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Stacey Ducanon, Unleashed CR: 17

Huge monstrosity, chaotic evil
Armor Class: 21 (Plate Barding+2 and Sode)
Hit Points: 247 (26d12+78)
Speed: 50 ft


18 +4


24 +7


16 +3


3 -4


14 +2


16 +3

Saving Throws: Str +10, Wis +9
Skills: Acrobatics +13, Perception +8, Sleight of Hand +13, Stealth +13
Damage Resistances: Thunder
Condition Immunities: Stun, Paralysis, Charm
Senses: Passive Perception 18
Languages: Common
Challenge Rating: 17 ( 18,000 XP)
Proficiency Bonus: +6

  • Charger: -6 recoil dice
  • Sonic Boom: Movement leaves a wake of thunder, 2d10 Thunder to any creature she moves within 10ft of. This feature is disabled if her movement is at all reduced.


Multiattack: 3 attacks

  • Heavy Arrow +2: +10 to hit, 19-20 crit, 150ft range, 38(3d12+19) piercing
  • Precision Arrow +2: +15 to hit(2 targets w/in 10ft of each other), 18-20 crit, 600ft range, 25(3d10+9) piercing
  • Seismic Hooves: +12 to hit, 27(6d6+6) bludgeoning, and push 10ft for every 5 or 6 rolled on dmg(including charge dmg).
  • Trampling charge(recharge 4-6): Stacey spends all of her speed to move 100ft in a straight line, trampling any creatures she runs over and kicking up a sonic windtunnel. Creatures directly in Stacey's path take 55(10d10) bludgeoning damage and are knocked prone(DC 21 Str save for half dmg and no other effect). Creatures that Stacey passes within 10ft of take 27(5d10) thunder damage and are pushed 10ft back (DC 21 dex save for half dmg and no other effect)

Bonus Actions

Summon followers: Summons 2d6 followers randomly on the battlefield.   Followers: AC 12 HP 9 Actions

  • Mosh: +7 to hit, 8(1d6+5) and 10ft push
  • Cheer: Stacey gains +5ft speed until the end of her next turn. If speed is 100 or more, stacey gains advantage on attacks for as long as this speed lasts.


Whatever: Cancel 1 spell or attack(DC 17 Cha to resist)

A blond centaur, with bright pink painted hooves, clothes, and nails. She wields a bow, and relentlessly charges into her enemies.

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