Part 8

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Ms. Willson moves in with Jessica’s host family while she finds her own place. She is quick to learn like her daughter about Kemonomimis and their ways. Though at times it’s Jessica who is teaching her mother.


Cathy and the last year strays are called into a class at the start of the second quarter by Ms. Kayla and Ms. Jones. Cathy is surprised to see Heather and Danny there as well.

Ms. Kayla starts the class by saying “Now I know you are all wondering why you have been called here. This class is to prepare you as quickly as possible to survive without your co-parents and become fully part of this community.” Cathy can see she and a few other students are confused about what Ms. Kayla is saying “Then let me be clear. After you turn 18, the contract between you and your host family is over and they will need you to move out so they can focus on the next stray. They are under no obligation to take care of you after you turn 18.” All the students look shocked at those words.

Heather is quick to step up and say “You all knew the day would come when you leave home to make your place in this world. We are here to help you get ready to leave so we can have room for those like you who also want to be a part of our community.”

Danny steps up and says “The contracts state that you are under your host family’s care until you are 18 or graduate from high school whichever comes last. So you don’t have to fear of being forced to leave when your birthday nears.”

Ms. Jones steps up and says “I’ll go over your lesion plan now.”

Cathy had noticed she had a free period for the first part of the year and now knows why.


Cathy mind is full of thoughts as she nears the Johnson’s home. She loves them like family and thought they loved her back. She wonders how May will take it.

She is greeted by Sarah when she enters the house that has become her home. Sarah sees Cathy is troubled says “What’s wrong Cathy?”

Cathy looks at Sarah, the woman she sees as a second mother and says “are you going to kick me out?”

Sarah lowers her head and says “They had that talk with you. Let’s wait until Sam gets home to fully explain what’s going to happen next.”


Sam and Sarah sit with Cathy as her mind races. Sam says to Cathy “We are not going to kick you out. We knew this day would come. We only take care of you because you are underage. Now that you are going to be an adult soon, we have to be ready to help the next stray. This was always a temporary situation.”

Sarah gets up and writes something on a piece of paper. She hands it to Cathy and says “Here, go this address and ask to speak with Katie. She’ll answer all your question.” Cathy doesn’t know what to say.


Cathy stays in her room for most of the night, a room that has meant more to her than she realized. It’s been a safe place for her. A start of her new life. She doesn’t want to talk to anybody at that moment and she knows her friends are probably going through the same thing as well.

She hears May say outside her door say to Sarah “Is she going to leave soon?”

Sarah says “You know your big brothers and sisters have to leave after they are done with school.”


Cathy goes to the address Sarah gave her at the weekend. It is a small house, not as picturesque as the Johnsons’ home. She knocks on the door and a female Nekos in her twenties answers the door. Cathy says “M…may I speak with Katie?”

The woman says “That’s me. You must be the Johnsons newest stray. Come on in.”


Cathy finds the house looks lived in and could use a good cleaning. Katie says to Cathy “have a seat, if you can find one.” Cathy clears a spot as Katie goes to the kitchen. Katie says to Cathy from the Kitchen “Do you want anything to drink? I’m afraid we don’t have much here right now. We need to go shopping and I didn’t know we would have guest today.”

Cathy says “a soda would do” She can see that it doesn’t look like Katie lives alone.

Katie says while still in the Kitchen “By the way, I never got your name.”

Cathy says “Cathy”

Katie leans out of the kitchen and says “and I bet everyone wanted to call you Cat.”

Cathy says “Yeah.”

Katie says as she goes back to what she was doing “Mine was Kat with a K.”

Katie brings Cathy her drink and sits across from her. Katie then says to Cathy “How’s May doing by the way?”

Cathy says “She’s okay, she calls me her big sis and seems to always be happy” as she looks at her drink not knowing what to say to Katie.

