Chapter 6: At Home

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So it was settled. The weather wyvern stayed. But there was one more question on Jack Thunder's mind...

"Hey. Where are we going to keep it? Do you live close by?"

San froze. He didn't know if he wanted to reveal where he had been all this time. He knew he couldn't go back to the Razorfrost Range with this orphaned wyvern in tow; it was far too cold for a creature like that to survive. He would need to stay close by.

"If you don't have a place to stay, we have a spare room," Frosti offered. "It wouldn't be too much trouble. That room has been sitting empty anyway. Ever since..." Frosti's face dropped for a second. "Well, that's another story. Let me show you around."

San nodded, following Frosti out of the front room. So he's staying, Jack Thunder thought. It was a lot to process for him; first the incident with the staff, then the wyvern, then the tengu staying with them. It was all too much right now. He walked over to the couch and sat down. He could hear San and Frosti talking, but he couldn't make out what they were saying.

Eventually, Jack Thunder could hear footsteps coming from the other room. Jack Thunder snapped out of his thoughts when he caught sight of San poking his head out from the hallway, looking at him. "Oh! I didn't see you there for a second! So, how do you like it here? Did you see my room yet?" he asked, unable to stop the constant flow of nervous language from his mouth.

The tengu nodded, and Jack Thunder followed him into the hallway. From there Jack Thunder could see the little wyvern curled up on a bed pillow in the room that usually went unused. Eventually, they would have to move it outside, but for now it could rest in a makeshift nest.

The storm gremlin sighed with relief. The wyvern was alright.

"So... uh... now that we're living together, I guess I should introduce myself. My name's Jack Thunder. I live here in the village on Tempest Island. I've never seen you around here before. Where are you from?"

"Razorfrost Range," San answered tersely. It wasn't that he disliked the storm gremlin; he just didn't want him finding out who he truly was.

"Oh. I didn't think anyone lived in Razorfrost Range except for the people who run the Diamond Citadel," Jack Thunder replied, referring to the massive, crystalline palace-turned-dojo that resided underneath the expansive and perilous mountain range. It was one of the only things that attracted visitors to the Razorfrost Range, especially in winter when temperatures dropped to deadly lows. Well, that and the rainbow of crystals found under the mountains. "That explains why you don't look so good."

It was true. All those years in the Razorfrost Range had taken their toll. San hadn't looked at himself in the mirror for all those years, but when he caught a glimpse of himself, he noticed just how much weight he'd lost. He looked too frail to fly. His feathers were also unkempt and falling out, leaving many bald patches in their wake. Between those two things, he shouldn't have been able to make it to Tempest Island by himself, even in the summer when the weather in the Razorfrost Range was mild. But somehow he managed. "I suppose so..."

Some might have seen Jack Thunder's blunt attitude as rude. Certainly his sister would have scolded him for running his mouth like that. But San admired it in a way. It reminded him a lot of himself when he had joined the six champions.

"I... uh... sorry if that was rude. Frosti's always getting on me about that. She says it's not appropriate and that I'll get in trouble with someone someday. I don't know. I guess I just say whatever I'm thinking," Jack Thunder apologized.

Just then, the wyvern whelp stirred. It opened its eyes and looked directly at the two. That's when Jack Thunder remembered; he needed to give the little guy a name. But what should he call it? In Jack Thunder's mind, the name should strike terror into the hearts of his enemies. Whomever his enemies were. It should be a name worthy of the majesty of a creature that breathed out lightning and fierce winds wherever it went.

Then it hit him. Razer. He'd gotten that name from a character in one of his many books. He always thought the name was cool.

"I think I'll name him Razer!" Jack Thunder proclaimed, scooting over to the wyvern's side. It seemed to like the name too; its eyes glinted with recognition.

San sighed. "Razer it is."

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