Part 9

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Cathy says “are you sure about this?”

Bob says “Yes, I’m sure about it.”

Cathy says “I mean this is a big step.”

Bob says “I know it is.”

Cathy says “I mean it is a really big step.”

Bob says “Come on, just do it already.”

Cathy says “Okay, okay, I tell my parents you’re coming with me for Christmas.”


The Johnsons along with Bob’s host family see Cathy and Bob off. Bob wears a fanny pack to hide his tail.


As Cathy walks with Bob through her hometown, she draws in closer to him. She has always wanted to walk with someone she had feelings for when she lived there.


They make it to her house. Cathy’s mother answers the door and says “You must be Bob” when she sees Bob.

Bob says “Hello, you must be Cathy’s mother” and they enter the house. Bob and Cathy take off their hats when they enter the house.


Cathy’s father comes into the living room and sees Bob and says “oh, hello, you must be Bob we keep hearing about.”

Everyone looks at the dining table and Cathy’s father says “I’m sorry, we have only one chair designed for your kind.”

Bob says “That’s okay. I don’t have as much as of a problem as others do” as he takes off his fanny pack.

Cathy’s father says as he sees Bob’s tail “It looks like you have a bobcat tail.” Cathy father then says “’Bob’cat” as he slaps his hand to his face.

Bob says “Yeah, my parents weren’t that original.”


Cathy and Bob put their stuff in their rooms. Cathy’s parents let Bob use the guest room.


As they eat dinner, Cathy’s mother says to Bob “We really haven’t heard how you two met. Cathy has been quiet on the subject.” Cathy almost spit takes at that.

Bob says “We were in the same homeroom, and I had seen her for some time. But we didn’t really meet until Ms. Jones forced us to co-ed brushing.”

Cathy’s mother says “co-ed brushing?”

Bob says “We would typically stick to our own gender when it came brushing each other’s tails.”

Cathy father says “Why would you do that.”

Cathy says “You do realize that it isn’t like mom asking you to help brush her hair. It’s closer to someone holding your arm or leg and rubbing it. We also must be really close to do it.”

Bob says “and we were raised by people who didn’t understand we can’t be awkward about people touching us. But as I was saying we were assigned to do pair brushing together. It was also the first day of the co-ed brushing and we were still nervous about it. Well, I was.”

Cathy says “I was too. I mean I had never had to sit that close to a guy before and I could feel Amber watching us.”

Cathy’s mother says “Who’s Amber, is she another classmate?”

Cathy and Bob quickly glance at each other and Cathy says “yes and she was a little jealous of me being paired with Bob.”

Cathy’s mother says “I can see why that would be awkward?”

Bob says “For me it was holding her thin tail in my big hands and that I had to reach near her backside. Which again is why we were doing the exercise, to help us get over it. But anyway, I hit her knot and caused her to jump. I tried apologizing to her, but she slipped when she turned to face me, and I fell on top of her when I tried to grab her to stop her fall.”

Cathy says “We started talking afterwards and got to know one another.” Cathy doesn’t want talk about all the problems it caused between her and Amber, not to mention the stress of Amber being jealous of Cathy and Bob caused her to punch Tammy.


Cathy’s parents start asking Bob all kinds of questions about him and Bob takes them in stride. Cathy’s father finally says “I’m surprise you’re being so open with us.”

Bob says “Let’s just say this is a bit of a dream come true for me.”

Cathy’s mother says “How so?”

Bob says “Well when I went to meet a girl’s parents back home. Their parents would have one of three reactions to seeing me. Ether I was a freak, and they were off put by me, they would be too curious about me, or they wouldn’t ask any questions and try to avoid looking at what was the elephant in the room, my ears and tail. But you already have a Kemonomimi child, so that elephant isn’t a problem here. So having this kind of meeting is something I have wanted for so long.”

Cathy has to stop and think for a moment. She too feels like this is something she has wanted for some time now as she remembers how other parents treated her when they found out about her. They finished dinner knowing everyone at the table was happy to be there.


Cathy and Bob are sitting on her bed after dinner talking. They start to lean in for a kiss, when they hear Cathy’s mother say “as long as you two are underage, you are not doing anything under our roof!”

Bob quickly gets up and heads to the guest room and closes the door and locks it. Cathy closes her door and locks it. Cathy’s mother soon hears them on their phones talking to each other.


Cathy takes Bob shopping the next day while in their passing outfits. Cathy is more just wanting to spend time with him now that her parents approve of him.

Cathy excuses herself to use the restroom and leaves Bob for a moment. Bob is looking at a display when a girl around his age walks up to him and says “hi, haven’t seen you around here before. What’s your name?” She has a few friends with her as well.

Bob says “Bob and I’m just visiting.”

The girl says “well my name is Lisa and we should hang out if you really want to see this town.”

Bob’s ears perk up at hearing her name, but Lisa can’t see his ears move under his hat. Bob says “and why is that?”

Bob is quick to pick up on Lisa trying to flirt with him and he plays along by playing the relaxed and easy-going guy.


Cathy is coming back from the restroom and sees Lisa clearly flirting with Bob. Cathy’s anger starts to rise at the sight of Lisa flirting with Bob. But then it hits Cathy that Lisa is flirting with Bob and decides to let it play out.


Lisa finally says “Maybe we can trade numbers and go out some time?”

Bob says “Sorry, you’re not my type.”

Lisa says “What, good looking isn’t your type.”

Bob says “No, you are literally not my type” as he lifts his hat to expose his ears and wiggles them a little. Bob can see Lisa and her friends’ eyes go wide and their jaws drop a little as he puts his hat back on.

Cathy uses that as her cue to enter the scene and comes up to Bob saying “There you are Bob” and kisses him on the lips in front of Lisa. Cathy then warps Bob’s arms around her and turns to Lisa and her friends. Cathy says to Lisa “Oh hey Lisa. I see you met my boyfriend, Bob. He came to meet my parents and you know what. They approve of him. Have your parents approved of any of the boys you brought home yet.” Cathy says to Bob “We best get going if we don’t want to be late” and drags him away before Lisa can say anything.


Cathy leaves Lisa and her friends still stunned and unable to speak. Cathy says to Bob is a hush volume “I own you for that.”

Bob says “It was my pleasure.”

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