Bonus Stories

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Tammy is walking home slowly out of fear. She knowns what awaits her. She slips off her shoes when she gets to her front door and quietly opens the door. She then tries to be as quiet as possible to sneak into her house. She is almost to her room when she hears her mother yell “TAMMY VIXEN BROWN!” Tammy wants to run at that moment but knowns that will only make things worse for her if she does. Tammy slowly turns to face her mother.

Her mother has a look of absolute fury on her face. Her mother says “What’s this about you teasing another student!”

Tammy cringes at those words. She knowns full well that she is in a no-win situation right now. She doesn’t know what to say that will calm her mother. Her Mother says “Your silence speaks volumes!” Her mother takes a breath then says “You are a young lady and should be respectful to others. You are not given respect; you earn it by showing basic respect to others. You know full well what you did was disrespectful to her.” Tammy is about to speak up when her mother says “I am well aware that you got punched in the face for your disrespect and I would take your makeup away if they had given you a black eye just so you would have to explain to people why you have a black eye.” Tammy has a small blessing at that moment for Cathy really didn’t do any damage to her, just knock her back and off balance. Her mother then says “Give me your phone!” Tammy walks over to her and hands her phone over. Her mother turns the phone off and says “You will get this back when you have earned it.”

Tammy says halfheartedly “I’m not going to be using it anyways.”

Her mother looks at Tammy for a moment then says “So your friends saw you being disrespectful…Good…You can start by earning back their respect. Go to your room.” Tammy turns and walks away.


Tammy is walking through the hallways at school alone when an Inus girl taller than her walks up to her and stops in front of her. Tammy says “yes.”

The Inus girl says “I’ve heard you were mocking one of us about wagging her tail.”

Tammy says “Yes and I got punched for it.”

The Inus girl looks over to a group of Inus students. One gives her a nod to go head. The Inus girl steps up to Tammy and says “You’re lucky a Nekos did it and that we weren’t there.”

Tammy tries to not meet the Inus girl’s gaze and says “I am sorry that I tease her.”

The Inus girl starts to lean over Tammy and says “You would be really sorry if we were there.”

Suddenly one of Tammy’s friends steps between them and forces the Inus girl back. Tammy’s friend then says in a loud voice “She has said she was sorry! She has been trying to show us that she has learned her lesson!” Several nearby students turn to look at what’s going on.

The Inus girl makes a slight threating flex towards Tammy’s friend. But then four other girls that are part of Tammy’s circle of friends move in behind the first girl and surround Tammy, creating a wall between her and the Inus girl.

The Inus girl looks over to her friends. One nods no. The Inus girl looks at Tammy behind her wall of friends then to the lead Kitsunes and says “Make sure she’s learned” and walks away. The group of Inus also moves off.

Tammy takes a breath and says “Thank you.”

Tammy’s friends keep their back to her. The lead girl says “We may not approve of your behaviors, but we will protect you if needed.” The girls then scatter without a word to Tammy or giving Tammy time to say anything. Tammy finds herself walking alone again.


Thomson is greeted by his sister at the door to her house. His sister says to him after he enters “how’s business doing?”

Thomson says “Slow, we aren’t getting many out of town Kemonomimi visitors right now.” He then sees Tammy sitting at the table without her phone. Thomson says to his sister “what’s with her?” as he motions to Tammy.

His sister says “She is being punished.”

Thomson says with a hint of anger in his voice “What did she do?”

His sister says “ask her yourself.”

Thomson sits at the table with Tammy and says “Why are you being punished?”

Tammy says without looking at him “I was teasing a stray at school and got punched in the face by her friend.”

Thomson yells “DAMMIT GIRL!” as he raises his fist to her “I should knock some sense into you myself! You are a third generation! Your grandma was a stray! And if not for the grace of this community! We wouldn’t be sitting here!” Tammy flinches as if his words were actual punches. Thomson puts his fist down and crosses his arms. He says to his sister without taking his eyes off of his niece “Is she being punished at school as well?”

His sister says “We believe so. Her phone has been silent for the past few days. She is starting to get texts again, but not at rate she used too.”

Tammy says “I apologized to Cathy for teasing Taffy and was able to apologize to Taffy when she sat with me during lunch. I don’t really know what all the fuss is over.”

Thomson eyes go wide and makes a threating move towards Tammy “GIRL! I work with Heather all the time to help get the strays off the street and into good homes!” Cathy is still fresh on his mind as she was the last stray he encountered “Hell! She practically works out of our hotel. It is a damn magnet for them!” again Tammy flinches at her uncle’s words. Thomson settles back down and says to his sister “I think she needs to learn what it’s like to be them.”

His sister says “I agree with you there. She should know how hard it is to be them.” Tammy looks at her mother with fear. Her mother says after a moment of tension between them “I think I’ll ask her school to put her in Kemonomimi Ed for a few days. That should teach her to truly respect what they go through.” Tammy looks relieved at those words.

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