind?” Akae asked.
“It’s. Complicated to explain,” he started with before continuing, “I know I’ll be punished for interfering, but- it’s like someone is calling to me, telling me to help.”
“Maybe it’s Lady Alqoa? She’s always disagreed with her rule to not let you get involved in these sorts of things.”
Eilis stopped walking for a bit, leaning to Akae before whispering: “No, it’s someone specific. I don’t know who he is- but he’s been sending me messages that go against Lady Merthicz’ wishes. Please don’t tell anyone I said this,” he pleaded, looking into his eyes.
Akae looked back at him, confused at first. “Alright. I won’t,” he whispered back.
“Thank you. No one must ever know that I’m capable of disobeying her,” he said before continuing to walk. The two started in silence as they walked through the tree line, finally at the estate. Eilis felt his heart race as he saw Kyzaf sneaking away from the estate. “I’ll talk to him first. Whenever you feel is appropriate, sneak out to put the spell on him,” he nodded in unison with Akae before walking out to Kyzaf. “Where are you heading off to? Ilflurer would be unhappy to see you this far out away from him.”
Kyzaf spun around to lock eyes with Eilis, snarling slightly. “I should ask the same for you, being this close to him. Aren’t you afraid of being corrupted?”
“I know I won’t run into him. You on the other hand are very likely to if you don’t come with me.”
He laughed. “Is that supposed to be a threat?”
“It’s a warning. You know you should be on our side.”
“I should fucking bite you for daring to suggest I’d ever betray my love!”
“You’re right,” he grinned, “you can’t betray him now, not under the condition you’re in.”
“What condition?” He glared at him.
“This condition,” he said simply as Kyzaf suddenly fell to the ground, a magical beam of energy binding his arms together. Kyzaf hissed, struggling to break free. But it was no use as Eilis manipulated a strong gust of wind to lift him up in the air.
His third eye glowed a bright blue as he shifted into a snake. He couldn’t escape the binding, but he had enough momentum to swing and quickly bite Eilis in this neck.
Eilis’ eyes widened as he was bit, and he stumbled back, dropping Kyzaf. Akae ran up to the both of them. “Ellis! Are you alright?”
“I feel, weird…” he murmured, stumbling around.
Akae growled before binding Kyzaf’s mouth closed, and picked up the both of them before running back to the embassy.

Akae was out of breath by the time they made it back to the embassy, Eilis was completely out of it.
“Woo, that felt like a roller coaster!” He exclaimed.
“What the Hell is a roller coaster?” Akae asked as he rushed inside.
“Never mind! Probably shouldn’t have said that,” he chuckled. 
Akae ran up the stairs and into the living room, throwing Eilis on the couch. “He got bit by Kyzaf and has been acting oddly since. I don’t think he’s actually hurt, but keep an eye on him,” he said, rising back downstairs to the dungeon.
Eilis grinned as he looked at everyone. “I feel fiiiine,” he chuckled.
Garbone couldn’t help but chuckle. “Are you like, high? Is that what poison does to an angel?”
“I dunno, maybe. I never asked Merthicz that. Though she did just tell me that it’s a normal angel response. So I’m good,” he said, giving the OK gesture.
“How long will this… whole thing last?” Cassius asked.
“Fuck if I know, but I hope it lasts a good while,” he said as he down started to multiply by four before he quickly pulled himself back together. “Oops,” he grinned.
Cassius cringed at him. “Where the Hell is the ambassador? I need you functional, Eilis!”
“I’ll go look for him!” He said, his body splitting as a copy of himself stood up from the couch. The copy had two heads, so he pushed his heads together to merge it back into one before he stumbled out of the room. Garbone quickly followed behind, making sure he’s alright.
“How sweet of you to join me, Garbone. I love having you in my company,” he said as he tripped, with Garbone catching him.
“And I love being in your company Eilis, but please be careful. It takes some time to get used to being this wobbly,” she said, bringing him back to his hooves.
Eilis smiled and nodded as he began walking more carefully, his tail wagging as if he were a happy puppy. The two walked down the hallway before entering one of the rooms at the end.
“Ambassador? Are you in here?” Garbone called out as they entered his bedroom.
“Hm? Oh yes! Behind the bookshelf,” he called out, Garbone carefully leading Eilis to him.
“Eilis and I wanted to see how you’re doing with the antidote. He unfortunately got bit by Kyzaf too,” she said as the two approached him.
