Chapter 12: Off to See the World

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Jack Thunder woke up bright and early the next morning. He had no time to listen to the rain outside today; today was going to be an exceptionally busy day. He threw himself off the bed, quickly getting himself dressed and grabbing Stormbringer from its position against the bedpost. He brought it over to his desk, along with a stack of books. He picked one off the top with the title, "The War of the Wendigoes and the Six Champions of Altairus" and cracked it open. He flipped through it for a while before landing on the page he was looking for. He began reading:

The Fragments of Anima

The Fragments of Anima are the legendary weapons used to defeat the Heart of Darkness in the War of the Wendigoes. These magical weapons are imbued with the raw powers of each of the elements of Anima. Together, they were able to summon a wendigo banishing spell powerful enough to banish the Heart of Darkness and all of the wendigoes in Altairus and on Earth back to the Flipside.


A powerful magical staff imbued with the power of Air. It was created and wielded by San, a tengu peasant who forged it from blackmetal, Air crystals, and a bolt of lightning from atop Mt. Tempest. With one wave, it could summon a tornado powerful enough to rip through the countryside like tissue paper.

The Seastone

A gem bathed in the magic of the Sea of Forever. It was wielded by Mallow the Maelstrom, a siren who specialized in hand-to-hand combat. It had the power to raise and lower the tides to the wielder's will.


A magical axe formed from the branches of Ygdrassil. It was gifted to Adamant Ironjaw, the strongest and most ambitious of her personal guards. It could heal its wielder, much like Ygdrassil herself, and it could create earthquakes when it was bashed against the ground.


A katana forged from the fires of the Temple of the Four Flames. It was forged and wielded by Altairia of Foxfire, formerly a low-ranking priestess in the temple who used her martial arts skills in the fight against the wendigoes. The weapon could both harm and heal, slicing through enemies with a flaming blade or burning away diseases with its potent flames.


A broadsword imbued with the magic of one Puer Aeternus. When the war began, this demigod of youth sacrificed their youthful magic to empower Excalibur, aging them in the process. Like Yuuki, Excalibur has both the power to hurt and heal, one of its abilities being the power to 'enlighten' opponents and sway them over to the wielder's side.

Lethal Joke

A Dark-powered grenade launcher originally designed for firework shows. The Great Strombolio, a performer in the Circus of Shadows, crafted it out of scraps of dismantled carnival rides. When he used it to successfully fend off a wendigo invasion, he refilled it with laughing gas-filled grenades and bathed it in powerful Dark magic. The grenades can cause massive structural damage and can cause their targets to begin laughing uncontrollably, rendering them unable to retaliate.

Well, Jack Thunder already had Stormbringer at his side. That was one down, five to go. But how was he supposed to locate the others? He read on:

After the Heart of Darkness was defeated, the rift where the wendigoes came from sealed with a bang. This sent the Fragments of Anima flying, scattering them all across Altairus. Here they wait to be rediscovered.

That wasn't much help at all. It didn't say anything about where the Fragments might be. Not even an educated guess. He grunted before spotting another passage on the opposite page.

The Fragments of Anima are sensitive to each other's presence. When two Fragments are close to each other, they will begin to resonate with each other. A Fragment's wielder may notice the Fragment pulsing with energy. The pulse will get faster when the other Fragment is close.

Jack Thunder nodded. Just like when Stormbringer led me to the wendigo. That would make things a lot easier for him. But there were still so many places the Fragments could be! He didn't have time to check them all, not when the Heart of Darkness's return was just around the corner. So, what could he do?

Jack Thunder sighed and looked over to his staff. To his surprise, the stone in the center was glowing, pulsing ever so slowly. The glow was different than before, though. Instead of the straight green it was when it sensed the wendigo's presence, it was a deep indigo with overtones of peacock green.

Jack Thunder knew what that meant; these colors were associated with the powers of Water. Stormbringer had picked up the energy of the Seastone! Grabbing the staff, he burst out the front door, running all the way to the edge of the island. He looked down.

Below him was a vast turquoise sea. Dotting that sea were four islands, green and teeming with tropical life. Not far from these islands Jack Thunder could see the edge of Pandora, the land that made up the Nursery Rhyme District to the west. He felt a pull from Stormbringer going straight down. The staff was directing him to the Turquoise Archipelago.

The storm gremlin made haste back to his house and began packing supplies. There was no time to waste; the crew was going on a tropical vacation. Altairus was counting on it.

To be continued in Book 2: Water.

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