Chapter 3

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A couple days pass as the group heads to the demon embassy, and they arrive around midday, just in time to enjoy the cooler environment as the sun rests itself. Akae led the group as they walked up the main road to the embassy, the path well worn from horses trampling over it over the years.
He walked up to the door, knocking on it with a loud bang. Immediately the butler from before opened it, greeting them all. “Fancy seeing you all again. Sir La’et, I apologise for not using my abilities to teleport you all. I’m sure you know how it is with mental health,” he said, playfully pointing to his head and giving a shit eating grin at the same time. 
Akae sighed. “It’s alright I guess. I can’t relate though.”
“No, of course you can’t,” Eilis said as his smirk dropped, beckoning the group to follow him inside. “I’ve talked with Lord Cassius about the situation so far, so he’s caught up on everything. He’s waiting for you all in the conference room,” he led everyone through along side corridor that went straight to a tall tower, and took everyone up the stairs. Havre was pleasantly that the stairs were wide enough for her.
Jaryn took in what he saw of the embassy, rather confused on the architecture. Then again, he’s never really visited castles before today. He has to wonder if this castle is the biggest of them all on Mirthae. The gothic decor left Ryo on edge, though Jaryn was rather fond of the look. The brothers paused momentarily at a family portrait of the Benoist family, back when Garbone and Lennon were babies. Cassius, and he assumes to be Garbone’s grandmother and parents, and a satyr were in the portrait as well, all with a forlorn expression except for Cassius who looked, accomplished.
The two brothers quickly rejoined the group after examining the photo, Jaryn couldn’t help but ask: “Does Garbone’s parents know about what’s going on?”
“Oh no, they died long ago. We’re still trying to figure out how they died, but they went missing for a while until their bodies were discovered.”
“How’s Garbone been handling all of this?” Havre interjected.
“You can ask them yourself, they’re right in here,” Eilis opened up the door to allow everyone inside. “I’ll leave you two to catch up for now before Lord Cassius starts the meeting,” he said as he led the rest of the group into the conference room.
Havre stood in the living room, looking at Garbone. They laid on one of the many couches in there, smoking what smelled like wullo, close to falling asleep. Havre woke them up by saying “It’s nice to see you again, Garbone.”
They jolted upon Havre saying that, now fully awake. They looked at her with a smile. “It’s nice to see you too, Havre. If only we weren’t here for something so serious,” they sighed, taking a light puff from the blunt. “Grandpops has been freaking out nonstop since Eilis told him about your village being attacked."
“I could imagine, with Lennon running around being connected to the killer. How have you been holding up?”
“It’s been a struggle coming to terms with Lennon not being here still. Sorry I haven’t returned your letters, I uh, this whole situation put me in a depressive sleep.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. Did you get that tattoo recently? It looks nice.”
“No, it’s uh, uh- a magically induced one. I was tortured with it.”
“By the gods, I’m so sorry,” she whimpered, gently holding their hand. “If there’s anything you need, please let me know.”
Garbone’s face turned red though they didn’t want to acknowledge it. “Uh, thank, thank you,” they stuttered. “Having someone here that isn’t my grandpops is more, more than enough. I almost feel brave enough to join the meeting,” they chuckled quietly.
“Oh you weren’t going to join us?”
“No. I don’t want another interrogation. But since you’re here, maybe it won’t be so bad. With a pretty face like yours I’m sure uh, things will be fine. Shit I’m sorry, did I say that last part out loud?”
Havre blushed and smiled. “Yes. I guess the wullo is kicking in, huh? Come on, let’s go join the others,” she said, helping them up.
Garbone tried to walk but struggled greatly, wobbling around until Havre helped them lean against her as they walked into the conference room. Everyone looked towards the two, with Cassius side-eying Havre.
“You must be Havre. Thank you for convincing him to join us,” Cassius said.
“It’s a pleasure to officially meet you, Lord Cassius. And of course, it’s not an issue,” She said as she helped Garbone sit down, before sitting next to them. She noticed Akae looking at Garbone with disgust and shot him a look in response. He sheepishly looked away.
“So, how was the trip? Did you run into any trouble since Havre’s village was attacked?” Cassius asked Akae.
“No,” Akae responded, meeting cassius’ intense eye contact, “not much anyways. Aldmae was almost robbed, and some sea creature tried to destroy our ship, but it wasn’t much. I handled it easily.”
