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The Warden's Door

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Abyss(H/H):Jadyn/Aleister/Hassan — 09/24/2020
The Warden stands motionless before the entrance of the maze the warhammer sits on the ground, his shield at his side the same song bird sitting on the edge of his shield

Movement is heard from within the maze as footsteps and the dragging and clatter of chains is heard nearing the entrance of the maze

The eyes of The Warden light up green as he turns his head he grips his warhammer as he waits stand still as the noise gets loauder and louder suddenly it goes dead silent for a long moment before the footsteps and chain appear deeper in the maze and The Warden returns to his normal stance as the eyes go dark once again
Jerald(H/H) Ur/Rol/Psalm/Eimsury — 09/25/2020
Ursu, having said his goodbyes to his loved ones and a few of those not coming with, makes his way through the gardens over to the maze where he spots the Warden. He stands back for a moment with some trepidation as he peers at the rather intimidating individual at the entrance of the maze. After a moment he straightens himself and begins his approach. "Hello, I go by General Baks, I am one of the individuals who talked to The King of Crows about the party to be thrown in honor of Alaneon. I am here to request entrance into the Feywilds."
Abyss(H/H):Jadyn/Aleister/Hassan — 09/25/2020
The green eyes of The Warden light up and look at this General Baks for a rather long moment before speaking in its rough grinding voice 

"Welcome General I am The Warden it is a pleasure to meet you, as one planning to travel the road have you been informed that there is a price to pay"
Jerald(H/H) Ur/Rol/Psalm/Eimsury — 09/25/2020
Ursu watches as the eyes light up. A good a sign as any for what he was heading into, but he paid it no mind at the moment as he listened to the voice. He placed his hands behind his back and pushed back the urge to give a sneer at the price. The touching of his mind, it displeased him so, but it was hardly anything compared to the importance of the mission. He smiled as he addressed The Warden again. "A pleasure to meet you as well. Indeed, I have been informed of this. My price was to lose all knowledge of the number eleven, which is one I am willing to pay."
Abyss(H/H):Jadyn/Aleister/Hassan — 09/25/2020
"Oh no I do not have affiliation with whatever fey you made a deal with this price is my own to be placed on the road to your destination* 

The warden lifts its arms with a creaking noise as he had been still for a long time moving the war hammer to the side as to not be between them
Jerald(H/H) Ur/Rol/Psalm/Eimsury — 09/25/2020
Ursu opens his mouth for a moment, but no sound comes out. He just blinks a few times before closing his mouth and thinking. Another price. Of course. Nothing ever came easy. He took a deep breath and keeps his calm demeanor despite already finding some level of annoyance with how things operate. "I see... Well, if that must be the case, then what is your price for putting one such as myself on the road?"
Shayra {Es/Maisie/Norria} (S/H) — 09/25/2020
Es runs up panting, but hangs back, seeing Ursu already in conference with...oh gosh, that must be the warden! Oh gosh...oh rats...she comes to a halt and stands apart, watching the interchange
Lion(Fae):Kalamä|Röe|Jin|Rid|Bow — 09/25/2020
jinora will fly in seeing the interchange.. she won’t say a word but will sit aside a rock beside the warden just watching how he moves & functions taking in the details intrigued. She’ll wave at the ‘11 guy’ shyly as they continue to speak... 

as she sits being close to the warden she’ll feel her confidence grow as her anxiety is calmed ever so slightly  & a sense of safety & warmth as the aura from the warden hits her... she’ll sit up a bit straighter as she feels this presence
Dani/Leafa (She/Her) — 09/25/2020
Leafa comes a few moments after Es, though at a bit of a slower pace. As she sees Ursu she smiles a bit, though she pauses seeing who she assumes to be the Warden. She bows before staying still, one hand behind her neck and the other holding the device as she listens very carefully.
Abyss(H/H):Jadyn/Aleister/Hassan — 09/25/2020
The warden stops speaking as he watches the three approach waiting so they may hear the price as well once they are situated he continues talking

"The price is simple its will come in two parts, part one i would ask for a strand of hair from each individual who seeks to be placed on a road"
Jerald(H/H) Ur/Rol/Psalm/Eimsury — 09/25/2020
Ursu turns to see the other three approaching. He gives them all a smile and a friendly nod in greeting. Though prepared to do so, he was glad that he didn't have to go through this by himself. Even if they were all to end up in different areas, it was nice to know they were at least there instead of him being unsure when others would show up. He turns back to The Warden and cocks an eyebrow. First part seemed easy enough, though he figured that should give him some worry, especially with two parts to it, but nevertheless, he nodded, "Fair enough," Ursu reaches up and with a quick pull and a slight look of discomfort, he pulled out a long strand of black hair and holds it out to The Warden.
Shayra {Es/Maisie/Norria} (S/H) — 09/25/2020
Es blinks. On the one day she took extra care to braid her hair up so there was no loose strands....oh well...she tugs at a strand of hair and works it out of her braid, presenting the Warden with a long, red hair. "I am the Daughter of Jaelle and I have here what you ask," she says. She whispers to Jinora, "Can you message Velvetine and tell them we're starting and they'll need to pull out a strand of hair?"
Lion(Fae):Kalamä|Röe|Jin|Rid|Bow — 09/25/2020
jinora will pull her hood down & pull a piece off the top of her head pulling it out of the braid as she listens to Es she’ll nod with a smile 
“yah I can do that” 

