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Aspect ad Astra

Potion Magical, Consumable Rare

For 8 hours after drinking this potion you gain Truesight up to 60 feet. Additionally your AC increases by 2 for the duration and your feet, hands, and wrists begin to shimmer and appear as though they were made of constellations. Whenever an object comes in contact with the effected area roll a d100, on an eleven and up nothing happens, on a ten and below the object simply passes through you. The potion is thick and separates out into various colors if left to sit for more than a few days, dull points of light hang inside of it. It must be shook vigorously before consumption and once shaken it's stars glitter and shine with dim light as a nebulous formation swirls slowly inside of it.   After drinking it star gazing will have interesting results as you stare at the sky and find more and more stars as well as nebulae and unknown constellations, the night sky becoming a painting of colors and light. This effect builds over 10 minutes and persists through the entire night until you look away from the sky for over a minute, at which point you must star gaze again to see the effect once again.   Consuming multiple instances of the potion will stack upon each other, however will only extend the duration by 2 hours. Noting the ethereal effect on your extremities extending up your arms and legs, then entire arms and legs, and finally your entire body with four instances. There is a small chance to have minor hallucinations with a single chance, however with subsequent doses these get more intense, with minor hallucinations occurring first, then moderate, and finally major hallucinations with 4 doses to the point of being debilitating. The resulting psychosis cannot be removed except by expelling the potion from the body or until it runs it's duration.

Cost: 200gp

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