Chapter 84

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Sitting all together as she continues to dine on her food, the two young men, along with the boy, had a long conversation about everything they missed during their time separated, catching up on all the details that they thought they'd have forgotten about forever.

While they continue to talk, the group of people around them continue to eat and chat among themselves, making them feel like they are part of a larger community than they could imagine ever since they settled in this place. Although there were other reasons for confronting each other in time like this.

Danny was shocked to learn his trusted friend wanted him of all places to adopt a kid he barely even knows about, let alone have the time or energy to take care of not just one person but two individuals at the same time.

It is insanity of the highest order. He couldn't ignore the sincerity behind his friend's words after everything this man had done for him,

"You want me to take care of this kid?" Some part of him wants to help someone in need as always, but his logical rational side knows he is too overwhelmed by his own personal issues to be able to properly nurture and provide a stable home for a child.

Besides, he doesn't understand how his friend expects him to deal with raising an actual kid when he himself hasn't even figured out his own identity about the type of person he was before waking up. "How did you even come up with this idea?"

Frowning at the head doctor of this news, Danny was curious about how he reached such a bizarre conclusion, knowing full well that this is something that can only happen between two people who have gone through hell and back to survive the apocalypse, forming unbreakable bonds in the process.

Unless this kid is Hansel's child or sibling, Danny has no clue of who this kid is, and despite the fact that he is inviting a complete stranger to his room, which is considerable his only sanctuary from the madness of this world's problems, he still has a difficult time accepting this new reality in finding who he was, and moreover, his now supposed to be playing the role of adoptive father.

"I barely know this boy." Glancing forward at the side of his friend's seat, he silently eyed at Toby, watching him fidget with his trembling hands nervously, making it seem as if he wants nothing more than to bolt away from this conversation.

Judging by that look, he doubts this kid would trust him on the first day of his adoption.

It is a big  responsibility for someone like Danny to shoulder, not to mention that there are still many unanswered questions within himself and the outside world that he wishes to resolve before considering something this monumental.

"As much as I feel bad for what the kid had possibly gone through, we are all trying to figure out our place in this dying world," he added quietly, a flicker of guilt sparking in his gaze as he admitted to feeling overburdened.

But the head doctor insisted, "please, my friend. He is only ten years old; Toby had lost people very special to him, and he needs dire assistance in making through this hellish ordeal." Hansel implored of this decision, "I'm asking you because I know deep down, you would do anything to help someone in distress, regardless of whether it's a stranger or not. And besides, taking in this child as your own son is essentially giving him a second chance at life, don't you think?"

Watching them converse intensely, Toby gripped the edge of his seat, ears pricked for any hint about his future, his fate resting in the hands of the two men who could change his life for the better or worse.

The more he listens to their conversation, the better or worse his anxiety becomes, as he is still unsure if Danny is actually a good person or a plain evil creep who abuses children. It's not one hundred percent clear to him about this new prospect of having an adoptive father he doesn't know first hand.

The idea of being cared for, loved, and protected in a family setting filled him with equal parts hope and dread. The boy had always yearned for that sense of belonging and stability until the harsh experiences taught him to always be wary of others, expecting betrayal at every turn or abuse if he is lucky enough to encounter cruel people in this desolate wasteland, as it helped him to survive and evade dangerous individuals that constantly seek to prey on him due to his vulnerable state.

Meanwhile, Hansel seemed determined to make this arrangement work for the best interest of the unfortunate child in need of parental guidance.

"His good child, Danny, I assure. He had been through a lot, and so have you; wouldn't it be better to get to know one another as fellow members of this community?" Finding friendship in time like this is crucial to survive from harsh or unknown threats lurking about outside of these walls. "Trust me, he will do a fine job as your son, just as I'm sure you'll become a wonderful father to him."

Secretively freaking out about this, he doesn't know this kid nor cares about him in the slightest. While he does feel pity for him, a person with no memories of his past prior to waking up is the first thing he needs to prioritize to sort out before trying to take care of another individual, especially a child.

"Have you thought about how this would work?" Genuine question voiced by Danny, his eyes fixed intently on his friend, searching for answers amidst the swirling doubts in his mind.

A heartfelt chuckle left the head doctor's lips. "Yes, of course," he replied with a confident tone. "I already had a plan in mind," beginning to explain the logistics, his voice soft yet resolute. "As of right now, I had already contacted several of my staff to redesign the room for three occupants."

His smile grew wider from this. "You'll be in treat once you three arrive back at your room; it's going to be a bumpy ride for everyone, but I believe we all are capable of making it through." These sentences that uttered out of his mouth had caused Danny's entire body to freeze from this mere statement.

"You what?"

Eyes wide from disbelief, Danny listened attentively as Hansel laid out the changes to their living quarters, a mixture of emotions swirling within him. Disbelief, shock, fear, and above all, uncertainty. How could his friend decide something without consulting him first?

He felt like his life was being rearranged without his consent, and the thought was terrifying before realizing the doctor was just doing what is right, or so he believes it to be, "why did you do that?" He was skeptical but curious at the same time.