shell float over to hand the bluish silver & purple strand of hair to the warden “it’s nice to meet you. you may call me Jin if you like” shell give a small curtsey as she does so 

looikg intently at its eyes & the details of the warforged before backing up to the rock where shell sit to case sending to Vhal Hiiii this is Jin, 4 of us are here with the warden & wanted to tell you. You’ll need a piece of hair. Seeyouusoonnn  @ro | pea/vhal/arch | t/t 

shell put her weight on the rock as she finishes the sending with a smile watching the birbs
Dani/Leafa (She/Her) — 09/25/2020
Leafa shrugs hearing the that there's even a price at all. A part of her expected it from the reading she'd done. She quickly tugged at a curly green strand of hair, pausing as it didn't give. It took a few tries before finally a few strands fell into her hand. Oh well. She simply offered one to the Warden before taking the time to push her hair back into a very bushy pony-tail.
Meg (S/H): [Del/Jewel/Wren/Ayli] — 09/25/2020
Izzy arrives, slowing her quick, anxious stride to a confident, meandering stroll. Seeing several people have already arrived, she approaches with an easy smile that only wavers slightly when she feels the aura wash over her. Hmm. "Did I hear something about some hair?"
Abyss(H/H):Jadyn/Aleister/Hassan — 09/25/2020
The Warden steps forward grabbing each strand of hair nodding to each individual as he does looking at Jin "its a Pleasure Jin I only have Warden to give"

Putting the strands of hair on a small shelf that grows out of the maze ge grabs the long black hair given by the general he places it into the palm of his hand and cups his other hand over it as it begins to glow a green light between his hands*

as he lifts his hand there is no longer a strand of hair but now a black seed with a white edge, the warden holds his hand out to the General

"The secound part of the price this seed need to be planted where it can be seen*

The warden turns to the new comer "yes a strand of hair is required to be placed on a road"

A Seed of Self
this unique seed in born of unique individuals, created by a strong vanguard of nature and beauty this seed is crafted from the essance of a individual, as such it will grow into a unique flower that is tied to the individual once bloomed the flower will tied to the individuals constitution and will stand as long as the individual does
Meg (S/H): [Del/Jewel/Wren/Ayli] — 09/25/2020
Izzy reaches up and plucks a curly, crimson strand of hair at the root. She holds this out to the armoured. Person. She tries to peer around their helmet to get a look at their face. if they had one. Hmm. "Aaaand what can I call you, friend?" She asks, still looking intensely.
Jerald(H/H) Ur/Rol/Psalm/Eimsury — 09/25/2020
Ursu hears Izzy's voice and turns, greeting her much like he did the others with a friendly nod before he turns back and watches the space between The Warden's hands glow. After a moment he sees the seed, peering at it for a moment before his picks it up and looks it over. A curious thing. He tried to pull it together in his head, what the point of this might be, but he didn't have that much time to consider, every minute counted and there were more important things at hand. He placed the seed in a pouch on his hip and looked back at the individual. "And I promise that I will."
Lion(Fae):Kalamä|Röe|Jin|Rid|Bow — 09/25/2020
jinora will wave happily to Izzy as she approaches.. she watches the warden in amazement as he turns the hair into a seed.

She’ll float down off the rock as she  waits for her own seed rocking on her heels as she does so in excitement the white specks in her black & purple eyes almost like stars as she’s extatic thinking of where to plant hers & then thinking of the perfect spot she’ll laugh happily
Fish/Galv/Murzol (h/h) — 09/25/2020
Fish flips down their hood as they enter the area, blinking a bit as they looked around. The Kenku didn’t think many other people would be going, this would certainly make for an interesting visit. Plenty of people to serve as distractions if need be.
Shae(s/t):El/Marlow/Rin/Mae — 09/25/2020
Ellie approaches the group at the maze, smile growing brighter as she looks over everyone. Just a few new faces but, well, reintroductions were necessary as much as regular introductions. "Oh, quite a group we have then. Hello! I'm Ellie." She curtsies to the group and then bows to the Warden.
Abyss(H/H):Jadyn/Aleister/Hassan — 09/25/2020
The warden proceeds to convert the strand of hair from, Jinora, Izzy, Es and Leafa into seeds handing each one thier respective one

Looking at Izzy as she tries to loom for something under his face "there is nothing under this is my face alao I have no name to give just title of Maze Warden"

looking at the new comers the warden nods to each returning Ellies bow "welcome as these have found out to be place on the road there is a price i require a strand of hair that shall be converted to a seed of self that must be planted where it can be seen"
Meg (S/H): [Del/Jewel/Wren/Ayli] — 09/25/2020
"Sus." Izzy says, stepping back. She bounces on the balls of her feet, ready to go alreadyyyy.
Jerald(H/H) Ur/Rol/Psalm/Eimsury — 09/25/2020
Ursu stands to the side as others collect their seeds, crossing his arms in front of him as he waits, but even as he tries to focus on the mission, he couldn't help but think about what Corvus had said about the nature of their prices, and the seed found itself brimming on the edge of his thoughts. He shook his head and sighed. Then he heard The Warden say they had no name and that they had nothing under the helmet. It all spoke to the nature of what they were walking into. Much to consider.
Lion(Fae):Kalamä|Röe|Jin|Rid|Bow — 09/25/2020
jinora happily bows as she receives it waving to the new people before she fly's VERY low to the ground to avoid the clouds.. shell quickly go to plant the flower deeper in the garden.. after a few moments shell quickly return to stand with the group with a big smile shell stand beside the Ellie whispering in they're ear. "Hi you can call me Jin" 

with a smile as she then puts the colorful mask from her belt on her face as its magically held in place as she gets ready to enter the realm... she kinda bobs in place as she waits for whats next.

