Chapter 26

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Through the bustling metropolis of morning city, Sunny walked down the streets with his glasses on as the twins silently followed suit from behind, their eyes peeled for any sign of danger.

The city was still alive, like always, with a hum of activity all around them. People moved with purpose; the air was filled with the smells of food and the sounds of a thousand conversations. It's like any other day except there are more Angeloids armed to the teeth, and they're becoming more common than ever before.

Squads of them with their advanced manufactured weapons had began patrolling the city, their eyes scanning the crowd with movements efficient and precise. The presence of the androids was more apparent now, with the threat of murderer in the loose looming over the inhabitants of the Ark had made the city become highly alert after receiving the first mass killing in the past hundreds of years.

The thought of a very powerful Esper who could cause so many deaths with little time had made the authorities search for the perpetrator responsible in any means necessary.

Not only were there more battle-hardened androids ready to enforce the peace without momentary notice, The sight of moving cameras being visibly seen in undisclosed or isolated spots around them had made certain places a no-go zone when doing suspicious activities.

However, the sight of these events coming together made him question their claim to promote a secure, pain-free, and peaceful life. The idea of a utopia seems to be slipping away from him as the cracks in the foundation start to show.

Is the Angeloids saying who they truly are to be? Sunny thought with a frown. Are they really the guardians and caretakers of humanity, or are they just a group of highly advanced machines designed to create false illusions just to control people as if mankind were just pets to them?

Or worse, to keep a close eye on them to ensure no one would rise against them and continue their reign? So many questions now plague his mind, the answers to which seemed to elude him when he needed them the most, are beginning to disappear bit by bit.

With this revelation in mind, he would start right away by picking up his earphones to vibe to his music while his worries began to slip away like sand from his fingers.

He would start to let the beat of the song flow through him, allowing the rhythm to wash over him in a soothing wave of sound. There are so many pressing matters that he can't just ignore them anymore. They aren't the run-of-the mill problems any average Joe would have. Instead, it was the consequences he had brought to himself and his own family.

Looking down with his head low, Sunny walked aimlessly, like a controlled puppet being guided by invisible strings. His thoughts were consumed by the need to prepare for the inevitable.

And moreover, remembering the words of being called a monster, murderer, and serial killer even though those people don't have a clue of the situation that he got himself into, as he can't hate those who are misguided by what they believed to be a terrible scene in front of them. With this notion in hand, it still gives him a bad taste of bitterness in his mouth.

Words hurt people, and he hoped that someday those who have the power to spread such poisonous words will learn to think before they speak.

Lashing out at them despite wanting to is not worth the trouble; the desire of correcting them after being called to do something he didn't actually do is borderline irritating to some extent. He knows he did the right thing when he defended Tom and the old man's father, but his own life is about to change from one bold and heroic act of doing what he believes to be the right thing to do.

"Sunny, can I ask you something?" Mei suddenly chimed in; her curious yet suspicious tone of voice caught his attention. "Where were you and Lei prior to coming home at such a late hour?" She asked with a furrowed brow, the concern in her eyes evident.

"I saw the news this morning, and it's been weighing heavy on my mind. It's hard not to connect the dots and worry, especially when my sister and yourself were in a dangerous moment." Her once warm eyes turned cold as they met his. "Please, tell me the truth."

Lei looked horrified, her face drained of all colors as she desperately tried to speak defensively on his behalf. "wait sister! Let me explain for him," she interjected before her own eyes widen in disbelief at the sight of her twin.


Something is wrong with her sister. She always knew her sibling was always humorous, friendly, and cheerful, but the complete seriousness coming from her expression alone had caused Lei to start sweating bullets at what had become of her.

Was it because of the news? Its obvious conclusion for Lei as it dawned on her. Her sister must've grown stricter out of the safety of their own family.

Understandable reason as a protective loved one would do similar act, but still, the sudden change in her sibling's demeanor was enough to know there is something still wrong. The realization they were having was like a sinking ship; the anticipation surrounding them became an oncoming storm heading in their direction unless they acted quickly to prevent the worst from happening.

Turning around without his shoulder bag after having forgotten to bring it with him, Sunny let out a long sigh from his breath before he spoke with a calm and composed voice, "Mei, I promise I'm fine. And we weren't in any danger that night; in fact, me and Lei were just visiting friends." With the icy chill in the Angeloid's gaze looking back at him had made him wince a little.

"We were hanging out in his home and had left right as the trouble started." Lying is impossible to Angeloid when they can analyze and judge based on one's body movements and its pattern but its better than nothing.