“I can always count on you to escort everyone safely. Aldmae do you know who tried to rob you?” Cassius asked, looking at him.
Aldmae avoided his eye contact. “I didn’t know him personally, but according to Akae he was a professor at some magic school. Thank the gods for him showing up when he did, I’m on a trip to deliver something to the Angalts.”
Cassius cracked an awkward smile. “The Angalts, huh? Well it’s not my business what’s being delivered. Tell Lord Cathal I said hi.”
“Will do, my Lord. I wish I could stay longer, but I just had enough time to say hi. So hello, and have a great day,” Aldmae said in a rush, standing up from his seat.
“Wait- before you go, surely you’ll want to wait until the Sun comes back? Lots of thieves out around this time,” Akae said.
“If there’s one thing I’ve learned from wandering around Jyalb, it’s that it’s never smart to travel at midday,” Jaryn mentioned.
Aldmae sighed, thinking for a second before sitting. “You’re right. I just don’t want to keep them waiting too long.”
“Well then I’ll walk you over after the meeting is over. Knowing you, I know you can’t defend yourself,” Akae suggested.
“True, true. Alright.”
Ryo tilted his head watching the situation unfold. He couldn’t explain it but something felt off about it. But he quickly dropped it, knowing there wasn’t much he could do about it. He never did like dwelling on unexplained feelings.
“Anyways, Eilis has been telling me about Lennon since he was last seen. After fleeing from your village Havre, he ran to Lyniça Lake. Queen Esanai got her troops to him in time, but they were squashed by someone with quick running abilities. My money is on Eimla, she’s the only person on Mirthae I know with that ability.”
“Who’s Eimla?” Jaryn asked.
“She’s an Angalt, one of the three major ivierae families that first immigrated to Mirthae. She’s well-known throughout Fzalder for her speed. But I’m also aware that like Lennon, she’s a bit of pacifist. Garbone boy, did you see Eimla at all when you were kidnapped?”
“… Sorry who? Aislin? No, just uh. Just Kyazf and sommmme hooded figure,” they mumbled, trying to pay attention. Havre petted their head as they unknowingly leaned against her.
Cassius stared intensely at the two, taking a moment to breathe and cracking his knuckles before saying “No. Eimla. What do you know about the hooded figure?”
“Oh no, did not see her. And no clue ‘pops, just that he was reaaaally tall.”
“How many times do I have to tell you to not call me that? You refer me as Lord Cassius. Havre, get your hands off my grandson,” he hissed, banging his fist on the table.
Havre threw her hands up in surrender, eyes wide. Garbone stiffened up, their voice quiet. “I’m. I’m sorry, I..” They trailed off.
Aldmae covered his ears and hyperventilated as Cassius ranted on. Eilis walked over to him, and pulled down his mask just to pinch his chin. His third eye glowed a bright blue and he slowly calmed down.
Jaryn looked at Aldmae in suprise. He shot Akae a knowing look, trying not to freak out- but Akae didn’t understand what he meant until looking at Aldmae himself.
Akae shot up from his seat upon seeing Aldmae, taking his momentary paralysis to grab him, and pin him down. Cassius stopped ranting upon seeing the display.
“He’s got whatever Lennon got. Lord Cassius, do you have any available dungeon cells?”
“Oh- uh yes, the first cell in the basement.” He said as Akae dragged him out of the room with one hand.
Eilis noticed Garbone panicking, and walked over to punch their chin, activating their powers. Their third eye glowed blue as they fell into a trance.
“Garbone uses self hypnosis when they’re having a panicking attack,” he explained to Havre.
“He’s overreacting. He should know by now how to handle my ranting,” Cassius scoffed.
“Have you tried taking them to a doctor? Surely something can be done about their panic attacks or something,” Jaryn asked, looking at Cassius.
“We’ve tried multiple doctors, but none could fix him. I’ve even tried using my own hypnotism but he’s stubborn. I blame you for spoiling him, Eilis,” he said in a joking manner, though Eilis didn’t respond to it as he placed a hand on Garbone’s shoulder reassuringly.
Garbone’s third eye faded back to teal as they breathed in and out slowly. “Thank you, Eilis.”
“Are you alright, Garbone?” Jaryn asked.
“Yes, thank you for asking. I’m sorry for panicking, Lord Cassius,” they said with an undertone of defeat and annoyance.
“Do better next time Garbone. If you won’t respond to the help I’ve given you, the least you can do is act like you’re normal.”