Dani/Leafa (She/Her) — 09/25/2020
Leafa waves at those walking in, giving them a smile and nod before looking to the seed that was placed into her hand. She thinks for a moment before placing it in a separate pocket of her bag to keep safe. She'd probably ask Callias where would be a good spot later.

She then took a deep breath, glancing around at the others, some she knew well, she'd only met maybe once or not at all. Which was fine, she'd do her best to protect them either way. Though maybe the group mission picnic idea she had really would've been a good idea...well, it's too late now. She just stuffs a hand in her coat pocket and waits
ro | pea/vhal/arch | t/t — 09/25/2020
Finally, as dusk falls, Vhalias comes into the Gardens, draggling behind them a wagon from the Tavern, laden with food for the party. They make their way to the Fey grove, getting a good look at everyone gathered, including the Warden. "Can somebody...?" They gesture at the wagon with their head as they size up the Warden.
Shae(s/t):El/Marlow/Rin/Mae — 09/25/2020
Ellie nods at the Warden's instructions and plucks a strand of her deep red hair, handing it to the Warden.Then she turns to smile warmly at Jin as she settles next to her. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Jin! Oh, we get to plant seeds? Such strange things these prices are..."

She perks up hearing Vhalias's voice, going over to assist them with the wagon of food. "Oh! Here let me give you a hand with that."
Shayra {Es/Maisie/Norria} (S/H) — 09/25/2020
Es looks at her seed. She knows where she wants to plant it but... "Excuse me, are we supposed to plant these before we leave, here in this garden? I just want to be clear..."
Vensis(Fae):Illari/Al/Barns/Tik — 09/25/2020
Afhiri walks up to the gathering, neutral smile on her face. Seemed that people were still finding their way to the entrance of the maze. Her gaze scanned those already assembled giving each that met her gaze a nod. 

"I apologize for any wait I may have caused. Is there anything I should know about going in? In case I missed something." Stopping to stand with the others, her gaze falling on the Warden.
Abyss(H/H):Jadyn/Aleister/Hassan — 09/25/2020
The warden looks at group infont of him "for those of you just joining to get placed on a road there is a price that being a strand of hair that shall ve turned into a see of self which i will return and give you the task of planting it where it can be seen"

"Now besides that is this all who shall be going?"
Sink (S/T): Cal/7/Enigma/Hepsie — 09/25/2020
Turn Order: Ursu > Jinora > Leafa > Vhalias > Izzy > Fish > Eliie > Es > Afhiri

The Warden is an NPC and can post at any time to get things moving.
Sink (S/T): Cal/7/Enigma/Hepsie
a message
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 — 09/25/2020
Jerald(H/H) Ur/Rol/Psalm/Eimsury — 09/25/2020
Ursu watches the new arrivals. Seeing Vhalias arrive with the wagon, he goes over to help. Might as well put the belt of fire giant strength to good use. He looked about and nodded seeing the sizable and abled party they had heading into this mission. "Definitely looking promising at the moment."
Lion(Fae):Kalamä|Röe|Jin|Rid|Bow — 09/25/2020
watching this happening shell wave at Vhal, thinking to herself if she has any magic to help, shell kinda bob back & forth, however but as shes thinking about spells shell get distracted looking at the rest of the party & watching the birbs.. shell wave kindly to Afhiri as well with a smile behind the colored mask shes wearing
Dani/Leafa (She/Her) — 09/25/2020
As Vhalias arrives, Leafa perks up, quickly shuffling up to them and holding the planeshift device out to them "Uhm...C-callias gave this to me too hold until here! Uhm i-i...figured it'd be best if y-you had it now..." She smiled somewhat confidently. It was clear how determined she was to make sure things went well

She then shifts over a bit, using one arm to assist the other two with the wagon. Because. Buff.
ro | pea/vhal/arch | t/t — 09/25/2020
Vhalias looks, giving a little hop to give the others space as they come to help with the cart. They look at the device in their hands, wondering where they'll stash it, before coming over to join the others in front of the Warden. "It appears that this is everyone. I am the Velvetine. A strand of hair, you said?" With their free hand, they reach up and pluck a strand of long, silver hair, presenting it gingerly to the Warden.
Meg (S/H): [Del/Jewel/Wren/Ayli] — 09/25/2020
"LetS GOOOO ALREADYYYYYYY" Izzy throws back her head with a groan of anguish that belongs only to the easily bored.
Fish/Galv/Murzol (h/h) — 09/25/2020
Fish nods vigorously at Izzy's suggestion, running over to the Warden handing them a feather. Fish doesn't know if it counts, but its all Fish has. Afterwards they hop backs and climbs into the wagon.
Shae(s/t):El/Marlow/Rin/Mae — 09/25/2020
Ellie stifles a giggle at the reaction of the very, very tall woman and waves to Afhiri as she joins the group. She makes a mental note when Vhalias introduces themselves with a different name realizing that, given the information gathered about the Fair Folk, likely everyone else in present company will have an alternative name as well.