Hansel then looked directly at Danny, "Because it's the right thing to do." His answer was simple, yet it packed a punch. "Having a room entirely meant for one person is obsolete in this community," he continued. "We need space for each other, for families, for future generations."

His words washed over to anyone listening to this, leaving the boy and the other young man stunned. "I know it's not what you expected, but please try to understand that I do not want anyone to feel left out of the community I have built."

Averting his head away from him, Danny was confused about this whole ordeal. Unable to choose between the life he knows now and the uncertainty that lies ahead, he found himself torn apart. "Hey kid," turning his attention to the nervous boy, "do you want to, you know, be adopted?"

Asking permission or consent is a requirement in this situation rather than just forcing anyone to adapt into a family setup he never desired, "because I am seriously considering this," revealing the thought process he had been going through while conversing with the doctor.

Toby stared back at Danny, unsure of how to respond. This stranger was asking for his consent, something he hadn't expected in this scenario for a kid like himself.

"Shouldn't the adults be making the decision?" The ten-year-old's innocent question voiced his confusion at this peculiar request. "It feels weird for me to decide if I want a dad or not," an awkward pause before he continued, "but...but I guess it makes sense." He understood the reason why the doctor wanted him to have family.

The boy himself had been alone for so long that he barely had any connection with anyone after his parent's death; he knows he has lived long enough to understand the necessity of community in order to survive this harsh world. For how long had he been surviving out there?

Years? Months? Centuries? Everyone in this world is immortal, but his appearance and mindset reminisce to the day he was still a kid: "What do you think, head doctor?" Looking over his own shoulder, he expected the man to say yes.

Instead, he got something unexpected, "I do think you need someone in your life, a guardian or friend," Hansel stated firmly. "It's your choice, Toby; I am not going to force you into anything you're not comfortable with."

Those words sent a jolt of surprise through Danny and Toby as they listened intently to the head doctor's response. It was something neither had anticipated, a choice given to the child himself rather than being pushed into this unfamiliar arrangement against his will by someone older and wiser than him.

Nodding his head, Danny agreed with his friend's unexpected response. "I agree; it's the choice someone has to make," he glanced over at Toby. "So what do you say?" Waiting patiently for his reply, he knows that whatever Toby decides is final.

Either way, he is prepared to face the consequences, ready to accept either outcome from the child's decision, whether it be acceptance or refusal, knowing that it is someone's choice that matters most in this instance, not his own or anyone else.

Thinking long and hard, Toby frown lines creased his forehead, brow furrowed, pondering over this momentous decision that could change the trajectory of his life forever.

Glancing the two men to one another, his eyes flicked between Danny and the head doctor before darting away, mind racing, heart pounding in his chest as he weighed the pros and cons of this sudden arrangement until his attention switched over to Unity, "this woman." Slightly moving the side of his head to the trans girl, "is she your sister?"

Danny almost laughed aloud at the boy's blunt question, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "No, we are not siblings," he chuckled softly, although hints of skepticism were still lingering about who she is to him. "Unity is a mentally retarded individual who needs assistance."

As he said those words, the doctor's face was replaced with pure anger from the way the young man spoke disrespectfully about someone who is considered by others a special type of person, causing Hansel to raise his voice.

"You don't have to talk about her like that!"

Caught off guard, Danny jerked back slightly, eyes widening at the head doctor's outburst, "What?"" Confused and defensive, he flinched at the man's reaction, not expecting him to react so strongly to such a truthful term, "she is; what else can I call her?" Until he remembered how rude it was to speak about someone in a derogatory manner.

"Sorry," he mumbled, "I didn't mean to offend her or anyone else." A show of remorse spawned from the realization that even though he hated being tied down in some ways, he couldn't afford to lose his manners.

After hearing something so callous, Toby was ready to make the decision of not being adopted, but when he saw the young man showing genuine remorse for the ways he spoke negatively towards Unity, he decided to let his previous dislike go and forgive him, seeing how this person doesn't continue to be cruel, unlike his bullies.

"Okay," Toby finally spoke up, breaking the heavy silence. "I decided." The sudden affirmation made Danny gulp nervously. "You can be my adoptive father." His words carried the weight of a promise, sealing their new relationship. "Just remember, we are not son or father yet, so don't assume we have this family bond right away," he added firmly, establishing boundaries in this new arrangement.

Loss for words, Danny doesn't know to feel great about being father or horrified altogether. However, he trusts Toby's judgement to a certain degree; figuring out the boy's boundaries is something he must understand sooner than later.

"Alright then," nodding slowly, he managed to murmur. A meaningful exchange occurred between the two as Danny held a newfound respect for the kid, recognizing the strength in him choosing for themselves. Although he is still unsure about the potential problems and work he has to endure from now on.

The head doctor was relieved to hear that but still hadn't forgotten about Danny's manners of speaking ill to someone who I like as a family member in this community.

"You know, Danny," his voice laced with caution, "please treat everyone with the respect they deserve, regardless of their abilities or conditions," gentle but firm reminder, "everyone here deserves dignity," a statement that struck a chord within the young man, realizing the error of his ways from the mere tone of those words he spoke to a person who is special in way.

"This is making me feel terrible person, you know that doctor?"

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