Garbone nodded sheepishly.
“Good. Anyways, now that we have someone who’s under the influence of whatever is going on, we can at least try to trace the magic. I’m not that great at it, but the Ambassador of Hell is, I’ll see about getting his help. In the meantime, we should head to Darʌkys and discuss with the Highking and his court about what’s going on.”
“I’ve already told the Highking, and he’s currently arranging a meeting for when you all arrive,” Eilis chimed in.
“Thank you, Eilis. It should take maybe some weeks, maybe two for us to reach the capital.”
“I didn’t realise Symilf was that close,” Jaryn mentioned.
“You’re from West Jyalb, right?” Cassius asked.
“East Jyalb.”
“I see, makes sense. Symilf is quite a distance away from your home country. Have you ever visited it before? It’s quite nice.”
“No, we haven’t.” He said, struggling to maintain eye contact with Cassius’ never-ending stare.
“Who’s ‘we’?”
“My fox brother, Ryo,” he gestured to him who was sleeping in his lap.
“How cute, I forgot your kind has a special connection with foxes. Anyways, I think that about does it for this meeting. We’ll leave in the morning. In the meantime, Eilis will show you where you’re all staying for the night, and feel free to wander around this tower. You’re allowed in the main building of the embassy, just try not to go there unless you need me. If you’ll excuse me, I have some people to process immigration papers for,” he said, standing up and walking out of the room.
“I’ll have Garbone show you to your room, Duchess Havre. Follow me, Jaryn and Ryo,” Eilis said as he began walking out of the room.
Jaryn carefully picked up Ryo as to not wake him as he followed Eilis out.
He led the brothers out of the conference and the living room, into a circular hallway. He walked straight forward to the guest room, opening the door for Jaryn as he walked in. Jaryn was astonished by the size of it, larger than his own hut before he was kicked out of the village. He cleared his throat as he remembered he wanted to ask something. “Do you have any confidence that Lennon will be saved from whatever’s happening to him?”
“From what I understand about the situation, it’s not looking very good for him. He may be dead by the time he gains enough will to resist it. But with any luck we’ll capture and restrain him like Aldmae.”
“What if. What if he uh, chose to do what he’s doing? I don’t know him so I can’t judge his character, but what if he secretly wanted this?”
“I can guarantee you he didn’t choose to be controlled. Despite his weak constitution he never did enjoy submitting to authority, it’s why he ran away in the first place.”
“He ran away? I couldn’t think about running away from a home like this..” He trailed off.
“Not with Lord Benoist as the leader of the family. Just you wait, after spending some time with him you’ll understand. Did you need anything while I’m here?”
“Uh, no, thank you. We’ll be fine for now.”
Eilis nodded before walking off, “If you do need anything just call my name.”

Garbone and Havre sat next to each other on a large rock, watching as the ring around the Sun spins, slowly bringing the day back.
“I can see why you and Lennon like this spot a lot, it’s very pretty,” Havre mentioned.
“Thanks. You know, I’m glad you came here, even if it was for a horrible reason. Things have been so stressful here without Lennon, I don’t have anyone to confide in anymore.”
“I imagine it must be difficult. As annoying as my brothers can be, I wouldn’t give them away for anything. Maybe after this is all over you can leave with Lennon and find somewhere better to call home.”
“That’d be a dream, to finally be free of Cassius. I think I would need to leave the continent though to find a safe place away from him.”
“Then maybe you can live at my village! It’s nice and quiet, and well-guarded.”
“That does sound very promising. I might just have to take you up on your offer,” they said with a smile, looking at her.
Havre smiled back, though it quickly dropped when she realised how close she was to Garbone, and scooted away a bit. “Sorry, I don’t want to upset Lord Benoist again.
“It’s uh, it’s alright,” they sighed, sitting back a bit. “I’m sorry about him. He thinks anyone who isn’t an ivierae is a threat.”
“That’s a bit ironic coming from someone who mostly works with non ivierae,” she chuckled. Garbone simply shrugged with a small smile.
“I hope you don’t mind me asking, but what’s your gender?” They looked at her.
“Oh I’m a woman- a trans woman. Why do you ask?”
“I forget that cultures outside of Fzalder care more about right pronoun use, I wanted to make sure I’m using the right pronouns. But uh, I’ve never heard of a trans before. Is she/her the right pronouns?”