Katie says “That’s good to hear. I was there when they found out Sarah was pregnant. Boy was that rollercoaster of a week, and I was also there when they brought May home for the first time. She was the cuties thing you could imagine.” Cathy looks up at Katie. Katie says with smile “I was the first stray the Johnsons took in. You could say we’re sisters.” Cathy looks at Katie with new eyes. She had never thought about those who came here before her. Katie says “They check up on me now and then, and if they need a babysitter for May. But I keep my distance so they can focus on the stray they are helping at the time. Sarah has probably already got your book ready.” Cathy doesn’t know what to say. Katie says “Let me go get mine” as she gets up and heads to her room.

Katie comes back with a scrapbook and sits next to Cathy to show it to her. There are pictures of Katie with the Johnsons. From the party when she was approved to stay with them, through the milestones in her new life here. Her first hair cut with Sassy, to her leaning to clean her ears, to her passing outfit. They even have photos of her at her job and helping with May. Cathy wonders if the Johnsons have been taking photos of her this whole time. Katie says to Cathy “Just because you have leave them after they are done with the contract, doesn’t mean they didn’t love you.”

Cathy starts to feel better after looking at the photos. The Johnsons care about helping new members join their community, that they must let them go after they have done all they can to prepare them.

The door opens and a woman’s voice says “I’m home!” Cathy looks up and sees an Inus girl walking in.

Katie says to the Inus girl “Hey Daisy. This is Cathy, the Johnsons newest stray.”

Daisy says to Cathy “You wouldn’t happen to know a Taffy, would you?”

Cathy says “She’s my friend, why?”

Daisy says “She’s staying with my co-parents. They told me a lot about her and her trouble making friend.” Daisy drops her stuff on a flat surface and starts walking away.

Katie yells at Daisy “Hey clean up your mess! We have guest here!”

Daisy yells back “Yeah, Yeah!” Katie and Cathy look at each other and laugh.

Katie says to Cathy “So have you thought about who your roommates will be after you leave the Johnsons?”

Cathy says “Roommates?”

Katie says “almost all Kemonomimis practice communal living. It so we can help each other out when grooming and paying bills. It’s how we can afford this house.”

Cathy says “But I saw Sassy living alone.”

Katie says “But doesn’t she also live in a duplex. I bet she kept the joining door closed for your privacy. She needs someone to help her keep her tail in such good condition.” Cathy realizes that Sassy does live in a duplex. Katie then says “you should have a head of household.” Katie goes over what it takes to run a household.


Soon others start coming home. Katie gets them to clean up the place for Cathy. Cathy finds out that there are five people living there. Cathy also learns they are all first gens and were all strays. Cathy starts to see the place come alive as they sit around and talk to each other. Cathy realizes they traded their host families for a new one.


Cathy finds she spends almost the whole day with Katie. She now sees Katie as a big sister and knows she can call her for help.


Cathy hugs Sarah when she gets home. Sarah says to Cathy “So I guess Katie answered your question.”

Cathy says “yes, and many I didn’t even know I had. By the way, can I see my book?”

Sarah gets a smile on her face and says “No, it’s a going away present. So you have a way to remember us.”


Cathy tells her friends about Katie at lunch at school. They all hadn’t thought about those that came before them. Taffy says “Now that you mention it. I do remember hearing them on the phone with someone named Daisy.”

Cathy says “Yes, and I think all of us should be roommates when we leave our host families.”

Taffy says “I bet Bob would like to be your ‘roommate’.” Bob shoots Taffy a look.

Amber says “Including me. But, but…”

Bob says “We went out once, and besides, you have been okay with Cathy and I since last year’s spring break.”

Taffy says “and who’s going to help me tease them?” Amber seems to agree with them.


Cathy tells Ms. Jones what she and her friends agreed to do and about her trip to Katie’s place.

Ms. Jones mutters under her breath “Dammit Sarah, you’re always a step ahead of me.” Ms. Jones says to Cathy “We are going to go over the topic of roommates and head of household in a week or two. Danny and Heather are working with our in-town realtor firm to get you all setup.”

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