The ambassador whipped around casually to face the two, his ominous mask hiding his expressions. If he had any, anyways. “I see. I’ll need to make this stronger then, for it to affect Eilis. How’s Jaryn doing?” His mask gleamed in the candle light, the golden disk attached to his mask shining brightly.
“He, eh, he died.”
“I see. How unfortunate- I wish I had gotten these supplies sooner, he may have lived if they usual merchant wasn’t acting so oddly,” he murmured, facing the cauldron to focus on the potion he was brewing.
“Acting oddly? Do you mean…?”
“Yes, he was possessed. Tried to possess me as well, but I was able to subdue him,” he said as he lit a blue fire underneath the cauldron using a spell, and added almonds to the mixture. “Say, tell me, how’s Havre doing? Is she alright?” He asked, facing her briefly.
“Hm? Oh she’s been rather upset with Jaryn passing. I think she blamed herself for him getting poisoned.”
“It’s not her fault whatsoever. It was just Lady Merthicz’ decision to kill him. I’ll never understand why, but she’s the one calling the shots. I guess,” he said, his tone portraying his disgust with her.
“Tell me about it. Sometimes I think she’s trying to usurp Lord Uvie’s domain.”
“No doubt about it, really. But there’ll be a day where she regrets usurping control, and that day of reckoning is just around the corner,” he smiled.
“Do you know how it will happen?”
“Of course; but I can’t divulge any information just yet, lest I want her to stop what’s happening. She’s watching us as we speak.”
“Really? How can you tell?” She asked, looking up at the ceiling as if she were looking at Merthicz.
“When you’re as powerful as me you able to gain a sixth sense of sorts, one in tune with the gods. No doubt Ilflurer is able to sense it too.”
“I see. Say.. uh, since you’re able to see into the future, do you think you can tell me what my relationship with Havre will be like?” She asked, looking down, placing her index fingers together in a hesitant gesture.
He let out a friendly chuckle. “Of course. As long as Havre survives this situation, you two will live happily together. And, if you’re wondering my predictions for this whole situation with Ilflurer, it’s likely that he’ll be brought to justice. But only if another person is sacrificed.”
“S-sacrificed? Why that?”
“That’s just the price Merthicz wants paid. I’m unable to say who it will be, though,” he smile drops as he mixes in coconut milk to the concoction. He then ladles out a scoop of the potion, pouring it into a cup as he faces Eilis, who looked rather upset at the mention of sacrifice. “Don’t worry dear, it won’t happen for a good while. Drink this for me, okay?” He asked, handing the cup to Eilis.
He downed it despite it being scalding hot. The effects kicked in immediately, and his loopiness seemed to subside, leaving major lethargy as his eyes drooped.
“I’m ready for a nap,” Eilis murmured, leaning against a wall as he was stumbling.
“Hm. Making progress at least,” the ambassador said as he contemplatively put a finger up to his face. “Why don’t you go nap for a while? I’ll fix up the potion for you,” he said, turning around to face the cauldron again.
Eilis nodded before shuffling out, Garbone following closely behind. The two walked back down the hallway, with Garbone stopping at the doorway while Eilis laid down on his original self, merging back into one being as he fell asleep. Cassius sighed in relief.
“I’m going to check on Havre, I’ll be back,” Garbone said as she walked to the room where Havre was staying. She opened the door to find Havre half lying on the bed, her horse half kneeling on the floor.
“Hey, how’re you holding up?” She asked.
Havre darted her eyes at Garbone softly before looking up at the ceiling. “I don’t know. I feel sort of. Empty, I guess. I don’t know how to describe it,” she murmured, not bothering to fix her gold tiara which fell off of her. She seemed to be finally sober, which Garbone was somewhat relieved about.
She walked over to Havre, sitting close to her on the bed. “Sounds like depression. Wanna talk about it?”
“I just, I don’t know. It’s not fair that Jaryn died because of me wandering off. The withdrawal I was going through shouldn’t have been the reason he died.”
“It’s not your fault. The ambassador says Jaryn was just fated to die by Merthicz’ doing.”
“So then she used me as a pawn to kill someone’s? Why would she do that?” She asked, looking Garbone in the eyes.
“Because she’s tyrannical. I never really trusted her the way she made my life a living Hell.”
“Really? I was raised to revere her, because she’s always been merciful.”
“She’s not merciful, she’s petty. She knows I don’t like her and it upsets her,” she squinted, side eyeing the ceiling as if looking directly at Merthicz.
“Huh. This is. Rather upsetting.”
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to upset you further. Say, why don’t we help the ambassador make the potion to cure Kyzaf’s poison? That could help distract you,” Garbone suggested.