She giggled before laying back in her spot. “Well thank you for asking, yes those are the right pronouns. You’ve never heard of being transgender before?”
They shook their head.
“I’m surprised. But maybe that’s just because being trans is very common where I’m from. It’s so common even children knows what it means. Not that I think you’re dumb or anything, I’m sure you’ve been well educated,” she looked at them.
“About as well educated as you can be learning from someone like my grandpops. What does it mean?”
“Well, someone who was born one gender and decides to change it. I was born a boy. I became a girl to continue the tradition of our matriarchal society.”
Their eyes lit up she they looked at her. “You can change genders! That sounds so cool. What kind of magic is that?”
“It’s not magic, though it can be used. Being a girl is as simple as saying ‘I am a girl’.”
“Huh.. Interesting. I’m sure it’d be yet another thing Cassius disapproves of. If he even knows what it is.”
“He doesn’t need to know, it’s why I haven’t told him yet. He seems like someone who would be against it.”
“Then why tell me?” Garbone asked curiously.
“I figured you’d be fine with it. Besides, it seems like something you should know about.”
“Well, I’m glad you told me. It gives me a lot to think about.”
“Do you.. Want to share those thoughts?” she scooched closer.
“W-well, uh..” They chuckled nervously, hair frizzing up. “I’m not saying I’m trans or anything, but, I don’t know. I’m not really comfortable being a mina.”
“What’s a mina? I’m not familiar with Fzaldenz gender”
“Someone with uh, both sets. Down there. Usually also masculine or androgynous,” they explained awkwardly through hand gestures.
“I see. Well if you’re ever interested in trying out other genders I’d be happy to help you,” she said, resting her hand on Garbone’s. They smiled, looking up at the orange sky.
“You know, I might be interested. I’ve always been curious about dressing up.”
“Lead the way to the nearest tailor then. I’ll help you find a pretty outfit!” She said cheerily, slowly getting up.
Their face lit up as she suggested going to a tailor, and they stood up with her, helping her up. “There’s this one tailor nearby I’ve been dying to visit, his power let’s him create very intricate patterns by hand, I’d love to see his interpretation of current trends with his needlework,” they gushed, hopping down from the rock. Have followed by walking down the slope.
“Seems like you’ve been thinking about this for a while. Do you own any outfits from him?”
“No. Grandpops doesn’t like him because he married a human.”
“And he’s an ivierae, right?”
“Yep. It’s a miracle he even let Lennon and I be born when my dad is a satyr. He thinks interspecies relationships can’t work.”
“Really? Wow I never knew that you’re half satyr,” she said, following Garbone as they walked southeast.
“Yeah, I figured I would’ve gotten some traits from my dad, but according to grandpops I have his eyes.”

After an hour of walking they made it to the tailor, and walked inside the shoppe. 
An elf poked up suddenly, but sighed upon seeing the two. “Sorry, I thought you were my husband. He was supposed to come home last night but he hasn’t shown up,” he said, approaching the two.
“Do you think he just got a little lost?” Havre asked.
“I doubt it, he knows his way around here. I’m just worried, I’ve heard about some murders against humans happening here in the province.”
“I get the feeling we’re investigating the very thing you’re talking about. What do you know about the situation?”
“Well, uh, I just know that humans were the primary target, and each one murdered has a purple butterfly tattoo on their face.”
“Yep. Yeah, we’re trying to figure out who the killer is. My grandpops and us two are heading to the capital of the world tomorrow to talk with the Highking about it,” Garbone said.
The tailor looked at them. “You look familiar… You’re a Benoist right?” Garbone nodded. “I see. I just hope this senseless killing comes to an end soon. I’ve never really stood against radical action, but harming random humans isn’t doing anything productive!”
“Yeah. Especially when the killer burned down an orc village.”
“They did that? By the gods, what could an orc have done for that to happen?” He cried out.
“My only guess is that they allowed humans to live in their village. I know some people from that village, and they’re both very nice folk,” Havre said, crossing her arms.
“I’m sorry for talking about this with you, where are my manners? Were you looking to buy anything?” 
“Don’t be sorry. But yes, we are. Garbone here wants to try out some of.. what were you looking for?” Havre asked them.
“Well, I suppose your more uh, feminine works? I’ve admired your needlework for the longest time. Do you have anything that might be my size?”
