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CR 5


NE L humanoid, giant
Initiative: -1 Senses: low-light vision; Perception 1d20+11

A single huge eye stares from the forehead of this nine-foot-tall giant. Below this sole orb, an even larger mouth gapes like a cave.


AC: 19, touch 8, flat-footed 19 (+4 armor, –1 Dex, +7 natural, –1 size)
HP: 65 10d8+20
Fortitude: +9 Reflex: +2 Will: +4
Defensive Abilities: ferocity


Speed: 30 ft
Melee: greataxe +11 / +6 ( +7 /×3)
Ranged: heavy crossbow +5 ( 2d8 /19–20/×3)
Space: 10ft Reach: 10 ft


Str 21, Dex 8, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 8
Base Attack: +7 CMB: +13 CMD: 22
Skills: Intimidate +9 , Perception +1 , Profession (soothsayer) +10 Sense Motive +5 , Survival +6
Racial Modifiers: +8 Perception
Languages: Common, Cyclops, Giant
SQ: flash of insigh


Environment: any temperate or tropical
Organization: solitary or conclave (2–6) or tribe (7–18)
Treasure: standard (hide armor, Large greataxe, Large heavy crossbow, other treasure)

The average cyclops stands 9 feet tall and weighs 600 pounds. Both males and females are almost completely bald, with stringy patches of dark hair occasionally hanging down from above the ears. A bushy, expressive brow couples with a cyclops’s massive eye to make the creature’s attitude easily known.

SPECIAL ABILITIES   Flash of Insight (Su)
Once per day as an immediate action, a cyclops can peer into an occluded visual spectrum of possible futures, gaining insight that allows it to select the exact result of one die roll before the roll is made. This effect can alter an action taken by the cyclops only, and cannot be applied to the rolls of others.   Ferocity (Ex)
A creature with ferocity remains conscious and can continue fighting even if its hit point total is below 0. The creature is still staggered and loses 1 hit point each round. A creature with ferocity still dies when its hit point total reaches a negative amount equal to its Constitution score.

Created by



Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
