Whether it was by accident, on purpose, or a reason entirely out of your control, you were abandoned after being born and forced to grow up alone in the city. Whether it was out of sheer luck or your own innate talent, you were recognized by an individual who took great interest in you, and became your surrogate family. Now, having grown up with that individual, you set out towards adventure. Whether it be to find your original parents, to spread the joy of family to others, or simply for the thrill of adventuring, there is something that draws you out to the outside world, away from your loved ones. Yet, with the lessons you learned by living with them, you will surely survive even the harshest of dangers.
Bond Thicker than Blood: You have a deep connection with your surrogate family to the point where they treat you like a real, actual son. Because of this, they will be willing to help you out in your time of need, whether it be to purchase lodging, being low on food, or any other simple action that must be taken.