“I’m glad you asked! I like making looser garments meant to be worn by people of many sizes. Follow me,” he said, beckoning the two to follow as he led them towards a row of mannequins against the wall. He hummed as he grabbed the carefully placed robe and took it off the mannequin, and grabbed a few accessories. “Follow me and I’ll help you put it on,” he said as he walked with Garbone behind a wall divider. 
Havre could hear him explaining about the robe, how it was designed to be worn multiple different ways, and how the way he’s helping Garbone wear it is his favourite way. After a few minutes, Garbone walked out to Havre to show her.
They wore a large sheet of fabric with an intricate pattern wrapped around their body, with two edges tied around their neck like a halter neckline. A wide belt held the fabric together. They wore the fabric with their long sleeve shirt underneath with a triangle at the end of the sleeve. For a head piece, they wore a cloth tiara with a chain the wrapped around their third eye, and held up a veil that wrapped around their chin. They hugged them self happily, a bright smile on their face. “What do you think? It feels weird not having my cae on, but I wanted to show you to neckline.”
Havre beamed and hugged Garbone, her hooves lightly tapping the floor. “You look amazing! And that pattern looks really flattering on you.”
“I’m glad you like it,” the tailor said as he walked out from behind the wall. “That pattern is one of my more popular patterns. The great thing about this outfit is that it requires no tailoring, so it’s very cost effective.”
“Wow thats’s amazing. I’d like to buy this whole outfit, how much do you charge?” Garbone asked, walking back to change into their original outfit.
“Fifty four gold coins for everything you’re wearing.”
“Huh, not bad,” they said as they walked out carrying the clothes. They took out a pouch full of coins. “I just wish I could wear this home, my grandpops would freak out if he saw me in it,” Garbone said as they handed the pouch to the tailor for him to count.
“I’m sorry to hear that, I thought Cassius would be more open to that kind of stuff considering how old school he is.”
“You’d think, but apparently not. One day when I gain my independence I’ll wear it proudly regardless of what he says!”
“You’re an adult already though, why not get your independence now?”
“It’s uh, it’s complicated. I can’t even begin to think about that until this whole situation with the killer dies down. I’ve been busy trying to investigate it.”
“I see. Well, I wish you the best of luck. And if you see my husband on the way out, let him know that I’m worried about him.”
“We will. Thank you very much for everything!” Havre said happily as the two began walking out of the shoppe.
Before anyone else could get a word out, a scream filled the silent woods surrounding the area. The tailor burst out the door upon hearing it. “That sounds like my husband!” he cried out as he ran towards the scream. Havre and Garbone wasted no time before following the tailor.
After a couple minutes of running, the tailor dropped to his knees upon seeing the gruesome sight of his passed lover, scrunched up with the unfortunate butterfly tattoo plastered across his terrified face. “By the gods! My love, why‽ Why would anyone do this to you?” He sobbed, holding his deceased lover in his arms one last time.
Garbone wiped away a tear before resting a hand on his shoulder. “I promise we’ll figure out who the killer is. They won’t get away with it.”
He looked up at them. “Please.. I’ll be forever indebted to you if you figure out who did this.”
Havre looked around the area. She spotted what looked like tracks burned into the ground. “Garbone, do you know anyone who can make these tracks?” She asked, looking at them.
Garbone’s face went pale. 
“I uh, I know one person who can. There’s no way we’d be able to catch up with her. We need to go. Now.”
The tailor picked up his lover as they said that and hurried back to his shoppe, while Garbone and Havre ran back to the embassy. On the way back, they could hear whispering in the woods, someone zooming around, and laughing. It subsided though as they reached the embassy.
“Eilis! Please inform grandpops- another human was killed. I think Eimla Angalt is also being mind controlled!” they cried out.
“Will do. I’ll also inform Sir La’et. Are you two alright?”
“Yes thankfully, neither of us were hurt.”
“Good. Head on up to your room and I’ll brew you both some tea to calm your nerves.”
“Thank you very much. Do you have Jaina tea?” Havre asked.
“We should, yes. I’ll brew some up for you,” he said before walking out of the room.
Garbone led Havre up to their room. She looked around as she sat next to the large bed, admiring the pictures they have of them and Eilis, and them with Lennon. Garbone sighed as they tucked away the outfit they just bought into a corner of their dresser before sitting on the bed.
“I just hope the tailor will be alright,” Havre said.
“Me too. If I remember correctly they’ve been married for 100 years.”
“How long have you known them?”
“Oh, I don’t really know them. I know a bit about them because they’re popular in the area.”
