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CR 3

Aragorn Gloryhilt (Lvl 3)

Paladin 3 LG M Humanoid, Aasimar
Initiative: +1 Senses: darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5

Aasimar Palidin of St. Cuthbert


AC: AC 22, touch 11, flat-footed 21 (+11 armor, +1 Dex )
HP: 39 3d10+6
Fortitude: +6 Reflex: +5 Will: +7 ( Paladin favored Class Add +1/6 to the morale bonus on saving throws provided by the paladin’s auras )
Aura: Divine Aura, Aura of Courage DR: acid/ 5, cold/ 5, electricity/5.


Speed: 20 ft
Melee: Mwk Heavy Mace +6 Bludgeoning
Special Attacks: Smite Evil +8 Bludgeoning
Space: 5 ft Reach: 5ft
Spell-like Abilities: Daylight 1 per day, Detect Evil, Lay On Hands 5 per day, Mercy Shaken


Str 14 , Dex 12 , Con 14 , Int 8 , Wis 16 , Cha 18 ,
Base Attack: 5ft CMB: +5 CMD: 16
Feats: Mounted Combat, Spirited Charge
Skills: Diplomacy +10 , Handle Animal +8 , Knowledge (Religion) +3 , Ride +5 , Sense Motive +7 , Spellcraft +3
Racial Modifiers: Aasimar have a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Perception checks.
Languages: Common, Celestial


Environment: Aragorn was born to a peasant maiden in Tavish; he was adopted into the Knightly order of St. Cuthbert as a child.
Organization: Aragorn is a member of an adventuring band.
Treasure: Masterwork Half-plate, Shield, heavy steel, Masterwork Heavy Mace, 568gp

a tall fair-skinned, blond-haired knight leaning on it. He has pristine half-plate armor, He carries a large highly polished mace and a shield decorated with a silver ringed cross accented with red circles.

Created by



Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