"Oh, if this is everyone then I have some things to distribute." She digs around in her bag to pull out a bottle of sangria-colored liquid and a bottle of shimmering red liquid, giving them a little swirl before starting to hand them out to each party member, "I believe there's enough here for everyone to have two of each...just in case."

In addition to basic healing potions, the party also has Beguiler's Bane ~ Potion, rare. A vial of sangria-coloured liquid that slowly transitions to a lavender purple colour when exposed to the open air. A character who drinks this potion gains advantage on saving throws against Charm effects for 1 minute. If the user is charmed, both the effects of this potion, and the charm effect end. Drinking or administering a potion takes an action.
Shayra {Es/Maisie/Norria} (S/H) — 09/25/2020
Es dashes back very quickly to the jasmine patch and plants the seed next to her mother's marker, then dashes back. Ellie looks very nice. She will be Ellie's bodyguard. She stands next to her "If you stay close enough to me, I can be your bodyguard. And I can keep you safe, honest." she whispers
Vensis(Fae):Illari/Al/Barns/Tik — 09/25/2020
Waving back to Jinora and Ellie, her smile brightens a touch with the greetings. Afhiri nods plucking a strand of her hair as soon as the warden mentioned, a small price to pay again for favor. Offering it up and waiting for the seed to be returned. Taking it as soon as offered, her smile up ticking again upon hearing the impatient comment, a reminder of someone in some part. Her attention swung back to Ellie as she started handing out the potions. Walking up to the woman she gave a deep nod taking the bottles and storing them carefully away.

"Thank you, I hope they won't be necessary." Taking up a position beside the wagon.
Abyss(H/H):Jadyn/Aleister/Hassan — 09/25/2020
The Warden takes all the offered strands of hair and feather changing them to seeds of self 

"Now that you have all paid  i must ask if you all know how the roads work and if you had a hope of which road you where gonna take i will take that into account before making the final decision"
Jerald(H/H) Ur/Rol/Psalm/Eimsury — 09/25/2020
Ursu graciously accepts the potions, placing them upon his person for easy storage. "I have only heard a little bit about the roads, and thus am no expert. So, I don't have any roads or such in mind," Ursu shrugs, ready to leave whenever it was time, not quite sure what to expect.
Lion(Fae):Kalamä|Röe|Jin|Rid|Bow — 09/25/2020
jinora just taking everything in & focusing when she hears the warden speak.. shell look to Vhal for the answer not really knowing the fey roads.. shell float to sit atop the cart so that she can have a nice view for the journey a head.. shell laugh hearing Izzy feeling the same of wanting to start on the path with excitement
Dani/Leafa (She/Her) — 09/25/2020
Leafa happily takes the potions, carefully placing them in her bag as well as she gives a small bow to Ellie "T-thank you!" Thank god, she was really hoping someone would bring potions...just incase...she had a few things in her bag but nothing for healing. She covered her mouth to muffle the laughter that followed as she heard Izzy, it helped relax her even more weirdly enough

She then glances to Vhalias as well as the question is asked, figuring they'd have the answer. Though she does send them a message really quickly "If...I know you probably have everything handled..but if-if you need anything answered or have a question I...brought my notes-just incase-just thought you should kn-okaybye-"
ro | pea/vhal/arch | t/t — 09/26/2020
Vhalias takes their seed from the Warden, tucking it into a pocket for safekeeping, as well as Ellie's potion, taken with a smile and a nod. Leafa's message reaches them at the same time that the Warden asks their question. They veeeeery inconspicuously sidle over to Leafa, returning her message. Notes on how the Roads work, by any chance? I've mostly been thinking about what to do once we get there.
Meg (S/H): [Del/Jewel/Wren/Ayli] — 09/26/2020
Now that things are moving along, Izzy takes point on the wagon. "NOPE no idea what road or where we goin'." She confirms, speaking to the Warden. "Anything we should know?"
Fish/Galv/Murzol (h/h) — 09/26/2020
"LetS GOOOO ALREADYYYYYYY" The bird responds from their spot in the wagon.

Shae(s/t):El/Marlow/Rin/Mae — 09/26/2020
"Indeed," Ellie nods to Afhiri as she finishes handing out the potions, "I think the purple swirly ones will be most handy, the healing ones are...well, hopefully we won't need them, but consider them plan B if I can't get to someone in time."

She accepts the little seed from the Warden, holding it closely to inspect it, then turns to Es with a smile and replies in an equally hushed tone. "It's an honor to be under the protection of another blessed by Lady Firehair," she glances at Es's braid with a wink and her necklace seems to shimmer slightly but only for a second, "I feel safer already!"

Giggling at Fish she gives her attention back to the Warden as Izzy replies, realizing that she also doesn't know what road to take.
Shayra {Es/Maisie/Norria} (S/H) — 09/26/2020
Es faces the Warden with as much boldness as she can muster, although her insides are churning "The road we require should lead to the domicile of the archfey Alaneon. We know that we must stay on the road we are given and not stray. We beseech you to place us on the proper road, so that we may discharge our duty to the Crow King to throw the party he has commanded us to throw in a timely fashion." She looks over apologetically at Vhalias as if to say, 'sorry', then goes back to stoically standing just behind Ellie
Abyss(H/H):Jadyn/Aleister/Hassan — 09/26/2020
The Warden seems to stare at Es for a few moments before speaking once more 
"All roads will lead to your destinations all roads are proper its the dangers and how you walk the road that changes"

"The Rose Road’s a path of beauty and wonder A softness to hide the thorns there that bite The road
welcomes those who travel together Those travelling alone, will never find light."