“I see. Well uh, aside for the murder, did you enjoy your first shopping trip?”
“Yeah, I did, thank you,” they said quietly, looking down at their hands.
“Are you alright? I know that must’ve been difficult to see,” Havre said, scooching closer as she laid a hand on Garbone’s hand. They looked at her with beads of tears forming in their eyes.
“I just- I don’t know. Seeing that purple butterfly really reminds me of when I was kidnapped by Lennon.”
“Lennon kidnapped you?? What happened?”
“Yeah. He wanted me to join in with the murderer. Made me witness him killing a few people.”
“Do you know who the murderer is?”
They shook their head no. “I was blasted with a bunch of different spells, I could barely remember my own name by the time I escaped. The ambassador has been trying to reverse the spells, but as you can see, it’s taking a while,” they said, pointing to the faded tattoos covering half of their face.
“I was wondering about that. I thought it was something you chose to do. I’m so sorry.”
They simply nodded.
She thought for a minute before speaking up, “Do you like music? I know a song my mother used to sing to me to cheer me up.”
They looked at her with a small smile. “Sure, I love music.”
Her smile beamed. She took a deep breath before singing:
“Born in chains that cut like thorns,
A fallen seraph, wings forlorn,
Bound to a life not hers to hold,
In a world where freedom's tales grow cold.
Once she soared 'neath heaven's skies,
Now her spirit, still it sighs,
A bird in cage with wings undone,
Longing for the song once sung.
But lo, within, a fire grows,
Through cracks of light, her power shows,
The weight of chains shall fade away,
And she shall rise at break of day.
An angel bound to earthly toil,
Yet seeketh heaven’s gentle soil,
Wings that drag through mire and pain,
Shall one day lift her high again.
She’ll rend the chains that bind her free,
No longer bound, she’ll rise to see,
She was born for skies above,
An angel fierce, reborn in love.
The chains do glisten like shattered light,
A mocking halo, cruel and tight,
Yet wings of hope begin to heal,
No force of man her fate can seal.
They sought to tame what ne’er was theirs,
To tie her heart with mortal snares,
But even bound, she still doth soar,
And rise above as once before.
No longer shall she wear the chain,
Nor bear the weight of endless pain,
She’ll burn the bonds that sought to bind,
And claim the stars she left behind.
An angel bound to earthly toil,
Yet seeketh heaven’s gentle soil,
Wings that drag through mire and pain,
Shall one day lift her high again.
She’ll rend the chains that bind her free,
No longer bound, she’ll rise to see,
She was born for skies above,
An angel fierce, reborn in love.
Though chains weigh heavy, not forever,
Her wings, once healed, will break and sever,
The cords that held her to the ground,
She'll rise where none shall her confound.
For angels ne’er do linger long,
In bonds unjust, ‘gainst heaven’s song.
An angel bound to earthly toil,
Yet seeketh heaven’s gentle soil,
Wings that drag through mire and pain,
Shall one day lift her high again.
She’ll rend the chains that bind her free,
No longer bound, she’ll rise to see,
She was born for skies above,
An angel fierce, reborn in love.
Her wings, once broken, now spread wide,
She’ll soar again, o’er land and tide,
A fallen seraph, no more tied,
She’ll find her heaven, naught to hide.”
Garbone’s smile grew wider as they clapped. “That was lovely. Was your mother a bard?”
“Not officially, though she did love to sing. It’s how she survived being a slave.”
“I see. What about you? Do you want to become a bard? I could always use another partner when I play the hurdy gurdy,” they got up from their bed and grabbed the instrument hanging off of their wall, showing her.
“I forgot you play! You’ll have to play for me sometime,” she exclaimed as Eilis entered the room, carrying a tray.
“Maybe you can catch Garbone and I’s poetry slam,” he said with a grin, handing the couple their drinks.
“You do poetry, Eilis? I never knew!”
“It’s a great way to keep yourself sane after a long day. Just don’t tell anyone that I do it. Last thing I need is for the noble women to harass me into waxing poetic to them.”
“I get it, I promise not to say anything,” she said as she took a sip of her tea.
Garbone to a few long gulps of their scalding hot tea. “Thank you for the tea, I really need it.”
Havre looked on in shock as they drank their tea.
Eilis chuckled. “You’re the only one I know who can drink boiling tea like that. Dinner should be ready in a few hours, try not to spoil your appetite,” he said as he walked out of the room.

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