The Prison

A grim, imposing structure, the Citadel Prison is a stark contrast to the rest of the citadel. It's a sprawling complex of stone and iron, designed to hold the most dangerous criminals.  

Main Prison Block

The heart of the prison, this is a massive, multi-story building with thick, fortified walls.

Cells: Small, windowless rooms with iron bars and a stone bunk. Some cells have solitary confinement features.
Guard Towers: Overlooking the prison yard, these towers house guards armed with crossbows and magical deterrents.
Mess Hall: A large, cavernous room with long wooden tables and benches. Food is delivered through a slot in the wall.
Exercise Yard: A concrete courtyard enclosed by high walls and topped with razor wire.  

The Dungeon

Located in the lower levels of the prison, the dungeon is a dark, dank place.

Confinement Cells: Smaller, more isolated than the main prison block, these cells are for the most dangerous inmates.
Execution Chamber: A grim, isolated room for carrying out capital punishment.  


A separate building within the prison complex, this is where the warden and their staff reside.   Warden's Office: A luxurious room compared to the rest of the prison, filled with maps, prisoner files, and surveillance equipment.
Guard Barracks: Dormitories for the prison guards.
Armory: A secure room containing weapons and armor for the guards.
Infirmary: A basic medical facility for treating prisoners and guards.
Kitchen: Where food is prepared for the prison population.  


The Prison is stuck in a loop. The party is stopped at the entrance by guards, warning them that a riot is currently happening.   When the party enters, they get attacked by prisoners, while unarmed, they are experienced. Guards will join in 1d3 turns to help the party.   While exploring, they might encounter more prisoners. If the party does not go down to the dungeon immediately, the prisoners there can be released. This will make exploring the prison harder, if not impossible.   The guards will not allow the party to get into the administration building unless persuaded, though this persuasion will be hard. Inside will be free from encounters if they have subdued all of the prisoners. If the dungeon has not been secured, the administration building will be attacked and breached.   The warden will be in their office and has to be persuaded to give the Prism Key and the command word.   The warden is not aware of the time loop, so he will not give it the next loops without persuasion. Maybe you can persuade him that you've talked to him multiple times before?
Status: WIP, playable
  The Time Chamber
The Arcane Laboratory
The Observatory
The Prison
  Time manipulation ideas


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