Echoes of the Forgotten Citadel One-shot

Intro & current state

This adventure resolves around a time-loop. It does not state which enemies you should place where, that is up to you, the GM. It also does not have maps yet. This is something I still want to add. While I initially wanted to make this a one-shot, I think this adventure will take multiple sessions, although I have not playtested it yet. I will most likely also change a lot of the flavor text, but I think the basis is solid.


The adventurers receive a cryptic invitation from an enigmatic sorcerer named Thaldrin. The letter beckons them to the Forgotten Citadel, a long-abandoned fortress hidden deep within the Whispering Woods. Thaldrin promises a powerful artifact that can alter time itself. The catch? The citadel exists in a perpetual time loop, and the artifact’s location changes with each iteration.  


Centuries ago, the Forgotten Citadel was a bastion of arcane knowledge. Its last inhabitant, Archmage Vaelin, sought to unravel the mysteries of time manipulation. In his experiments, he inadvertently trapped himself and the citadel in an eternal loop. Now, the citadel reappears every few decades, drawing curious adventurers seeking its secrets.  

Key Locations

The Whispering Woods Entrance

The players arrive at the edge of the Whispering Woods, where the citadel materializes during the time loop. The forest is eerily silent, and the air shimmers with temporal energy.
NPCs: Elowen, a reclusive druid who guards the entrance, warns the party about the time loop and offers guidance.

The Courtyard

The citadel’s overgrown courtyard contains a broken fountain and crumbling statues. The players find a riddle inscribed on the fountain’s base, hinting at the artifact’s location.
NPCs: A spectral librarian named Lyria appears, sharing cryptic clues about the riddle.

The Halls of Echoes

The citadel’s interior is a maze of shifting corridors. Each room represents a different moment in time: a battle, a celebration, or a tragic event.
NPCs: Ghostly echoes of past inhabitants wander the halls, replaying their final moments. Some offer aid, while others guard secrets.

The Time Chamber

The heart of the citadel holds The Time Chamber, a circular room with a massive hourglass. The artifact lies hidden within the shifting sands.
NPCs: Thaldrin, the sorcerer who initiated the time loop, awaits the party. He reveals that the hourglass controls the loop and offers a choice: break the cycle or claim the artifact.

The Arcane Laboratory

The arcane laboratory is a cavernous chamber bathed in an eerie, blue light emanating from a series of crystal spheres suspended from the ceiling. The air is thick with the scent of ozone and strange, pungent chemicals.

The Observatory

A towering, circular structure with a large, domed roof, the Observatory is perched atop the highest point of the citadel. Its walls are lined with countless windows, offering panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.

The Prison

A grim, imposing structure, the Citadel Prison is a stark contrast to the rest of the citadel. It's a sprawling complex of stone and iron, designed to hold the most dangerous criminals.


Temporal Anomalies: As the players explore, they encounter pockets of time where events overlap. They witness their own actions from previous loops or glimpse alternate realities.
Artifact’s Power: The artifact grants the ability to rewind time briefly. The party can use it strategically but risks altering their own fate.
Breaking the Loop: To break free, the players must decipher the riddle, synchronize the hourglass, and confront Thaldrin. However, doing so may erase their memories of the adventure.

Scavenger hunt

This part can be skipped to make the one-shot shorter.
To unlock The Time Chamber, the adventurers will have to visit 3 key areas to find the 3 Key Prisms. These are located in The Arcane Laboratory, The Observatory and The Prison.


The players decide whether to preserve the time loop, claim the artifact, or unravel the citadel’s mysteries. Their choice reverberates through time, leaving an indelible mark on the Whispering Woods.
Status: WIP, playable
  The Time Chamber
The Arcane Laboratory
The Observatory
The Prison
  Time manipulation ideas


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