Chapter Five

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The companions did nothing as Tre wheeled the case out of the ship and across the berth back to the Beacon of Solace. The moment she stepped off the trillionaires ship, she felt like she had a target on her back. Her nerves were shot, and her mind was reeling. She hoped that what she had seen, what was in the case was simply a figment of her imagination, or a projection of the fears she had about the rich and powerful.

More than anything, she wanted to wheel the case onto her ship only to find that she's stolen some expensive underwear or something, but when she opened the case to verify its contents, she again saw the bound, helpless woman inside. Tre felt guilty closing the case again, even considering that the woman inside was wearing an opaque mask, but Tre sealed the case again and began moving it to the medical bay.

"Captain, meet me in the med bay immediately," Tre called out with an irritated tone. The rushing blood in her ears drowned out the response. Tre didn't want to hear it anyway.

The doors to the med bay hissed open and Tre rushed in with the case. Chief Medical Officer Ibrahim and Medic Takahashi were lounging in their office chairs, drinking coffee and killing time until the BOS shipped out to their next destination. They both jumped, not expecting Tre to rush in as quickly as she did.

"Whoa, what the hell?" Takahashi said.

"Ms. Perez?" Ibrahim asked. "Are you all right? Are you hurt?"

Tre moved between the two and gently tipped the case onto its back and opened it. 

The two women gasped as they saw the nude, bound, limbless woman in the case, but each went to work immediately, recklessly throwing their coffees on the desk and moving to each side of the woman. Takahashi tested her pulse, and Ibrahim checked her breathing, then they both checked her amputation sites for open wounds.

After determining that the woman was relatively stable, the two went to work carefully removing her from the bindings and machinery she was attached to. All that Tre could do was stand aside and watch as the woman was moved to an examination table and attached to a new set of machines.

A few moments later, Captain Dubois stepped into the room. Just as everyone else, the captain gasped upon realizing what she was looking at. She covered her mouth.

"'It's not like this guy is trafficking humans or something,'" Tre said, mocking the captain's paraphrased words.

The silence in the captain's ready room was palpable while she and Tre waited for word on the woman's status. There were a lot of things that Tre wanted to say, but she held her tongue, at least until Dr. Ibrahim walked in.

"What's her status, doc?" Captain Dubois asked.

"She's stable and, frankly, despite her outward appearance, she's in relatively good health, but..." The doctor paused. She carried an expression of horror and disbelief. "Except for her face and genitals, just about every sizeable muscle mass has been removed, including her breasts, and it seems to have been done methodically and over an extended period of time. I'm not sure, but it looks like it's at least been months."

She paused again, neither Tre, nor the Captain could find any words to offer. In the absence of a response, the doctor continued.

"I suspect that her flesh was being removed for consumption, and based on her protein levels... well..." Dr. Ibrahim was having trouble even considering the implication. "She may have been forced to consume it herself."

Upon hearing the words, Tre shot an angry look at the captain.

"What are we going to do about this?" Tre asked.

"Physically speaking, we can get her back to health in a reasonable timeframe, and we can even equip her with some prosthetics and a BSI if she wants it."

"Thank you, Kai," Tre said trying to be polite to the doctor, but angrily turned back to the captain before continuing, "but I mean, what are we going to do about the trillionaire fucking psychopath that did this to her?"

The captain remained silent and looked like she was shrinking into herself. Tre could see that she was disturbed and felt uneasy and ashamed, but Tre didn’t care.

”Well? Say something!”

”Did you finish your work?” Captain Dubois asked. Tre was taken aback.

”You’re seriously checking up on my work for that psycho?”

”If you’ve finished your work, then we can leave and never have to think about him again.”

“What?! And just let him get away with it?”

“We can’t exactly go to the cops about it.”

”You could at least tell the owner about it.”

”I already have. There’s not much else we can do.”

”I don’t feel good about just leaving,” Tre said, crossing her arms and scoffing.

”I’m none-too-pleased about it either,” Dr. Ibrahim said.

”Need I remind you that you didn’t want to do the job at all? You wouldn’t have found her if I didn’t make you do it.” The captain shot back at Tre. “Now, if you’ve finished your work, then we can get the hell out of here and put a galaxy between us and him.”

“Fine,” Tre said, getting the message. “Yes, I finished before I found her, so let’s fuck off.”

Captain Dubois didn’t dress Tre down for her insubordination in front of the Doctor. She simply blasted a message out to the rest of the crew to board and prepare for liftoff.

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