Chapter One

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I will try my best to tell my story from the beginning. What I know of it, anyway.

If I'm being honest, I don't really know a whole lot about my family. My biological family. The thing I remember most is my big sister's face. At least, I think she was my sister. It was the age of settlement, so I could be a farm baby. I don't remember enough details about where we settled and could never find any, but that's exactly why the Voidwalker Syndicate goes after settlers, and there's plenty to choose from.

I remember sitting outside in the grass. I was playing with my sister, digging in the dirt. I think I made a big mess, or something happened and my sister went inside our home. It was really quiet. I just remember a cool breeze, grassy hills, and a blue sky, until I heard a pop above me. I then watched an OTech ship descend from the sky and land next to the house.

A woman older than my sister, my mother I assume, came to the doorway, and I remember she looked terrified when she saw the ship's hatch open and a couple of men walked down the gangplank. Mom went back inside and dad came out with a gun, but one of the men shot him in the side, then finished him off with a round to the head.

The gunshots rang out and echoed off the hills, followed by the terrified, mournful screams of my mother and sister. Their screams turned to pained shrieks, and then back to silence shortly after the men entered the house.

I was confused, and scared, and I just sat there, watching only a short distance away. Eventually, one of the men emerged while fastening his belt buckle, and looked straight at me. I distinctly remember the fear I felt, so intense that it froze me in place, and getting ever more intense as the man approached with purpose. He wasn't gentle when he picked me up by the throat. I remember his smile, and the way he looked at me, and what he said has been stuck in my head ever since.

"I've never had one so young."

I've never said those words out loud before. When I came to understood what the words meant, I refused to believe anyone could consider something like that. I refused to believe my own memory, but that was because he was interrupted before it went any further.

"Stop!" The order came from a third man from the ship. The monster holding me looked back at him. The man was clad in clean, military style regalia, topped with a beret and a deadly serious stare. "She's mine," he said.

The monster dropped me to the ground, breaking my leg, and the last thing I remember before passing out was seeing the man's multi-colored eyes staring down at me with grandiose intent.

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