However, he knows a trick of passing that, whilst not being one hundred percent sure it will work, "were fine, Mei, no need to worry," smiling through his teeth, Sunny forced himself and his way of thinking to believe the lie he made up is true rather than false.

Silently praying for this to work and hoping Mei would go along with this made-up truth he just created in hopes of not making the situation worse for me, Lei, or the entire family at large. All he wanted was to enjoy the time he had left.

Isn't that so much to ask?

Narrowing her eyes, Mei suspiciously scans and analyzes everything about him. From his breathing pattern, heart, movement, body language, and blinking, as well as other minuscule details, No matter how much she tried, there was no ounce of half-liar or complete fabrication in the young man's response.

Making her sigh with relief of her suspicions about him, "Goodness Sunny, I'm glad to hear that, and I believe you. But please, next time, just tell me and your father where you're going, alright?" The concern in her eyes softened as she gave him a reassuring smile.

Blinking twice, Sunny nodded in agreement and relief. "I promise, Mei. We'll be more careful next time. Thank you for understanding," he said in good spirits, his eyes showing genuine gratitude for accepting his made-up truth even though he feels bad for doing that.

Although he had good reasons to make up the lie to protect the ones he loves from the impending doom that is soon to come, Remind yourself that he will keep telling himself about his actions to ease the guilt that comes with them.

"Come on!" Rushing towards his side, Lei swiftly grabbed his arm as she pushed themselves forward, continuing their path of walking. "We don't want to be late at school, do we?" She mirthfully asked, her smile beaming brightly as if nothing had happened a few moments ago.

"Let's go," she whispered quietly, her lips brushing his ears, "or else my sister would continue to ask more questions." The worrying idea of their own family member is never a far-fetched idea in the first place.

"You two are free to go," Mei dismissively waved them, catching them off guard by her nonchalant demeanor once again. "Unfortunately, I have other things to do in the household," she said with a faint smile, her eyes glancing over the ever-present androids patrolling the streets.

"So take care, the both of you," she said, bowing gently to them, her eyes now even more distant as if she were looking at the horizon. Causing the atmosphere to be tense from the unusual feeling they are getting from her.

Glancing at one another with unspoken words being exchanged between them, Sunny and Lei don't have a clue how to make sense of the situation. The strange feeling coming from their own sibling is enough to know something was amiss.

They then nod to each other, the silent agreement of keeping the odd occurrence a secret from the rest of the family as no one is sure what each other is planning to do next. "Oh, alright then..." He hesitantly said, finding the turn of events uncomfortable and weird.

As the two turned and left, Mei stood at her spot, her eyes glued to their departing forms. Her mind whirled with the thought of what she had just witnessed.

It was an act of defiance, a challenge to the system that they had all been a part of. She had seen the fear in her own sister's eyes when she began questioning Sunny—a spark of a fire that she had never thought they would be able to show. While her analysis said he was telling the truth, something about Lei's response to the interrogation was suspicious enough to be unwarranted.

"What are you two hiding?" She muttered under her breath, her eyes narrowing, and slowly formed a plan in her mind—a plan that would bring the truth to light and protect her family from the unknown danger that was lurking in the shadows.

"I'm still not sure if you are the person responsible for the mass killings that had transpired last night," despite the fact that, the fact that, in her deepest, nonexistent heart, she does not want to believe that he is the individual responsible for those deaths.

But when she heard him cursing himself for being investigated, It still brings further questions to her mind. The very same thoughts that haunted her since the news broke out, "Sunny..." Covering her mouth, she looked down, ashamed and horrified at the chance he was the killer they were looking for.

"I can't imagine you being the one to commit such a heinous act," she said, the words trembling in her voice, her eyes now filled with tears of betrayal and loss of innocence.

She, Lei, and Nelson, along with Bubbles, loved each other just as they loved him. So to even think that he is the monster they had been warned about is too much to bear. But at the same time, she could not ignore the nagging doubt that lingered in the back of her mind.

If bringing him to jail would fix whatever problem Sunny has that made him commit in performing those horrific acts, then she is sure enough their lives will be back the way they were before things went south after bringing him to her other sisters besides Lei.

The only problem is, if she does find Sunny to be the person responsible, how could she convince his father? Like any loving father would do, Nelson wouldn't dream of believing anything bad about his son, the apple of his eye, or the pride of his child's upbringing is challenging obstacle to overcome.

She had to find a way to prove her point when the time comes to show everyone the evidence that was right in front of them. But she herself isn't sure if she can process it if her own doubt is going against her deep care and love to Sunny as if he was her little brother.

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