"The Old Road made the crooked straight It bent the world to ordered paths This road has opened once more with
Annie's return Its wrathful nature turned to ruin"

"The Shadow Road is ever hungry No light, no warmth, no breath, no life To walk this path invites
attention Of things untouched by blade of knife"

"The Child’s Road’s a desperate gamble Bound by rules and short on time Those that walk it shape their
purpose To fit the form of nursery rhymes"

"The Road of Thorns is near forgotten It grows untended, wild and free The dangers there are dark and
deadly But it will bring you to the end unseen"

"The Blood Road is a dangerous path Those who walk it, risk it all It will take them to their quarry But at
the end, someone will fall"

The warden list off all the roads looking at each individual in front of him looking for reactions, each road is dangerous and each have their own set of rules
Jerald(H/H) Ur/Rol/Psalm/Eimsury — 09/26/2020
Ursu listens to the others, becoming quite amused at the Kenku's mimicry of Izzy, but also feeling his own spirits become eager to get moving. As serious as everything was, he realized he felt a sort of... sense of adventure? bubbling up inside him. Such a feeling had long since been crushed through the banality of his former work life and how the nature of treasure hunting became a uniform exploration as expensive trinkets were got for bored rich children. However here, he was on the precipice of something entirely new to him. 

The question posed by Izzy was of course a good one. He felt silly for not having thought to ask the same, almost being ready to accept whatever was a bad mindset to be in when it came to the feywilds. As the Warden explained each road, there was a strange part of him that, deep in the back of his mind, wanted to see them all. He wanted to explore again, but that was not their purpose here. Nevertheless, a smirk arose on his face as he nodded. "Ominous, but quite compelling. Would suggest the Rose Road for at least those of us helping with the wagon, but I definitely up to hear counterpoints."
Lion(Fae):Kalamä|Röe|Jin|Rid|Bow — 09/26/2020
while Jinora is on top of the cart she will absolutely cackle behind the colorful mask taking it off as she leans back on the cart to have a real belly laugh as she hears fish.. thinking to herself this is going to be a good adventure it’s been a while since she’s traveled with anyone so the excitement & anticipation inside her were growing exponentially. 

when the warden speaks she listens still looking at the sky counting on her fingers the roads that are offered... there were roads that stuck out to her as she considered the safest path to possible take but when the warden mentioned the Child’s Road & the road of thorns... the possibilities in her mind went wild as she remembered her brother reading nursery rhymes, fairy tales & spoopy old stories to her for her to sleep well many years ago thinking fondly of them... she’ll nod to Ursu’s words considering if it’s ok for I’m her to split off or not, considering her own desires...

now sitting cross legged on top of the cart she’ll play with her braid as she thinks the mask sat on her knee she’ll say still somewhat in thought 

“I agree the rose road might be good for the wagon... but I feel myself drawn to the child’s road.. it sounds very intriguing... however I would be alright with staying with the group of course but I thought at least I should mention it.” she continues to play with her hair not wanting to deviate from the group but also wanting to explore
Dani/Leafa (She/Her) — 09/26/2020
Leafa nods in response to Vhalias's message, as she goes to take some papers out of her bag she pauses as the Roads are named and listed

Shoot. She didn't know a damn thing about any of that.

Though she kept her outside demeanor calm and seemingly just thinking, inside she was a bit worried her notes weren't gonna help that much. Then she took a deep breath. Everyone worked hard. She worked hard. She wasn't gonna know everything, and hopefully what she does know will help. She hands over a sheet of paper seemingly ripped from a notebook with the words 'Fey Roads' titling it at the top to Vhalias behind their back.

The notes read
Fey Roads:
Lekani Forest and Ruins of old River two possible entrances to take fey road too. Lekani Forest potentially safest bet. Warriors of Artemis reside here, could potentially help us or make passage way safer. Though making deals is not wise. Ruins of Old River known for god-like anamolys??? Dieties met here. Could be more risky though may have stronger connection? Do? Roads need connections?? Getting lost here anywhere is dangerous
Very dangerous and random, take much caution in crossing them. Unsure of details. Rule of not straying off a path may apply here heavily as well?? 
Potentially ask if a fey road exists that is crossable that connects directly to Daemin's portion of the Feywild? Garden weakest link? But closest to feywild? Confusing. Warden may understand inital question.
Could potentially get seperated mid-travel or after travel. Remember to utilize trackers. May be better to not speak to any fey further than a hello if alone. Staying together is very important

She then sends a message to Vhalias again "The bits a-about the Forest and Daemin's portion of Feywild y-you can ignore...if it leads to the destination t-then it...should be fine either way...but hopefully this helps..." 
Then she looks to the group, speaking up a bit " opinion helps...The Rose Road seems...the safest..i-it's important that doing what's safest b-be our main focus for ourselves..." There was a slight hesitation in her voice. Gods she wanted to see every other path so bad, explore them, study them. But she knew now wasn't a good time. She needed to stay focused
Abyss(H/H):Jadyn/Aleister/Hassan — 09/26/2020
The Warden looks as a few of them start suggesting roads "i should also warn you all before you finish suggesting roads you will have to be split between two roads and each road is only usable once in a lifetime"
ro | pea/vhal/arch | t/t — 09/27/2020
Vhalias sighs, looking over Leafa's notes, distracted and snickering when Fish mimics Izzy. They eventually fold the note and tuck it into their jacket, sending Leafa a message. These'll do, thanks. La'Vey, was it?