“I eh, don’t really want to. I mean, I want to, but I just can’t will myself to get up,” Havre looked up at her. “I just want to sleep honestly.”
“Sleep will definitely help. I’ll check up on you in a few his,” she said, carefully hugging her before leaving the room.

Kyzaf sneered at Akae after he removed his mouth restraint. 
“You’re lucky Eilis is immune to the poison. Does it make you happy knowing that an innocent orc died by your hands?” Akae asked.
“A little bit. I don’t care much for him, but it’s what Ilflurer wanted. To strike down anyone who gets in our way.”
“What did you want with Garbone? Were you trying to possess them?”
“Of course. He would do good to join us. To make up for the wrongs he made in the past.”
“You’re still upset about him breaking up with you?”
“Not anymore. I moved on. I’m talking about the fact that he completely denied helping the guild.”
“Why would anyone want to help you? You’re murdering innocent people.”
Kyzaf let out a hearty laugh. “Humans and high elves aren’t innocent. They were literally punished as a whole by Lady Merthicz for their crimes against ivierae kind. Our guild is just helping carrying out the punishment by ending their lives sooner. They don’t deserve to live,” he said darkly.
Akae rolled his eyes. “I’m not going to debate you on this, you already know where I stand. Tell me, who is Ilflurer?”
“Who is he? Ah, my Ilflurer. I don’t know if you've ever met a man who could bend reality with a glance, but that’s him—my living, breathing god of chaos and control. He walks into a room, and I swear, time warps to his stride. It's like the walls lean in to listen, to worship him, as they should. Everyone should.”
“That’s… nice,” he groaned. “But I mean what’s his identity? Who was he before he became a lich?”
“Oh you think I’d tell you that?” He laughed again, Akae’s face contorting in frustration. “He's a god, in the most unapologetically reckless way. Not some distant, benevolent deity watching over us like sheep- no, he’s there, right there, testing, prodding, commanding. He can drive me insane with a single word or pull me back from the brink with a look. I am nothing and everything in his presence. He is fury, beauty, torment, and salvation. One moment he’s lecturing me like he knows all the secrets of the universe, and the next he's laughing, just as if he invented joy on the spot. That’s all that matters about him now. Not who he was before he became the great divine he is now.”
“He’s a lich, Kyzaf, not a god.”
“I beg to differ. There’s a reason Merthicz wipes out liches when they’re discovered. I fully believe it’s because she knows that their magical abilities rivals hers. She’s afraid of having her throne usurped from her. Only a god can defy the dead, and Ilflurer found a way to spot in Uvie’s face. More than once. Twice even. I think she knows how powerful Ilflurer is specifically. She knows of his existence, yet she hasn’t smited him. Can you explain that?” He asked with a smile.
“I- I uh-“ he sputtered, unsure of how to quite answer that. If he even knew the answer. He cleared his throat before glaring at Kyazf again. “Look, I don’t care about your lovesick obsession with him. I just need to know who he was. If his past life doesn’t matter to you then surely you can bargain for it!”
“Nope, you got it all wrong. I would never do anything that would jeopardise his plans. I took an oath to prove my loyalty.”
“Earlier Eilis mentioned something about you sneaking off. From the sound of it it’s like you’re disobeying him. Are you supposed to be by his side all the time?”
Kyzaf squinted. “That’s none of your business. I was merely trying to surprise him with a gift is all!”
“Somehow I don’t buy that. You looked afraid. Is he abusing you?”
He gave a weak smirk before it disintegrated. “No. I consent to however he treats me.”
Akae stared deeply into his eyes, noticing something off. “Your pupils are shaped like hearts. Are you under a spell?” His eyes widened.
It was Kyzaf’s turn to sputter. “Wha- no, no! That’s not possible. Our love for one another is pure and true. He doesn’t need some kind of love potion to make me love him. I denied it at first, but I was attracted to him from the first day we met.”
“How do you know you were attracted to him?”
“Because when you’re lined up naked with other slaves attraction really isn’t the first thing on your mind!” He shouted, his eyes suddenly widening as he bit his lip.
“So Ilflurer was there to buy a slave? Interesting,” he brought a curled finger to his lips in thought as he finally backed out of Kyazf’s personal space. “Was it the first time you were auctioned off, or the second time?”
Kyzaf merely stared daggers at him, refusing to speak. 
Akae sighed. “I’d you want to bee silent now I’ll just get the ambassador. He can compel you to speak,” he said, turning around on his heel to walk out of the cell, closing the bars behind him.

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