They fold their arms, pacing slightly. "If we're going to be split up, anyone going with the wagon should take the Rose Road. I agree that it sounds safest, least likely to cause the wagon any damage." They deviate from their pacing to approach Es and Ellie, presenting one of the orbs Jinora gave them. "These are trackers that should help us find each other again on the other side, just in case our respective Roads leave us in different places. We only have a few, so spellcasters, if you know messaging spells, have them on standby." 

They look to Fish, sitting in the wagon among all the parcels of food, and wriggles the tracker in their grip to get the bird's attention. "Fish, with me? If we're taking a more dangerous road, we could use a sharpshooter."
Meg (S/H): [Del/Jewel/Wren/Ayli] — 09/27/2020
Izzy thinks while the others talk, drumming her fingers on her knee, mulling over the options. She recites the poem to herself a few times in her head before speaking up. "I don't like Rose Road." She announces, uncharacteristically serious. "Smacks loudly of faerie glamours and lethal things hidden behind the veneer of beauty. I pick Thorn Road."

Fish/Galv/Murzol (h/h) — 09/27/2020
Fish takes the tracker, scrambling out from the wagon. They take a spot on top of it and look around at all of the people. A finger taps their beak for a minute before looking back to Vhalias. "Quiet types maybe go alone....." They point at themselves, Vhalias, Izzy, then Jinora and Leafa. "Take Thorn Road. Direct, precise....two group can pincer target."
Shae(s/t):El/Marlow/Rin/Mae — 09/27/2020
Ellie mulls over the list of options and considers the replies everyone before her has given. Izzy likely has a point about the Rose Road, but it may be the best path for the wagon. She gives a decisive nod.
"I will go with the wagon along the Rose Road then. I do have messaging spells prepared and, well, I know you all now so that shouldn't be an issue!"
She takes the orb from Vhalias curiously before turning to Es. "I know you just said you would be my bodyguard but if you think your skills are better suited for the Thorn Road, you should go where you think you will be needed most."
Shayra {Es/Maisie/Norria} (S/H) — 09/27/2020
Es hesitates. "If the others feel comfortable with no healer, then I think that group is good for the Thorn Road and I will come with you and the wagon on the Rose Road. Otherwise, I would suggest swapping La'Vey for one of us, possibly me. I know Jin has a messaging spell, and you have it as well, so that would be one in each group at least. But it is up to Velvetine and what they think. I am content to go with the wagons along with the General and our other friend." Whose name, even the alias, escapes me, she adds to herself.
Abyss(H/H):Jadyn/Aleister/Hassan — 09/27/2020
The Warden looks at as they speak before giving a fake cough to get everyone's attentions "No roads is safe all of them have there dangers and there tricks each road has its rules that you must follow should you break any rule of the road you will be lost even i am not strong enough to defy the roads and get you out once you enter you are at the mercy of the road and its rules please go in taking this serious i have seen plenty lose there way and be lost forever"
Vensis(Fae):Illari/Al/Barns/Tik — 09/27/2020
"I do believe the Rose Road is the best choice for the wagon. I will accompany it as well." Afhiri nodded towad the others that mentioned the Rose Road.
Jerald(H/H) Ur/Rol/Psalm/Eimsury — 09/27/2020
Ursu watched as the group slowly divided and talked plans after the rather hair raising information of The Warden. It did disappoint that some of these roads could only be travelled once in a lifetime. As much as the rules of the feywilds did seem to break much of the convention he had grown to know back on his realm, the idea of learning it, and getting to know it, and of exploring it was one he was finding he would mourn if he must go to live his whole life without seeing any of the others, but that was how the game was played.

Ursu turned to The Warden with a curious glance, having had something prodding at the back of his mind that he wanted to make sure of, "Now, I am curious. Earlier you asked which roads we 'hoped' to be put onto before you made your decision. This, of course, would suggest that even after our deliberation here, that we might not even end up on these two roads. How much does our suggestions affect your final decision, if I may ask?"
Abyss(H/H):Jadyn/Aleister/Hassan — 09/27/2020
"A good amount there are a few roads that that wagon of yours could not cross as such those we be out of the question and I always hesitates to put someone on the old road tbe rose and the torn are acceptable" The warden nods at the question seeming to approve
Lion(Fae):Kalamä|Röe|Jin|Rid|Bow — 09/27/2020
Jinora will nod taking everything in & watches fish hop on top of the cart with her & will smile as he does so turning to listen ever intrigued by the birb.. she nods in agreement "I think that grouping for the road of thorns is very capable it seems. I feel confident in me going the road of thorns with you all.. I'd still like to see the child's road.... she says that still playing shyly with her hair before her tone changes to one of excitement as a sly grin continually grows across her face as she puts her hands on her knees patting them in excitement 
"but..... Id happily settle for a road such as this! It sounds kinda spoopy & Id love to see it!" 

proceeding to nod to Fish putting her mask back on & then floating over to be asideVhal shell ask the warden putting her hands together & tilting her head as she does so "Warden are there any particular or 'special' rules for the road of thorns & the rose road we need to be aware of before proceeding?"
Abyss(H/H):Jadyn/Aleister/Hassan — 09/27/2020
"the rules of each road will be given before i place you on it" The Warden answers
Dani/Leafa (She/Her) — 09/27/2020
Leafa first nods to Vhalias in response, confirmed what her alias would be. She then pauses...split between two roads. Was...also...not in the plan. It's fine. We can work with this. She closed her eyes for a moment, processing everything and listening while trying to think at the same time

After hearing the Warden's most recent answer her eyes open and she takes a deep breath. Alright, she understands things a bit better

"If...I can summarize or..make sure we're clear. T-the...the Rose Road would be best to take the wagon onto, if it's main issue to deal with is sticking together, that most likely wont be a problem. I-i think those who offered are all actually perfect for this. It seems more a mental battle than anything. But strength is important too."

"With the group-" She gestures to Fish "-they mentioned to go through the road of thorns...I personally think that's pretty good as well...I promise to do my best with you all. And we should have the means to keep contact between groups with sending. This one may be more physically challenging and...again, I trust this group to handle it."

"We should also all also again mention our names as a refresher incase we do get separated and don't get the chance again until we reconvene where we're going. And for...sending purposes. Going through the rules of the Feywild as well is important, especially how we need to conduct ourselves. Even on these roads, remaining as polite and democratic as possible might be for the best. Self-defense is important but especially in the Feywilds we keep violence to a minimum...uhm..." She then hands out small notes to everyone, detailing important bits on the feywild and the mission (basically what's in town hall) before stepping away a bit "OH and uhm i'm...La'Vey, I uhm...s-say that when-I offered the name thi-i'll stop talking now-" She cleared her throat. Hopefully that helped everyone, including herself, be on the same page
ro | pea/vhal/arch | t/t — 09/28/2020
Vhalias nods to Izzy and the others in agreement. “I liked the sound of the Road of Thorns myself. Apologies to the Mothed Mage, but it seems we’re in agreement on that point.” 

They toss the last tracker to Fish, and once their hands are empty, they give a smooth bow. “I think La’Vey makes an important point. I am the Velvetine, if we are refreshing memories.” They straighten, folding their hands behind their back, before messaging everyone. 

I’d like to talk strategy before we make it to Alaneon’s domain as well, but I’m not sure we should do it so openly in front of this guy.
Meg (S/H): [Del/Jewel/Wren/Ayli] — 09/28/2020
Izzy claps upon hearing that the roads they have chosen are acceptable. "Great! So who goes where? I'm down for whatever."
Fish/Galv/Murzol (h/h) — 09/28/2020
Looking between the group Fish pulls out a journal, scribbling little notes as they glance from person to person. Eventually they climb down from the wagon and hand the page to Vhalias since everyone seems to be going to them for planning purposes.

The note read

“Vhalias + Fish, strike team, Izzy  and other sneaks support. 

Others look nice, can get in front.”
Shae(s/t):El/Marlow/Rin/Mae — 09/28/2020
Ellie grins at Es and nods. "Let's take the Rose Road together, then, and keep the wagon safe." She thanks La'Vey as she is handed the page of notes and studies it carefully, nodding along to each point and giving a little frown when she gets to the 'do not accept any gifts' rule. Sounds rude to her, but clearly the realm of the Fair Folk is tricksy and operates under different standards. Despite her bubbly demeanor she wasn't incapable of taking matters seriously.

"These notes are extremely helpful, thank you, La'Vey! I'm assuming we're still not using our real names, so you all can still just call me Ellie." She moves to stand closer to the wagon with her tail swishing contently and pays careful attention to each name as they are given.
Shayra {Es/Maisie/Norria} (S/H) — 09/28/2020
Es nods. "General, I trust the two of us will be enough to move the wagon, otherwise we might need someone from the other group to join with us," she says, eyeing Ellie and Afhiri a little doubtfully. "And, while the Crow King was gracious enough to gift me the name Quiet One, I prefer the Daughter of Jaelle for this journey." She shifts her shield to a more comfortable spot on her shoulder, feeling a mix of impatience and anxiety. "I am ready."
Abyss(H/H):Jadyn/Aleister/Hassan — 09/28/2020
The Warden nods his head "The Rose and The Thorn roads are acceptable those will be done the rules of each road will be given as you enter no sooner"
Vensis(Fae):Illari/Al/Barns/Tik — 09/29/2020
"You may address me as Zephyr and I will stay with the wagon." Nodding toward the supplies. 

"Thank you, La'Vey." Bowing respectfully to them and looking over the notes quickly.

"I'm ready."
Jerald(H/H) Ur/Rol/Psalm/Eimsury — 09/29/2020
Ursu looks around at the divide, seeing momentum slowly building as decisions are finally made. He smiles wildly as the Warden say the two are acceptable, though he was a bit suspicious of what rules may come to pass. He was good at following what he was told to do, but orders often came with some sensible notion to them. He was fully expecting some nonsense, but he was far beyond letting that cause hesitation.

He taps his belt of fire giant strength and he nods at Es with a smile. "I think we should be able to handle it, haha." He looks about. "I'm ready as well."

Lion(Fae):Kalamä|Röe|Jin|Rid|Bow — 09/29/2020
jinora continuing to play with her hair will float by Vhal but will slowly inch her way to the warden as she is very excited to go but not too far as she doesn’t want to just leave without her group 

shell turn around to everyone as she does so “I guess we’ll see you guys on the other side! BE SAFE!” shell say with a slight wave before saying 

“Oh! also.. please just call me Jin I’m too lazy to have that many syllables in my title or whatever.” she waves her hand lazily but behind the mask she is very absolutely ecstatic to start
Abyss(H/H):Jadyn/Aleister/Hassan — 09/29/2020
The Warden looks to his left at the bird sitting on his shield "Would you please help putting them on the Thorn road*

The Warden looks at those going to walk the Thorn road for a moment before speaking

"As my eyes close I see a red light too far to reach and too far to speak in the distance. Eerie yet beautiful lulling me towards it. So different so strange to this Valley of thorns"

"I push myself up with all the pain and aching. All these thorns injecting into my palms and feet. I see only red as I stumble and fall towards this"

"I grab hold and my pain subsides. These colors I see disappear. I do not feel misery or isolation. I found the other side of the valley of thorns. That is the funny part, there is" his voice fades and you can not hear these words

"Just like that I found you, once again no noise is heard in this Valley of Thorns"

The bird seems to shimmer and the cracks like glass before replaced by a large crystal like bird that flaps its wings sending out a crystal at those walking the Thorn Road

The Crystal land at the feet of those going and in a flash grows and incase them before cracking and shattering and they are gone

Abyss(H/H):Jadyn/Aleister/Hassan — 09/29/2020
The Warden turns back to those remaining and seems to sigh "getting on your road will be........different"
Jerald(H/H) Ur/Rol/Psalm/Eimsury — 09/29/2020
Ursu gives wave back at other group before suddenly his attention is pulled by the warden and his bird. The words seem like a poem, but he does not have long to think on it before all of a sudden the bird is replaced with a large crystal one. His eyes widen at the spectacle as the others become incased in the material and shattering.

"Different, different how?" Ursu cocks an eyebrow. It seemed each second brought some new fantasy that Ursu then had only moments to try and make coherent in his head before something else occurred. If that wasn't different enough, what could it be that would make the Warden sigh.
Abyss(H/H):Jadyn/Aleister/Hassan — 09/29/2020
"Because of the wagon the only way to enter to road is through the maze itself...." the wardens voice trails off
Abyss(H/H):Jadyn/Aleister/Hassan — 09/29/2020
Turn Order: Ursu  > Eliie > Es > Afhiri

The Warden is an NPC and can post at any time to get things moving.
a message
 to this channel. See all 
pinned messages
 — 09/29/2020
Shae(s/t):El/Marlow/Rin/Mae — 09/29/2020
General, Daughter of Jaelle, Zephyr. Ellie nods, reciting the names in her head a few times so they hopefully stick. "All wonderful names." She gives the cart another once over and smiles brightly. "Oh, I think the four of us will have no problems scooting this around! Just have to be cautious."

She waves farewell to the other group as they gather together and listen to the Warden. As soon as the bird turns to crystal she gasps in delight, but her smile falters as the group is encased and shatters. A beat passes before she steadies herself with a deep breath. Definitely never seen teleportation quite like that before.

"Well. That was...quite the sight to behold. So then. Do we have to go through the maze before we learn the rules of our road?"
Shayra {Es/Maisie/Norria} (S/H) — 09/29/2020
Es's eyes grow wide watching the other group get encased in crystal and then disappearing. She takes a deep breath. "I believe you should lead, General, since it will be easier to pull the wagon than push it. If Zephyr and Ellie flank it, I will push and bring up the rear." And I hope one of these people know how to navigate a maze....
Abyss(H/H):Jadyn/Aleister/Hassan — 09/29/2020
The Warden quickly intruppts Es "No!!  I will lead you through the maze,  the maze is not something to he taken lightly the maze and the things kept inside are dangerous possiblely more then the roads"
Vensis(Fae):Illari/Al/Barns/Tik — 09/30/2020
"I'm sure we will do fine. Caution is our best bet." Nodding toward Ellie

Afhiri gave a respectful nod to the other group as the readied for their road. But her eyes were very quickly drawn to the bird that fractured and turned into crystal, flicking a piece of itself at the others, encasing them only to watch them shatter into nonexistence.  Realizing her jaw had slacked a little she shook the awe away. 

Listening to the the others once the road of Thorns group was gone. Nodding again with Ellie's question and agreeing to flanking the wagon.

"I can do that. The maze is more dangerous than the road, possibly. Even though you are leading us, what should we know?" Looking to the toward the Warden.
Jerald(H/H) Ur/Rol/Psalm/Eimsury — 09/30/2020
*Ursu looks at the maze "...Fuuuuck..." He groaned quietly. He hated mazes. Though hearing that the Warden would guide them did put a bit of his mind at ease. "Well, if that is the case, then I am ready to follow you. Though the others ask solid questions."
Abyss(H/H):Jadyn/Aleister/Hassan — 09/30/2020
"First do not stray, do not look any creature in the eye and if you hear chains freeze do not move at all the creatures trapped in this maze are here for a reason they are not to be taken lightly" The Warden list off
Shae(s/t):El/Marlow/Rin/Mae — 09/30/2020
Ellie takes up the other side of the wagon, chuckling a bit at Ursu's grumbled cursing, but snaps her attention back to the Warden as soon as they speak again. Those seemed like surprisingly straightforward rules. Though she didn't realize there were creatures trapped within the maze, that was mildly concerning.

"I think that's all more that doable. Are we ready to depart, then?"
Shayra {Es/Maisie/Norria} (S/H) — 09/30/2020
"Believe me, we will follow in your footsteps. Our way lies beyond this maze, we trust to you to get us to our Road. We will follow your instructions implicitly." Es puts a hand on the back of the wagon.

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